NTC 362 Week 5 Individual INDP Final Project

Write a 2- to 4-page paper that includes the following based on your Organization: 

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Create a 7-10 slide PowerPoint presentation on the major points of your INDP Project as if you were presenting for a business audience.


Address the following in your paper:

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·         Analyze the existing security situation in the organization.

·         Identify the predominant electronic and physical threats to communications networks.

·         Describe potential threat detection and protection techniques.

·         Describe how firewalls mitigate some network attack scenarios.

·         Describe common security concerns inherent to wired, wireless, and mobile networking.

·         Use sources for your paper.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


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Write a 2-4 page paper on Network Security, your paper should include the following topics:


·         How a secure computing environment should be designed.

·         What types of devices are available today to secure a corporate network, for example virus detection, firewalls, and wireless security?

·         What types of skills will a person need to manage the security for your network?

·         Use sources for your paper. 

Complete your Learning Team Evaluation.

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