From Chapter 4
· What are the major chemical groups that comprise minerals (silcates, phosphorites, carbonates, salts. . . )? Give an example of a mineral from each group and what economic value or use that mineral has. Be substantive, complete, and original in your response—do not provide cut-and-paste text. Make sure you give a specific example of each term and use citations as appropriate to support your statements.
From Chapter 5
· Define
batholith, dike, laccolith, pluton, sill, intrusive, and extrusive. Give substantive, complete, and original definitions that are your expressions of the terms or concepts—not cut-and-paste definitions. Make sure that you give a specific example for each term and use citations as appropriate to support your statements.
From Chapter 6
· Define
caldera, flood basalt, pyroclastic rock, shield volcano, strato or composite volano, and two igneous rocks, and phreatic eruption
. Give substantive, complete, and original definitions that are your expressions of the terms or concepts—not cut-and-paste definitions. Make sure tht you give a specific example for each term and use citations as appropriate to support your statements.
From Chapter 7
· Define bedding, evaporite, fossil, strata, detrital sediment, and two sedimentary rocks.
. Give substantive, complete, and original definitions that are your expressions of the terms or concepts—not cut-and-paste definitions. Make you give a specific example for each term and use citations as appropriate to support your statements.
From Chapter 8
· Define
regional metamorphism, shock metamorphism, contact metamorphism, and two metamorphic
Give substantive, complete, and original definitions that are your expressions of the terms or concepts—not cut-and-paste definitions. Make sure you give a specific example for each term and use citations as appropriate to support your statements.