need be done in 8 hours


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Midterm 1—Part I

Individual Part (50 points)

Due Thursday, Oct 3rd, 2013, 11:00 am

Please make 2 copies of your exam (one to turn in, one to use for Part II)


A.) You may use any source of information except human resources (you are to complete Part I of the exam without consulting any other person). Textbook, web sources, library sources, etc. are fine. Please list the sources that you have used at the end of each question.

B.) Please type if possible. Feel free to write in figures, drawings, and equations if necessary by hand.

C.) As a rule of thumb, you are not expected to spend more than 1.5 hours per question. This means that you might spend ~1 hour researching the question and 30 minutes writing your answers.

D.) Please provide detailed support for any of your statements or answers. In other words, a simple “yes” or “no”, “agree” or “disagree”, or “I think it is clean”, is not a complete answer and will not receive credit. A complete answer takes the form of “Yes, because … and therefore…” or “I think it is clean because ….”.

E.) There is not necessarily any right or wrong answers to these questions. You will be graded on your ability to think and write critically in addressing these environmental issues. More detailed, supportive responses will be more valued than generalizations.

F.) Please staple all answers together and write your name on each page.

Once you have completed the exam,
Please sign the following statement
: “I have not consulted any other person in completing this INDIVIDUAL Part I of the exam.”


For information purposes only (this will not affect your grade), how much time (hours) did you spend on this exam?


Name ________________________

Midterm Exam– 5 questions, 10 points each (you may use these pages, the backs of these pages, or separate sheets of paper for your responses):

1.) Boston Harbor

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) claims that the $3.8 Billion dollar Boston Harbor Cleanup has been a great success.

a.) Please present evidence (data for a specific parameter) that water quality is better in Boston Harbor than it was 20 years ago? Explain why this data supports your claim that water quality is better now.

(5 points)

b.) What can you do to make the water quality (with respect to this parameter) even better? Extend the data given above into the future. How clean can Boston Harbor water become (with respect to your measurement)? Please be specific.

(5 points)

Name ________________________

2.) Water Cycle

a.) If the Quabbin Reservoir Watershed is 100 km2, the average precipitation in New England is 130 cm/year, and the volume of the Reservoir is 1.5 x 1012 liters, what is the residence time of water in the Reservoir? Please show your calculation and explain all your assumptions. (5 points)
b.) Name 5 contaminants that could make water undrinkable. Why is water containing these contaminants undrinkable (i.e. how does the contaminant affect you)? How can we remove each of these contaminants (there are possibly different methods for each contaminant) to make the water drinkable? Please be specific. (5 points)

Name ________________________

3.) Ecosystems

a.) Design an ecosystem in a glass container 12” x 12” x 12”. (Just describe it and draw it, you don’t have to build it. No shrimp please!) This is a closed system…no gas, liquid, or solid can enter or leave. Light can enter and heat can be transferred through the glass. You can add anything you want before you seal it. Describe what biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components are needed to make this a sustainable ecosystem. What does it mean to be sustainable? (7 points)

b.) Describe the flow of a single
atom in the ecosystem you have created. How long might the carbon atom reside in each reservoir in your cycle? (3 points)

Name ________________________

4.) Photosynthesis

A diatom is type of marine phytoplankton.

a.) Describe three adaptations that a diatom has to survive in the ocean. (6 points)

b.) What limits its growth in the spring? Explain your reasoning. (4 points)

Name ________________________

5.) Carbon Cycling

a.) Explain the variations of carbon dioxide over time. (6 points)

b.) Where does the excess atmospheric carbon dioxide go (6.0 gigatons of C per year enters the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels; yet atmospheric concentrations only increase by 3.2 gigatons of C per year)? (4 points)


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