Read the White Paper by Optimus Information posted in the files section and explain three reasons why/conditions when an open-source software development strategy would be advisable for a startup/entrepreneurial venture AND explain three reasons why/conditions when a proprietary intellectual property strategy would be advisable for software development for a startup/entrepreneurial venture.
Open-Source vs. Proprietary
Software Pros and Cons
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of proprietary vs. open
source software to determine what is best for your business.
White Paper
Open-Source vs. Proprietary Software Pros and Cons
Weighing the Options Between
Open-Source and Proprietary
No single paper can tell you without qualifications which is the best software
development model for your organization to adopt: open source or proprietary.
As with any decision involving significant complexities, the only thing one can
say for sure is “it depends.” What can and will be done here is to provide you
with the arguments for and against each class
of software and outline other factors you must
consider to reach a sound conclusion for your
particular situation.
Although many of the characteristics of open
source versus proprietary software packages
clearly set them far apart, they also share
several features too. The idea that proprietary
and open source solutions are polar opposites
is certainly not true. Software vendors have
built proprietary solutions that they have
later released as open source. Similarly, there
are distributors of license-free, open source
packages who also offer a for-profit, licensed
and proprietary version built upon the original
open source platform.
It might be easier to think of open source
and closed source as simply distinct software
development methodologies that naturally
create their own contexts of interaction based
on their underlying philosophies. In any case,
here is plenty of food for thought upon which
to make your own decision.
Open-Source vs. Proprietary Software Pros and Cons
Pros and Cons of Open-Source
There are two types of open software:
• Project/Community open source is developed and managed by a distributed
community of developers who cooperatively improve and support the
source code without remuneration. These projects may be copyrighted by
the contributors directly but larger projects are typically run by non-profit
foundations. Well-known examples of community open source projects are
Linux and Apache Web Server.
• Commercial Open Source Software, or COSS, is distinguished by open
source software of which the full copyright, patents and trademarks are
controlled by a single entity. The owner only accepts code contributions
if the contributor transfers copyright of the code to this entity. They may
distribute their software for free or a fee. Their business model typically
includes revenue from providing technical support and consulting services.
In terms of revenue from licensing, Red Hat is still the largest COSS company,
but Facebook is the largest COSS code contributor.
1 Free to Try Before You Buy
Community open source is completely free to anyone to download, including source code, for
evaluation. Even COSS vendors usually have a free version of their software packages, which
includes source code. In fact, much open source software, especially OSs, are available as “live”
media, which means you need not actually install the software but instead run it directly from a
DVD or USB flash drive.
2 Free Support
Whether an open source package is being evaluated or integrated commercially, it has the
same global community of users and developers available for asking questions and advice.
Support includes detailed documentation, forums, wikis, newsgroups, email lists and live chat.
None of this costs anything except time.
Open-Source vs. Proprietary Software Pros and Cons
3 Open Standards
Open source communities are leery of proprietary standards, preferring instead to adhere to
open standards around communication protocols and data formats. This aspect meaningfully
improves interoperability within and between open source and proprietary software
including OSs, which in turn means a high level of interoperability for business and customer
applications as well.
4 Fewer Bugs and Faster Fixes
Because large open source software projects can literally have millions of eyes examining the
source code, there is a much higher probability that more bugs are exposed compared to
the code from a proprietary vendor with a far smaller development staff. Furthermore, open
source communities are typically quick to implement a fix or report a workaround. Additionally,
since the source code comes with the software, customers are free to apply their own patches
at will.
5 Better Security
A side effect of the above point is that open source software is more secure overall. Since
the security of proprietary software vendors depends to some extent on their source code
being opaque, it does not follow that security bugs are not present in their software. It is more
probable that the security holes have simply not been found yet.
6 Avoids Vendor Lock-In
Except in the case of COSS, there is minimal reliance on a single vendor or group for continued
improvements, maintenance and support for open source software. Additionally, since the
open source community is distributed and diverse, there is little risk that you will end up
holding orphaned software, which would be the case if the proprietary vendor were to fold or
abandon their project.
1 Reduced Competitive Advantage
If an enterprise is also a software vendor, then building products on open source code affects
the revenue model for the enterprise’s software depending on the open source licensing
agreement. Also, an organization’s core competency could be partially diluted if the value
of the proprietary code built on top of the open source platform is not enough to offset the
lowered barrier to entry of competitors that could build a similar product on top of the same
open source code.
Open-Source vs. Proprietary Software Pros and Cons
2 Minimal Support Leverage
Large open source projects have a vast, supportive community that provides documentation,
tools and support systems to back up users of the software. Free support is not always the
fastest support, however, especially if the enterprise is seeking a solution to a thorny problem
resulting from seemingly random code bugs, design flaws or integration difficulties. Larger
enterprises with the ability to pay for top-tier support packages can expect prompt and
detailed attention that is rarely available from open source communities.
3 Usability
Open source projects, even COSS, are complex packages of software that are not as closely
aimed at markets of unskilled end users as is much proprietary software. Unskilled users will
never look at the source code let alone compile it. This aspect explains why open source
Apache Web Server is the leading deployment in data centers, but desktop Linux has barely
penetrated the PC market where alternate, easy-to-use products already exist that do not have
to compete based on high performance metrics.
4 Increased Business Risk
Aside from Red Hat, large financially strong open source software vendors are few and far
between. Although great products may come from smaller, more nimble companies, there is a
significantly higher risk that they will not be there when you need them the most.
Open-Source vs. Proprietary Software Pros and Cons
Pros and Cons of Proprietary
1 Usability
Commercial, proprietary products are typically designed with a smaller scope of features and
abilities. They are focused on a narrower market of end users than those products developed
within open source communities. Commercial vendors’ users may include developers utilizing
a firm’s APIs and libraries, but they are just as often to be composed of application users
more concerned with ease-of-use and functionality than how those aspects are accomplished
behind the screen.
2 Product Stability
Proprietary software vendors must, if they are to survive, maintain tight control of their
product roadmap. Their products are designed from the start to nurture a long and prosperous
future with many paid upgrades along the way. Putting aside the arguments that proprietary
software can become stale if not re-architected at regular intervals, in general it exhibits a
stability that often exceeds that of open source software.
3 Ownership
A company building upon proprietary software may pay a bigger fee for acquisition, but
typically that acquisition includes full rights to the ownership of their own software product
and the expectation that the vendor will promptly supply them with updates, bug fixes and
revised documentation as new product versions are released.
4 Tailored Support
Customer support packages from larger closed source vendors are specifically designed
and fine-tuned for their own products over many years. Since the scope of their software is
typically narrower than that from open source projects, training and after-sale support is more
complete, accessible and succinct. There is a huge difference between posing questions in
an online open source forum compared to receiving support directly from technical reps or
consultants from a proprietary software firm, especially at integration time.
Open-Source vs. Proprietary Software Pros and Cons
1 Dependency
Customers of closed source software companies are more or less at the whim of where their
software supplier wants to take them. They have minimal influence, unless they are their
number one customer, of influencing the vendor’s priorities, timelines and pricing structure. To
change vendors once their software has become embedded within your enterprise is likely to
be prohibitively expensive.
2 Software Opacity
By definition, the internals of closed source software are closed to viewing. Users of this
software are unable to modify the code let alone debug it effectively. They are only able
to supply error codes, messages and dump stacks to the vendor and wait for a fix if there
is no existing workaround or patch. Such fixes may not be anywhere near the top of their
priority list. This opacity also means that it is usually more difficult for customers to make
customizations or optimizations in their final product.
Situations When Closed Source Wins over Open Source
• When end users are not software developers – Open source software, such as Linux, has
a well-deserved reputation for being designed for and by geeks. Its UI/UX is typically
not plug-n-play and often requires the use of command line tools.
• When SaaS is what you really want – Many cloud services can offer the same
functionality and support as closed source on-site software on a pay-as-you-go basis
that is far less expensive than buying proprietary packages for in-house use.
• When you need full driver support – Proprietary hardware drivers are typically
developed with close cooperation of the hardware vendor and thus, they perform better.
Open source packages often have missing drivers or use generic ones by default.
• When the choice is between a small open source vendor and an established closed
source vendor – In this case, the risk that the smaller open source project is abandoned
or takes a sharp detour is greater.
• When the closed source vendor has better support – All other things being equal,
quality and longevity of support should be a critical criterion. Cost for support should be
• When open standards are less important than de facto standards – Microsoft has
never been known to be the first in line demanding open standards. Yet, because of
their market share they set many de facto standards. Depending on the market your
enterprise targets, a closed source de facto standard may be more important.
• When indemnity matters – For business-critical applications, you will probably want the
assurance of performance that a commercial organization brings to the table.
Open-Source vs. Proprietary Software Pros and Cons
At this point, you understand that the distinction between open source and
proprietary software is not that one is free and the other is not. They are
each based on differing philosophies, methodologies and business models.
These fundamental factors are what lead to their separate sets of pros and
cons. These must be weighed within the context of each individual software
development process.
By the way, overall cost is a secondary consideration of companies that choose
to adopt open source platforms. That factor typically comes up as no. 2 in
surveys. The number one reason is the belief that the open source software
chosen is technically superior to software from proprietary vendors. The
answers on that point very likely differ depending on the business and market
of the respondent however.
From a big picture point of view, the basis of a decision to adopt one over the
other is an example of the classic tradeoff between flexibility and usability.
Open source software is, almost by definition, more flexible but requires more
effort to use, whereas the opposite is true for proprietary software in general.
You can build a house by having all the raw materials dumped on the lot and
then build whatever you like as you go along. Or, let a third-party design,
architect and build the house and hope that it suits you. In the latter case, you
enlist the architect and builder to correct problems, but in the first case, you
must fix deficiencies yourself, which may be your preference.
Many enterprises are successful with either approach and many utilize
both approaches simultaneously. Neither choice can ever be said to be the
absolutely best, but currently open source is gaining ground over proprietary
solutions in some areas. Whereas most companies are quite familiar with
closed source software, new adopters of open source solutions should monitor
progress and fairly compare the advantages and disadvantages for themselves.
About Optimus Information
Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada with delivery centers in Canada and India, we work as a trusted
partner to medium and large businesses to solve their software and technology challenges. With a
team of 150+ people Optimus Information provides global organizations with scalable, flexible and cost
efficient solutions. Optimus Information provides global reach with a local presence.
©2015 Optimus Information Inc | 100 – 1408 W 8th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6H 1E1 | All trademarks, trade names and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.