After reading the “
Making Sense of Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Practice (DCAP) in Early Childhood Education
” review of the text with the same title, review the “
Guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Action: Using Knowledge of Child Development and Learning in Context
” draft one well written sentence (in your own words) describing your beliefs about each of the six key and interrelated areas of practice:
1. creating a caring community of learners
2. engaging in reciprocal partnerships with families and fostering community connections
3. observing, documenting and assessing children’s development and learning
4. teaching to enhance each child’s development and learning
5. planning and implementing an engaging curriculum to achieve meaningful goals
6. demonstrating professionalism as an early childhood educator.
*The six areas have been reworded and reordered to reflect consistency with the Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators.