Northern Virginia Community College Create a Java Program Computer Programming Task

• Methods• File i/o
String Methods
Write a Java program to do the following.
• Create one array named best Picture[]
– This array will have a size of 6
• Load this array with data from this file. The file has 6 records in it.
-This file holds the movie titles for the different years.

• Display this menu to the user
“Select a YEAR to see the Best Picture Academy Award for that year. 2014-2019”
• Write a method to validate that the user entered 2014 – 2019.
Display the selected movie to the user
• Use a String method to combine the year and the Movie Name
For example, the output might look something like this:
“Best Picture 2019 – The Shape of Water”
– This array will have a size of 6
• Load this array with data from this file. The file has 6 records in it.
– This file holds the movie titles for the different years.
– movies.txt
• Display this menu to the user
“Select a YEAR to see the Best Picture Academy Award for that year. 2014
• Write a method to validate that the user entered 2014 – 2019.
Display the selected movie to the user
• Use a String method to combine the year and the Movie Name
– For example, the output might look something like this:
“Best Picture 2019 – The Shape of Water”
• Comment you code thoroughly.
• Make sure that your code is KISS
Have a great summer. You are done…
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