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You are the manager for the Accounting Department at Ryan Associates.

While you were away from the office on a trip recently, you called several

employees in your department. You noticed that the voice mail messages

used by some department members were not very helpful and did not sound

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professional. You have decided to give department members suggestions for

improving their messages and to provide sample messages.

1. Review the guidelines for effective voice mail messages found in this


2. Compose a memo or an e-mail message to the Accounting Department

from you. Use the current date and an appropriate subject line. (If you

are using e-mail, save and print the message. Do not actually send the


3. In the memo or e-mail, mention tactfully that the voice mail messages

used by some department members could be improved. Explain rea-

sons why department members should record an effective voice mail

message to be heard by persons reaching their voice mail. Discuss why

they should leave effective messages for others. Include guidelines for

effective voice mail messages in the memo or e-mail. Include a sample

message that you might record for persons reaching your voice mail.

Also include a sample message you might leave when you reach another

person’s voice mail. Ask department members to prepare and record

effective and professional voice mail messages.

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