Online History Course to be completed

15 Chapter = 4 units, approximately 2 quizes

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1 semester exam


1 Final,

Cornell style notes,  
                                                                                                                           questions for each chapter to be answered,                                                                                videos to watch and answer questions, final exam etc.

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there are deadlines throughout the course and the course has already started. 🙁 looking for someone to give me an “A” and submit on time. there is a deadline quickly approching for Unit 3 which consist of 3 chapters, notes, due 6/28/13


will pay USD91.67 per unit (for an “A” and ontime submissions) – including quizes, exam final (4 units in total). this would be a total of USD550.00


Therefor I will pay USD91.67 per unit fully completed and on time. Thanks!


I am in an in class math and working with a tutor so I am finding I do not have time to complete the history. 🙁

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