NR224 Fundamentals: Skills
RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
This assignment increases the students’ awareness of the National Patient Safety Goals developed by The Joint
Commission. Specifically, this assignment will introduce the Speak Up Initiatives, an award-winning patient safety
program designed to help patients promote their own safety by proactively taking charge of their healthcare.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO #2: Apply the concepts of health promotion and illness prevention in the laboratory setting. (PO #2)
CO #8: Explain the rationale for selected nursing interventions based upon current nursing literature. (PO #8)
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to
this assignment.
Total points possible: 50 points
Preparing the assignment
1. Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
a. Select a Speak Up brochure from The Joint Commission website.
b. Write a short paper reviewing the brochure. Use the Grading Criteria (below) to structure your critique.
c. Include current nursing or healthcare journal article to support your critique.
2. Include the following sections
a. Introduction of brochure (3 points/6%)
Includes brochure title
Identifies date published
Describes individuals or groups
Brochure properly cited, included on reference list, and submitted with assignment
b. Summary of article (5 points/ 10%) -brochure citation required
Explain the main topics discussed
c. Communication (5 points/10 %) -brochure citation required
Review information that promotes communication between patients and healthcare providers
d. Personal Reflection (2 points /4%)
Why did this topic interest you?
e. Evaluation of brochure (14 points/28% total (2 points each) (Brochure & nursing article must be cited)
Was the information provided in the brochure beneficial? Could you incorporate it in your patient
What was done well, and what could have been improved in the brochure?
Was the information presented clearly?
Did current nursing or healthcare related research article support the information presented in the
What population or individuals does this article apply to (i.e., who will benefit the most from this
Who else can use this information?
Will this information increase patient safety?
f. Evidence Review & Application (5 points/10% total)
Evidence was integrated from a recent (5 years) scholarly nursing journal article to support your answers.
g. Conclusion (5 points/10%)
i. Restates main ideas
ii. Includes supporting information from body of paper
NR224 RUA Safety Goals Guidelines V5.doc
Revised: JAN21
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills
RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
iii. Summarizes the benefits of following the brochure’s advice to a person at risk
h. APA style and structure (2 points/4%)
i. Adheres to current APA edition formatting guidelines for title page, margins, in-text citations, and
ii. Section headers are required
a. Summary of Brochure
b. Patient Communication
c. Personal Reflection
d. Evaluation of Brochure
e. Evidence Review and Application
f. Conclusion
iii. Paper is no longer than three (3) pages, excluding title page, reference page, and copy of brochure
a. Extra pages will not be read or contribute to the assignment grade
i. Clarity of writing (9 points/18%)
i. Proper use of Standard English
ii. Shows original thought
iii. No spelling or grammar errors
iv. Information presented in a logical progression
For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the Citing Library Sources page in the online library.
Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you
fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.
NR224 RUA Safety Goals Guidelines V5.doc
Revised: JAN21
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills
RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
Grading Rubric: Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.
Assignment Section and
Required Criteria
(Points possible/% of total points available)
Introduction of Brochure
(3 points/6%)
Required Criteria
Includes brochure title
Identifies date published
Describes individuals or groups
Brochure properly cited, included on reference list,
and submitted with assignment
Summary of Brochure
(5 points/10%)
Required Criteria
1. Review the main topics
Highest Level of
High Level of
Level of
Level of
2 points
1 point
0 points
Includes no less
than 3 required
Includes no less
than 2 required
Section not
present or
includes less
than 1
3 Points
Includes no less than 4 required
5 points
0 points
Includes no less than 1 required criteria.
Section not present
5 points
0 Points
Required Criteria
1. Includes information to promote communication
between patients and healthcare providers
Includes no less than 1 required criteria.
Section not present.
Personal Reflection
(2 points/ 4%)
2 points
0 Points
Includes no less than 1 criteria.
Section not present
2 points
0 points
Patient Communication
(5 points/10%)
Required Criteria
1. Why did this topic interest you?
Evaluation of Brochure
14 points total—2 points each
(14 points/28 %)
NR224 RUA Safety Goals Guidelines V5.doc
Revised: Jan 2021
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills
RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
Required Criteria
Includes no less than 1 criteria.
Section not present
Includes no less than 1 criteria.
Section not present
Required Criteria
Includes no less than 1 criteria.
Section not present
Required Criteria
Includes no less than 1 criteria.
Section not present
Required Criteria
Includes no less than 1 criteria.
Section not present
Required Criteria
Includes no less than 1 criteria.
Section not present
Required Criteria
Includes no less than 1 criteria.
Section not present
5 points
0 points
Includes no less than 1 criteria.
Does not include criteria
Was the information provided in the brochure
beneficial? Could you incorporate it in your patient
Required Criteria
What was done well, and what could have been
improved in the brochure?
Was the information presented clearly?
Did current nursing or healthcare related research
support the information presented in the brochure?
What population or individuals does this brochure apply
to (i.e., who will benefit the most from this brochure)?
Who else can use this information?
Will this information increase patient safety?
Evidence Review & Application
(5 points /10%)
Required Criteria
1. Evidence from a recent (5 years) scholarly nursing journal
article was integrated within the Evaluation of Brochure
section to support your answers.
(5 points/10%)
Required criteria
1. Restates main ideas
2. Includes supporting information from body of
3. Summarizes the benefits of following the
brochure’s advice to a person at risk
NR224 RUA Safety Goals Guidelines V5.doc
5 points
4 points
Includes no less than 3 required criteria. Includes no less
than 2
requirements for
Revised: Jan 2021
2 points
0 points
Present, yet
includes no
required criteria.
Section not
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills
RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
APA Style and Organization
(2 points/4%)
Required criteria
1. Adheres to current APA edition formatting
guidelines for title page, margins, and in-text
citations, and references
2. Section headers used
a. Summary of Brochure
b. Patient Communication
c. Personal Reflection
d. Evaluation of Brochure
e. Evidence Review and Application
f. Conclusion
3. Paper is no longer than three (3) pages, excluding
title page, reference page, and copy of brochure.
a. Extra pages will not be read or contribute to
the assignment grade
Clarity of Writing
(9 points/18%)
Required criteria
Proper use of Standard English
Shows original thought
No spelling or grammar errors
Information presented in a logical progression
2 points
0 points
Includes all required criteria
9 points
8 points
Includes no less
than 4
requirements for
Includes no less
than 3
requirements for
Does not include all required
7 points
Includes no less
than 2
requirements for
6 points
Includes 1
requirement for
0 points
for this
Total Points Possible = 50 points
NR224 RUA Safety Goals Guidelines V5.doc
Revised: Jan 2021
What you should know about adult
depression was developed in collaboration with
American Psychiatric Association
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Mental Health America
NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems
National Association of Social Workers
Depression is a common, but serious condition. The good
news is that you are not alone and you can get better and
feel like yourself again. This brochure gives you information
about depression, questions to ask a doctor or therapist,
and advice on how to speak up if you or a loved one
needs help.
What are the warning signs of
q Feeling sad, down, irritable, nervous, or out of sorts
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
q Loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
National Institute of Mental Health
What you
should know
about adult
Everybody feels blue or sad sometimes. Depression is
more than just feeling sad. When you are depressed you
lose interest in activities, and you may feel overwhelmed,
agitated or isolated. You may feel like things will never get
better. If you have these feelings for two weeks or longer,
you may be depressed.
q Feeling worthless, guilty, hopeless, or helpless
q Eating more or less than usual
q Difficulty thinking or making decisions
q Little or no interest in sex
q Low energy, tiredness
The Joint Commission is the largest health care
accrediting body in the United States that
promotes quality and safety.
q Feeling restless or agitated
Helping health care organizations help patients
q Talking about or having thoughts of death or suicide
q Sleeping more or less than usual
q Withdrawal from others
Get help now if you are thinking about suicide!
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
at 800-273-TALK(8255) or go to
You can also call 911 or go to an emergency room.
Who can be affected by depression?
What are your treatment options?
What should you know about medicines?
What can you do to feel better?
Depression can affect anyone at any age. The following
may put you at risk:
Your options may include talk therapy or counseling, medicines,
support groups, and other help. The treatments often work
better when they are used together.
You may be prescribed medicine for your depression. Work
with your doctor to find one that works well for you. Make sure
you provide a list of your current medicines and supplements.
Feeling better takes time. There are many things you can
do to help your treatment be successful. Your doctor or
therapist can give you advice on where to start. You should:
Can you get better without treatment?
q You
should know:
• There are different medicines that are used
to treat depression.
• You may have to try more than one.
• It may take a while to get the right dose.
your treatment plan. Talk to your doctor or
q Follow
therapist if you need to change something.
q Family
history of depression, bipolar disorder, or
substance abuse
q Having
another mental health condition, such as:
• Previous episode of depression
• Post traumatic stress disorder
• Anxiety disorder
• Alcohol and other substance abuse
q Stressful
life events, such as divorce, job loss or
the death or illness of someone close to you; even
positive events such as a baby, marriage, graduation,
or new job
q Trauma,
such as childhood neglect or abuse,
experiencing or witnessing violence, or
surviving disasters
q Some prescription medicines
q Health
issues, such as:
• Thyroid disease and other hormone disorders
• Cancer
• Diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, multiple
sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke
• Serious injury needing extensive rehabilitation
How can you get help? Where do
you start?
The important thing is to speak up and ask for help.
Talk to a friend, family member, doctor, or reach out
to someone in your faith community. A doctor can
help determine what is going on, why it is happening,
and how to help. See if there is an employee assistance
program, known as an EAP, at your job. You can also
call the local community mental health center, a therapist,
or a help line.
Depression can be damaging when left untreated. It can lead to
relationship problems, unemployment, and even suicide. Do not
wait and hope that the symptoms will go away. Drugs or alcohol
may seem like a quick fix, but they can make your depression
worse. Do not be ashamed or embarrassed to seek treatment.
You deserve treatment. Treatment works.
What should you know about therapy?
Talk therapy is an effective way to treat your depression.
Therapy can help you learn about your depression and find
ways to manage it. You should feel safe and comfortable
discussing your thoughts and feelings with your therapist.
If you feel therapy is not working, it is OK to ask for a referral
to someone else. You should also ask:
q You
should ask:
• Why is the medicine right for you?
• What are the side effects?
• What if you miss a dose?
• What if you are pregnant or thinking
of getting pregnant?
• What should you do if the medicine makes
you feel worse?
q Stick
to your daily routine. Go to work. Go to school.
Get out of the house. See other people.
Can a family member or friend help you?
q Spend time outdoors
q Have they treated someone with symptoms like yours?
Depression can make it hard to reach out to people for help.
However, isolating yourself can make your depression worse.
It may be good to have a family member or friend, also called
an advocate, be a partner in your care. Your advocate can:
q How long should treatment last?
q Help you make and get to appointments
q How
do they develop a treatment plan? The plan should
be based on your needs, strengths, preferences, and goals.
q Write down instructions and ask questions
q How will therapy help you?
q What kind of therapy do they recommend?
• DO NOT abruptly stop treatment or medicines if
things are not working. Be patient. It may take time
to see improvements.
• DO NOT abruptly stop treatment or medicines
if you are feeling better. This could cause the
depression to return.
q Is treatment confidential?
q M
otivate you and help you focus on your strengths and
goals for treatment
q What
is their availability after hours? On weekends?
In case of emergency?
q Recognize changes in your condition
q Ask for help if you are not getting what you need
q Exercise and eat a healthy diet
q Get enough sleep
q Reduce stress and practice relaxation techniques
q Join a support group
q Be good to yourself. Depression is not your fault.
Where can you find more information?
Information and referrals, 800-950-NAMI (6264)
or NAMI HelpLine,
Locate a treatment program,
Mental Health First Aid,
Mood disorder information and referrals, 800-826-3632,
Help in paying for medicines,
The goal of the Speak Up™ program is to help patients become more informed and involved in their health care.