The Report from the Indian River Lagoon Field trip should be written in the format of a scientific paper. The paper should be 4 pages long.
Abstract – A short summary of the paper, about 1 paragraph long.
Introduction – Background on the Indian River Lagoon, about 1 page long. This section should include the purpose of the field trip.
Methods – Detailed description of the materials and methods used to collect the data, including any data analysis. Include sampling locations.
Results – Any graphs and analyses on the data you collected with a description of the analyses.
Discussion – Can be combined with the Results (Results & Discussion). Explain what the data shows. Connect it back to the lagoon, i.e. if you sampled in Crane Creek, at the mouth and 3 miles away, use the salinity and locations in relation to freshwater inputs to explain the patterns you saw.
see the attached files
Introduction to Oceanography
Indian River Lagoon Field Report
The Report from the Indian River Lagoon Field trip should be written in the format of a
scientific paper. The paper should be no more than 6 pages long.
Abstract – A short summary of the paper, about 1 paragraph long.
Introduction – Background on the Indian River Lagoon, about 1 page long. This section
should include the purpose of the field trip.
Methods – Detailed description of the materials and methods used to collect the data,
including any data analysis. Include sampling locations.
Results – Any graphs and analyses on the data you collected with a description of the
Discussion – Can be combined with the Results (Results & Discussion). Explain what the
data shows. Connect it back to the lagoon, i.e. if you sampled in Crane Creek, at the mouth
and 3 miles away, use the salinity and locations in relation to freshwater inputs to explain
the patterns you saw.
References – Cite any sources you use in your introduction and discussion using the format
shown below. Sources may include scientific papers from peer reviewed journals (which
will also help with formatting), websites (.edu or .gov only, websites ending in .org or .com
must be approved) including Smithsonian Marine Station Indian River Lagoon website
( and associated pages. Wikipedia should not
be used as a source for this paper. The Marine Resources Council page can be used as a
source (
Examples of in-text citations
The biological integrity and overall quality of the Indian River Lagoon has been declining
over the past 50 years (Steward et al. 1994).
Examples of how to cite references
Kennish MJ (1990) Ecology of estuaries. CRC Press: Boca Raton, Fl.
Scientific Article:
Hargraves PE (2002) Diatoms of the Indian River Lagoon, Florida: An annotated account.
Florida Scientist 65: 225-244.
National Weather Service (2007): http//
Depth profiling
How to do the figure
step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
For the series name
you have to choose
for example(creek)
Step 5
for the X values
Step 6
For the Y values
Then you will do the same thing for other
column, to complete the figure
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
The final figure it should be like this format
Result// data