Need help with a variables and experiements 4 questions

2 variable questions and to expeirment questions on those variables

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1.  In this experiment, the independent variable is

a. the type of drink participants believed they had (vodka vs. tonic water)

b. participant judgment/memory

c.  the strength of vodka consumed

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d. the location of the experiment (lab vs. bar setting)

2. In this experiment, the dependent variable is:

a. the type of drink participants believed they had (vodka vs. tonic water)

b. participant’s judgment/memory

c. the strength of vodka consumed

d. the location of the experiment (lab vs. bar setting)

3. If this is a true experiment, then the participants were:

a. randomly assigned to either the group that believed they were drinking vodka or the group that was told they were drinking tonic water.

b. randomly assigned to either the independent or the dependent variable.

c. all exposed to the vodka placebo treatment.

d. randomly assigned to the independent vodka condition, and nonrandomly assigned to the memory testing condition.

4. Exploring the relationship between thinking you are drunk and memory/judgment using an experimental method is ideal because:

a.  it is the most difficult research method.

b. it is the method most frequently used by laboratory researchers.

c. it is the method most frequently used in the physical sciences.

d. it is the only method that allows researchers to be positive about cause and effect.

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