Week 5 Discussion
“Business and Government Relations” Please respond to the following:
- Discuss the main reasons why a business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand. Use terms found in Chapter 9 to demonstrate your understanding of the material. You can submit your initial discussion post and responses in either written or video format (2-3 minutes or less).
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Business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand? I believe all individuals have a freedom of expression and beliefs. However, a business includes multiple employees who may not have the same beliefs as the business owner. To that point, I believe a business should not be involved in pollical discussions or take a political stand. My reasons are as follow. If can affect employees which can then affect the ability to hire and retain the best people, who may view your beliefs as a personal attack. Second, it could turn away customers which in the end could hurt a business. Lastly, people do not separate employees from businesses due to the mere fact they view individuals as just that, their business. Politics is fundamentally divisive: even minor differences in opinion can interfere professional relationships, or foster an environment of animosity between co-workers.
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