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TE A9.3, Basic copyediting

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SECTION 1 – Instructions: Edit for proper spelling and punctuation. Mark errors and clearly indicate changes made so they can be identified for other use.

Rural African Farmers and the American coffee Market

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The Mshikamano Farmers Group is an association of small scale coffee farmers in the Mbozi District, a mountanous region of Southwestern Tanzania near the border of Zambia. In 1995 48 family farmers created MFG to consolidate their production and sell their harvest in volume to domestic and International markets. The establishment of MFG has allowed its members to move away from prior dependance on lower-price “farm-gate sales to higher price sales to regional coffee auctions and international buyers.

In the United States, MFG green beans have been roasted, blended, packed and marketed through contracts with various American supermarkets and coffee roasting companies. In 1999, MFG established a partnership with Up-Country International Products, an American company that sells Mshikamano coffee under the Sweet Unity Farms brand. MFG currently sells about 30% of its production to American buyers. its earnings from sales to American company’s average $1 more per kilogram compared to prices it receives at Tanzanian coffee auctions.

MFG has grown rapidly over the past decade in membership and production. The group now includes 300 framing families from 5 local villages. MFG’s combined coffee production has risen to nearly 200 tons per year, and the group generated sales of 272 million Tanzanian shillings(US $245,000) in 2003. Rising global coffee prices are expected to increase the group’s earnings in the near term. MFG provides its members with a wide range of services, including:

• Support for the collectoin, transportation, and raw processing of members’ coffee harvests;

• Negotiation of procesing fees and bulk sales with local curing plants and international purchasers

• Bulk purchase and distribution of essential coffee inputs to members – fertilizer, farm implements, and other tools; and

• Direct marketing to potential American and international coffee roasting companies.

ADF is providing MFG with investmant capitol in the amount of US $210,000 to help it finance a revolving loan fund for its members that will provide farmers with the capacity to purchase new inputs and further expand their production. ADF funds will also provide MFG with marketing funds to establish direct contact with potentail American buyers.

Foundation grants will finance the purchase of pulping and fermentation machines that are used in removing the fruit casing that surrounds freshly picked coffee beans and for curing beans in preparation for roasting. The acquisition of on-site processing equipment will help MFG speed up the market delivery of its harvest and allow the group to take advantage of higher early season prices. The value-added processing equipment will help MFG earn a signifigantly larger share of the profit that is generated by the global exchange of coffee for cash.

In addition, ADF is providing MFG with a special marketing grant of US$18,500 that will allow three of its members to attend the Smithsonian Institution’s 39th Annual Folklife Festival as featured participants in the festival’s new Food Culture USA program. MFG will be one of 3 small producer groups from the developing world that will receive recognition for there successful efforts to market to American consumers.

Overall, it is expected that ADF’s support for MFG will allow the group to:

• expand its membership from 300 to 500

• increase total coffee sales from 272 million Tanzanian shillings (US $245,000) to more than one billion Tanzanian shillings (US $910,000)

• increase average members’ earnings from 220,000 Tanzanian shillings(US $200) to 728,000 Tanzanian shillings ($655)

The projected rise in members’ cash earnings would increse the cash income of MFG members to more than twice Tanzania’s per capita income of US $300.

SECTION 2 – Instructions – Mark changes/answers so they can be identified for other use.

Sentence types

Identify the sentence type—simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex:

1. Since 1974, thousands of papers have addressed the subject of ozone depletion.

2. The first hard evidence that proved a problem existed did not surface until 1985; in that year, Dr. Joe Farman of the British Antarctic Survey team reported finding a hole in the ozone directly over Antarctica.

3. In order to learn more about this Antarctic ozone phenomenon, scientists around the world have joined forces to create the National Ozone Expedition (NOZE).

4. Each year since 1986, these scientists have braved the cold of Antarctica in order to study the ozone depletion patterns that occur there every spring.

Sentence types and punctuation

Punctuate the sentences in order to clarify the structure of clauses and phrases within them.

a. Most of our studies have focused on the response of cultured mammalian cells to toxic inorganics such as cadmium, these in vitro studies benefit from the ease and definition with which cultured cells may be manipulated and from the absence of complicating secondary interactions that occur in vivo.

b. Perhaps the greatest advantage of working with cultured cells however is that it is often possible to derive populations that vary in their response to the agents in question.

c. Because the mechanisms involved in cell damage or protection are often altered specifically in such cells; they provide tools invaluable to identification of these mechanisms and to a definition of their importance in the overall response of the cell.

d. Other substances inhibit digestion of insects, alter insect reproduction to make it less efficient or interfere with insect development.

Restrictive and nonrestrictive modifiers

In each of the following sentences, identify the dependent clause that begins with a relative pronoun. Underline the pronoun and double underline the verb.

a. A Professional Broker Member is any person, who is licensed by the Montana Savings and Loan Department.

c. Present lab equipment allows pulse energy experiments, which require 300,000 kw or less of electric power. New equipment would increase the potential of the lab.

e. Pulse welding can join many metals which are impossible to join by conventional welding methods.

Parallelism, series, and compounds

Each of the following sentences contains faulty parallelism or a double compound punctuated as a series of three. The present punctuation and item structure do not accurately reveal the overall sentence structure. Punctuate and use parallel structure to clarify the relationship of the items.

a. The rehabilitation center is raising funds to purchase Hydro-Therapy bathing equipment, wheelchairs, and to renovate the Hydro-Therapy swimming pool.

c. The virus may cause AIDS, cancer, or even kill.

e. Every week, children in kindergarten through sixth grade walk down to our sites to receive help with their homework, nutrition education and a healthy meal.

Plurals and possessives

Add apostrophes where needed.

a. scanning electron microscopes scan pattern

c. two years ago

e. requirements for the job

Internal sentence punctuation

Correct the punctuation in the following sentences. ]

a. The copy center, like the check cashing service and the convenience store would be open 24 hours each day.

c. If the target goal of 36,000 copies per month billed at $.045 is met the equipment would pay for itself in 2.5 years sooner if the monthly allowance is exceeded.

e. There are two types of ultraviolet (UV) radiation; UV-A and UV-B. UV-A radiation which is frequently used for tanning beds, is lower in energy (longer in wavelength) than UV-B therefore it is considered safer than UV-B radiation. Some experimenters; however, believe that UV-A is just as damaging as UV-B; although higher doses of UV-A are required.

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