need node js and bootstrap


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For the final project, remember what you wanted to be growing up. Develop a React web application about it with the following requirements:

  1. Create a new React application about your first interest as a child.
  2. Set up at least four pages and use the routing to navigate between the pages.
  3. Include at least four components.
  4. On at least two components, include data in a table, list, or paragraph form by using GraphQL or JSON.
  5. On at least two components, include a form for adding data to a table or a contact form.
  6. Use Bootstrap 5 or CSS to style the pages to make them look presentable.
  7. Zip and submit the files you added or edited only and the application running in screenshots (minimum of 4) or a video screen recording (minimum of 1 minute).

Following is an example of how it could look, but use your creativity to develop any design or topic you like:


the images are just an example of what it should look like

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oh and your going to need node js and bootstrap





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