Network and DataBase

Please go thru the attachment and Bid only if you can do perfect work. I need perfect work for this, Due on Dec-07 EOD.

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I have 3 more assignments in pipeline but once I get perfect work for this then only I can post the other three.

User Requirements Analysis

NQF Level 5

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Assignment 1 (of 2) – SDLC Models, Analysis and Design Modelling

Weighting: 80%

Hand Out: 7th October 2013

Submission dates:

Submission Date: Thursday 12th December 2013 by 23.55 pm

Submission Location: Upload to Moodle


You currently have a junior analyst role with Technical Solutions Ltd, and within the next few months, you will complete a professional placement at an end-user organisation based upon your knowledge, skills and understanding. In order to prepare for this, there are three challenging but suitable projects in need of requirements analysis. Working as a group you will produce a final analysis report that must be completed by 23.55 p.m on Thursday 12th December.

Assignment brief

Scenario 1 – Networking pathway interest

Scenario 2 – Internet Applications interest

Scenario 3 – Technical Support interest

Scenario 1

HE Computing – a Bradford College academic department has recently had a 10% increase in student enrolments. This has placed an increased demand on student resources – particularly in the areas of networking and technical support. There is a need for a third networking laboratory with up to 20 PCs. Students will require general access to these PCs and will be expected to use the equipment to create user accounts, troubleshooting technical problems, install software and configure hardware. The machines in the new laboratory will be networked independently to the main College network. This independent setup will require suitable levels of security.

Scenario 2

Custom Stitches are an established designer clothing business for women, based on the outskirts of York. Custom Stitches are a team of eight, composing of a manager, design team of five, and two sales representatives. Their current dilemma is that they have not continually sustained an increase in profit for the last five years. All staff are web savvy and have embraced mobile phone and Internet use in their daily lives and are keen users of Facebook and EBay. Their customers and suppliers have recommended that they invest in an e-store, with facilities for ordering and online payments. Custom Stitches are keen to use the opportunities of free advertising such as Google Adwords and popular services such as PayPal. Custom Stitches wish to pursue this challenge and welcome any investigation that is required.

Scenario 3

Chapel Allerton Secondary School have recently expanded and acquired two further buildings and a suite of networked PCs and shared peripherals. The IT department requires a technical support solution that addresses the systems management, helpdesk management and troubleshooting needs of its users.

Spiceworks has been suggested as an integrated Technical Support solution.

Part 1 – Group Tasks (80%)

Task 1 (20)

You will be required to attend a meeting as a group on Monday 4th November 2013. The time and venue will be advised.

For your meeting you should prepare a range of questions that will enable you to better understand your chosen scenario and investigate the user requirements. A hard copy of these questions should be submitted to the module tutor prior to the meeting. Upload to Moodle, the interview questions by Wednesday 30th October 2013 by 23.55 pm.

Your group will need to allocate an interviewer and a note-taker for the meeting.

Once the meeting is finished, you should analyse and reflect on the questions and answers and write clear requirements specification that highlights the functional and non-functional requirements for your chosen scenario.

Task 2 (15)

Explain why a hard approach is required for problem solving your selected scenario. Carry out research into TWO design methodologies, review their strengths and weaknesses and their appropriateness of domains and summarise this research. Select an appropriate development approach, and justify your choice.

Task 3 (20)

Create the following requirements documentation. Use a CASE tool (for instance, Microsoft Visio) to create each diagram and include annotations as necessary. State any assumptions that you make.


Construct a use case diagram that captures the requirements for your scenario and identifies interested parties who have an active role to play.


Generate further analysis notes and construct a data model in the form of an initial Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Explain how the entity and referential integrity rules apply to these entities.

Task 4 (25) – Internet Applications pathway

Create the following systems analysis and design documentation. Use a CASE tool to create each diagram and include annotations as necessary. State any assumptions that you make.


Create a context diagram that reflects all inputs and outputs for your scenario required in the system. Illustrate using a CASE tool. State any assumptions that you make.


Decompose the context diagram and produce a level one data flow diagram (DFD). Illustrate using a CASE tool.


Using your Level one DFD, decompose and construct ONE level two diagram. Illustrate using a CASE tool. Justify the purpose of levelling in data-flow diagrams using your constructed diagrams.


Select a process from your Level 2 diagram and devise an appropriate process specification.

Task 4 (25) – Networking Pathway


Provide TWO EXAMPLES of your chosen network topology. Explain why this topology is appropriate for the scenario.


Using your chosen topology create a network design for your chosen scenario using a CASE tool (for instance – Packet Tracer). State any assumptions that you have made.

Task 4(25) – Technical Support Pathway


Provide TWO EXAMPLES of your chosen network topology. Comment on why this topology is appropriate for the scenario.


Provide a template for a computer inventory report with sample data. State any assumptions that you have made.

What you will need to hand in

· One initial group report for the Client questions

· One group report – maximum 2000 words

· A declaration statement that identifies the individual activities of group members and contributions made. You can use your group log on Moodle to provide evidence of this.

Learner Information

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the student should be able to:

1. Use a range of problem solving techniques

2. Analyse user requirements in an organisational context

3. Apply theory to practice in order to generate solutions to a simple problem

4. Critically evaluate a range of business solutions and justify the selection of a recommended approach.

Assessment Weighting

Part 1 – Group Task (80%)

· Task 1 20%

· Task 2 15%

· Task 3 20%

· Task 4 25%

Assessment Criteria

Part 1 – Group Task

· The range and appropriateness of the analytical and practical skills demonstrated

· Breadth and depth of research

· Synthesis of theory and practice

· Appropriateness of conclusions and reflections for your chosen design methodology

Assignment Guidelines

· The assessment has a weighting of 80%. This assignment has a maximum word count of 2000 words. See feedback sheet for marks for each task.

· Make use of the Harvard Referencing Method, and include a list of references

· Conduct relevant and appropriate additional research to support you answers

· Ensure all your diagrams are appropriately labelled. Use a Case tool where appropriate.

· Use an appendix to include any additional work to support your main document. Make sure you reference the Appendix where necessary in the main document.

Work submitted after the deadline date may be penalised under Leeds Metropolitan University Assessment Regulations.

If you feel you will be unable to submit work on time it is in your interest to speak to your Module Tutor and Course Tutor at the earliest possible opportunity. They will advise you on the procedures for seeking an extension and/or applying for mitigating circumstances.

Grading Criteria

Leeds Metropolitan University uses the following indicative taxonomies of achievement.

Excellent Outcome: 70% +

Most of the relevant information/skills accurately deployed.

Excellent grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements.

Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed works objectives.

Above Average Outcome: 60-69%

Most of the relevant information/skills accurately deployed.

Good grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements.

Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work’s objectives.

Average Outcome: 50-59%

Much of the relevant information/skills mostly accurately deployed.

Adequate grasp of the theoretical/conceptual/practical elements.

Fair integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work’s objectives.

Satisfactory Outcome: 40-49%

No major omissions or inaccuracies in the deployment of information/skills.

Some grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements.

Integration of theory/practice/information present intermittently in pursuit of the assessed work’s objectives.

Unsatisfactory Outcome: 30-39%

Knowledge and understanding at limited level; may be errors both in terms of factual knowledge and understanding; expression of ideas not always clear, and argument/discussion weakly structured.

Unsatisfactory Outcome: 15-29%

Knowledge and understanding at limited level shown by significant errors and/or omissions both in terms of factual knowledge and understanding, with tendency to description rather than analysis; may include inability to express ideas clearly, lack of coherence in terms of structure, inclusion of irrelevant material.

Unsatisfactory Outcome: below 15%

Overall lack of relevant information, descriptive not analytical; may also be repetitive, lack organisation, demonstrate inadequate use of language and inability to construct sentences.



Plagiarism is copying from a published text or another student, and passing the work off as your own. You must acknowledge all sources. In text use the HARVARD METHOD with quotation and page numbers for quotes.

Full reference details should be given in the reference list

Unacknowledged paraphrasing may also be plagiarism


For further information please see Bradford College’s Guidelines on Referencing in Academic Writing.

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Bradford College.

Design and Technology

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Networking Technology

NQF Level 5

Assignment 1 (of 1)

Total LAN Solution

Weighting: 100%

Hand out date: W/C 23rd September 2013

Submission dates:

Friday 20th December 2013 by 23:55 Hrs

Submission location: Uploaded to VLE as advised

Bradford College.

Design & Technology

HE Computing

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This module aims to give learners an understanding of the underlying principles of networking and how they are of vital importance to all IT practitioners.

Assignment brief

As a business grows, there is an increased emphasis on being able to effectively deal with customer requests. This brings with it the need to manage this process and provide a high level of service. This assignment requires you to design a suitable network for Cambridge Communications to support two call centres within their head office. Cambridge Communications are an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and need a robust system putting in place to support all their customers with any query, issue or request that they may have. A diagram of their head office building layout is attached (on a separate sheet).

Task 1

Produce a report and simulated network build that shows your suggested design for the senior management of Cambridge Communications. Ensure that your report and build address the following: –

(a) What is the most suitable network type and network topology for Cambridge Communications? Also, describe the advantages and/or disadvantages in implementing your chosen network type and network topology over other choices available. Explain any factors that have influenced your decision.

(b) Briefly explain issues regarding network security and how it can be implemented.

(c) Produce a diagram that shows the topology of your chosen network followed by a cabling diagram so that the exact layout of your solution can be understood. Ensure that your diagrams include networking devices and components and are suitably labelled.

(d) Produce a list of software, hardware and components required to build your chosen network. Briefly explain the role of each item in your list.

(e) Implement your proposed network, ensuring that all aspects are correctly configured (using Packet Tracer network build tool). Ensure that your build has been troubleshooted, tested, and the outputs of this are provided.


List the different protocols that will be used within your network and the role that each one performs. Relate this to the OSI model.

(g) Explain what packets are and how they relate to networking, explaining the whole data transmission process, from source to destination within the LAN and also out onto the Internet. Tie this in with the OSI model.

Your completed report should be uploaded to Moodle by using the appropriate link under the Networking Technology module. Your built network (simulated in Packet Tracer) should also be uploaded using the appropriate link. You should produce no more than 2000 words equivalent for all tasks listed above.

Learner information



Plagiarism is copying from a published text or another student, and passing the work off as your own. You must acknowledge all sources. In text use the HARVARD METHOD with quotation and page numbers for quotes.

Full reference details should be given in the reference list

Unacknowledged paraphrasing may also be plagiarism


For further information please see Bradford College’s Guidelines on Referencing in Academic Writing.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module the student should be able to:
1. Examine network design and networking approaches including factors that influence the choice of networks.
2. Evaluate data transmission, protocols and security in a network environment to determine a suitable network for a given site.
3. Apply underlying concepts and principles of network design to configure and maintain a local area network.

Assessment weighting

· Task 1 100%

Assessment Criteria

· Depth of analysis of client’s problem
· Justification of network approach and problem identification
· Suitability of hardware, software and cabling solution to address the client’s issues
· Level of technical skill evidenced in completed networking solution
· Clarity, depth and accuracy of your completed report
Work submitted after the deadline date may be penalised under Leeds Metropolitan University Assessment Regulations.
If you feel you will be unable to submit work on time it is in your interest to speak to your Module Tutor and Course Tutor at the earliest possible opportunity. They will advise you on the procedures for seeking an extension and/or applying for mitigating circumstances.

Grading Criteria

Leeds Metropolitan University uses the following indicative taxonomies of achievement.

Excellent Outcome: 70% +
Most of the relevant information/skills accurately deployed.
Excellent grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements.
Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work’s objectives.

Above Average Outcome: 60-69%
Most of the relevant information/skills accurately deployed.
Good grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements.
Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work’s objectives.

Average Outcome: 50-59%
Much of the relevant information/skills mostly accurately deployed.
Adequate grasp of the theoretical/conceptual/practical elements.
Fair integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work’s objectives.

Satisfactory Outcome: 40-49%
No major omissions or inaccuracies in the deployment of information/skills.
Some grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements.
Integration of theory/practice/information present intermittently in pursuit of the assessed work’s objectives.

Unsatisfactory Outcome: 30-39%
Knowledge and understanding at limited level; may be errors both in terms of factual knowledge and understanding; expression of ideas not always clear, and argument/discussion weakly structured.

Unsatisfactory Outcome: 15-29%
Knowledge and understanding at limited level shown by significant errors and/or omissions both in terms of factual knowledge and understanding, with tendency to description rather than analysis; may include inability to express ideas clearly, lack of coherence in terms of structure, inclusion of irrelevant material.

Unsatisfactory Outcome: below 15%
Overall lack of relevant information, descriptive not analytical; may also be repetitive, lack organisation, demonstrate inadequate use of language and inability to construct sentences.

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Design & Technology
HE Computing
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