Module 06 Course Project – Critical Analysis

A critical analysis serves as a way for you to examine the different elements of popular culture discussed in this course. For your final written assignment, discuss the media forms you have written about for your previous course portfolio essays. This essay should reflect upon your experience studying each form, and make distinctions as to how each one of them uniquely reflects American popular culture.  

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Your Popular Culture Project, a portfolio of different assignments, will serve to integrate the main themes of this course: 

 1.How television both reflects culture, and also manipulates it. 

2.The role Hollywood films play in shaping the popular culture.  

3.The many aspects of popular culture in everyday life and social history. 

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4.Social issues and major problems in American Popular Culture.

Your essay should attempt to answer the following: 

•How are all of these forms of media connected through popular culture?  •Is there one form of media that in your opinion is more powerful in affecting its audiences than the others? 

•Is there one medium that is more problematic for American culture than the others?  Your thesis should include the answer to one of the questions above, and be the focus of your essay. 

Evidence of library research is required.  This essay should be 2-3 pages, in APA style, utilizing the college’s library resources. Please include at least one scholarly resource as a minimum in your essay.

Running Head:

Popular Music and Cultural Impact


Popular Music and Cultural Impact 5

Popular Music and Cultural Impact

Name: Rodney Wheeler

Institution: Rasmussen College

Course: G380/AMH3304 Section 01 Visions of America Since 1945

Date: 01/05/18

Popular Music and Cultural Impact

Music largely reflects the artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner. Musical composure within a particular time reflects upon the culture of that time frame. From a cultural perspective, the behavioral pattern of individuals in a particular culture predominately relates to their music. Put differently, music and culture are intertwined, rather flow together. What our forefathers used to comprehend during their time, the generation of today would hold their era as lame and in a couple of years that follow, the music we perceived to be cool will credibly be outdated. This disposition holds nothing against music but just a manifestation and a representation of what is changing without deviation through time.

Comprehending music and cultural impact, I am going to consider in detail the 1952 “Wheel of Fortune” hit by Kay Starr(in-text citation needed, further missing in-text citations will be noted as (*) but not all missing in-text citations are noted. In literature and mythology, wheel of fortune refers to a revolving device that is spun by a divinity of fate which selects random changes within the affairs and matters of man. The pop vocalist impeccably blends her style as she sings it, as one would expect, in a brilliant way, imploring to her wheel of fortune to keep turning and not let her down, as it proved, all she said and impended through her musical career.

Please bring in lines from the song to analyze. Slip them into your narrative and discuss what they mean and how they fit into this point in history.

During the era, mass culture started dominating the United States which accounted for the majority of critics who lacked any distinctive or interesting taste property. In particular, television network executives wanted to ply for the largest audience potential, therefore having to shape their programs in order to minimize the offended number of viewers. For the most part, mass culture paved way for diversity. If the audience did not Biblical epics there were Western Movies, comedies, and quiz shows(*). In other words, the culture furnished something for everybody and once it became popular, certainly as rock and roll, mass culture could ideally make it vast and huge.

However, the immense attribute of mass culture did not necessarily imply that other types of cultures were crowded. All the same, transcriptions of classical music sold well within the ’50s as a majority of theater companies, symphony orchestras, art museums typically survived, despite the fact that urban dwellers shrank their audiences. Books also sold well having the culture existing as a varied one.

Kay Starr was among the most influential pop vocalist during her time(*). Her singing talent was disclosed early, having her maternal Aunt egging her on the musical platform at the tender age of 13 to enter a talent contest at Dallas Radio station at Dallas’s Melba Theatre(*). She eventually took the third place and accorded a chance of performing live on air(*). Soon afterward, she won the vote of listeners and was awarded a 15-minute spot that was thrice per week of which she mainly sang hillbilly numbers(*). Later, Kay moved with her family to Memphis and she landed herself a radio show and from then she noticed her potential through her musical journey as an influential vocalist(*).

During the era of her musical release, the post-war generation was just a beginning. There was a paranoia about communism, a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society which made a majority of good people behave and act badly. Racism was rampant as well, across many parts of the U.S, especially within the south. Despite the political issues, music and culture blended and conformed to a much desirable form of livelihood (Dwyer, 2015).


Hendershot, C. (2003). Anti-communism and popular culture in mid-century America. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland.

Dwyer, M. D. (2015). Back to the fifties: Nostalgia, Hollywood film, and popular music of the seventies and eighties.

Assignment Rubric:

Analyze the meaning of the lyrics, and discuss how this song represents an element of popular culture/American society. The main focus of your essay should be regarding symbolism, and the symbolic nature of the song you have chosen. (32/40)

–I have some notes on this in the main body of the essay, lines from the song are needed to complete your analysis.

Background into the musician or musical group you have chosen is given. (20/20)

–This is done in your essay.

Demonstrates knowledge of some of the social and political issues present in American and, if relevant, international culture that were going on at the time of the song’s release. (14/20)

— Events are mentioned but fairly generally… I would love to see some specifics. Try to put this song’s lyric’s (see my suggestion above) into context of 1952. How are they an artifact or symbol of the time? –I googled the lyrics, this is one of those type of songs I warned about in the live lecture to avoid or give me a call about. I think you could work the game show reference… they were so hot at this time. I would name a few specifically: I’ve Got A Secret, Queen For A Day,

Price is Right, and To Tell the Truth to name a few. Or, maybe domestic containment and speaks to traditional roles of woman?

Research, documentation of research, and grammar (10/20)

–Paper is missing in-text citations in the main body of the essay. Remember, any time you take a slice of information, fact, detail, name, date, or idea from another source, you need to cite it in your essay. Paper needs more research, remember our golden rule of at least 3 sources for an academic paper of this size is needed. There are a few other grammar things noted in the main body of the essay. Please let me know if you have any questions about these edits.



Popular Television Program

Name: Rodney Wheeler

Institution: Rasmussen College

Course: G380/AMH3304 Section 01 Visions of America Since 1945

Date: 01/19/18

Titles of television shows are placed in italics.

Your assignment prompt asks you to discuss how a television show from this era was socialy, politically, and culturally relevant to the time in which it was created. I would start with an introduction that contains your thesis statement (–name the show and state that it was relevant to the time in which it was created).

The Bob Cummings Show is an American television show starring Robert Cummings. The program was also known as “Love That Bob,” and it was aired on January 2, 1955, and September 15, 1959 (in-text citation needed). The show made history by becoming the first television series to start as a midseason replacement (in-text citation needed). The program first ran on NBC half a season and then continued for other two full seasons on CBS television channel (in-text citation needed). The program later returned to NBC during its two last seasons (in-text citation needed).

The main character of the program was Bob Cummings who was on most occasions portrayed as a spirited young photographer, Air Force reserve officer as well as a womanizer (in-text citation needed). He had a profound desire for aviation and photography. Other characters that stood out included Rosemary DeCamp and his sister Margaret McDonald (in-text citation needed).

At the time the show was being broadcasted, there existed various social issues in the social and historical events. For instance, it was just some years ago that the second world war ended living thousands of people homeless and had nothing to do. For example, Cumming’s sister was widowed during the war and therefore he, being the veteran of the war had to indulge in photography to assist her sister (in-text citation needed). The issue highlighted above is just a reflection of how many people suffered during and after the war and therefore raising awareness to the concerned organizations that could have helped the needy in the society. The issues that happened at that time had a significant impact on the television show as various human right organizations and the government supported the program’s quest to voice the plight of the people who suffered after the occurrences. This made the program even much famous than it was before.

The Bob Cummings Show is very impactful in the popular culture. Events presented in the tv show influence the people’s way of life. World War II led to the loss of lives of many soldiers. This implies that some women were widowed in the process. For instance, Bob’s sister was widowed and left with a son, Chuck. Bob, a veteran of the World War to engages in photography to support her sister and nephew. This shows that members of the society should be ready to help those in need. Moreover, another cultural issue of the community at the time of the broadcast is immorality. The society detests sexual immorality and expects everyone to uphold excellent moral standards. However, the TV portrays several instances of sexual immorality. Bob Collins is a shameless womanizer. This shows that despite the fact that the immorality is vice in the society, some people still practice it.

Television has grown to be one of the most popular tools of entertainment since its introduction. This mode of entertainment addresses social, cultural and political events. In the recent past, most television shows reflect the present cultural, political and social events. For instance, representing political issues on tv shows can be done by producing shows with similar political. For example, a corrupt government can be represented by a tv show with similar events. However, this may not be possible when government media policies are not flexible enough. For cultural and social issues, the first step is identifying the current social and cultural issues. Afterwards, appropriate tv shows are produced to reflect the society. Television is a useful tool in giving insights on current topics.


IMDb, (2002).

The Bob Cummings Show (TV Series 1955–1959) –

Retrieved from

Assignment Rubric:

Thesis and related discussion explains the cultural relevance of the show. (Details from the show are used to tie into themes or historical events) (24/30%)

–Show specifics, I would encourage at least one episode level specific, need to be added to complete your analysis.

Describe the details and related background of the chosen television show.(What is the background of this show? Explain what years it was on TV, describe the channel it aired on, the main characters, setting, etc..) (30/30%)

–This is done in your essay.

Discuss the television medium as a reflection of current social, political and cultural events.(What social issues and historical events were taking place at the time the show was being broadcast? Did these issues affect the television show in any way?) (14/20%)

–Historical specifics are needed to connect to content in the show.

Research, documentation of research, and grammar (6/20%)

I have some notes in the main body of the essay on the need for a solid introduction to frame your essay and some grammar things. Also, you essay is missing all documentation of research (in-text citations) and could use additional research. Remember, our course guideline of 3 sources for an academic paper of this size.

Running Head: WOMEN AND POWER 1


Article Review

Name: Rodney Wheeler

Institution: Rasmussen College

Course: G380/AMH3304 Section 01 Visions of America Since 1945

Date: 01/26/18

The article “Women and Power” by Gloria Steinem is a unique piece of writing that tries to elaborate on the cultural difference between different groups of people in the society. The article was funded by the New York Magazine when it started as an insert and later upgraded to publish its free issues beginning in December 1971. The article brings the idea of the cultural difference between various groups of people. In her article, Gloria explains the cultural relevance today where women rarely hold positions of power as opposed to their male counterparts (Gloria, 1968). Women are only seen as a creature to subordinate the male and deemed wrong to exercise control over others. Funded meaning who owned the magazine and what is their political bias.

There exists a political bias in the article. This is because the writer brings out the woman character as an inferior being that cannot be allowed to exercise hold leadership positions in the society. The notion is gender biased as it is cruel towards the women and hence discourages them from vying in elective positions to represent people in the community. The article brings out the idea political bias when it explains that there are men and even some women who held that ladies were not interested at all in power. In fact, she goes to the extent to say that these individuals believed that women had a gene that makes them take the option of being ordered out in the society.

The main point of the article is to bring out the issue of gender inequality as far as the issue of leadership is concerned. The writer’s message to the readers is to give a challenge to the women in the society to embrace the trait of leadership. The author is encouraging the females to beat all the odds to be able to get power and use it on their own.

Gloria’s article was very impactful in popular culture. Now, most American’s leaders were leaders. The culture did not encourage women leaders. Gloria’s article criticizes this notion that women should not lead. She advocates for equal allocation of leadership opportunities for both men and women. Both the public and the private sectors do not value women leadership. According to the article the society has allocated specific roles to women that do not encourage leadership at all. However, she argues that women leave their communities to seek opportunities that men look for. This is a demonstration that women too want similar opportunities. She tries to eradicate the belief that women are not interested in power as this is an assumption made to deny them power. Most women in the cities do not have the training and knowledge to enable them to acquire influential positions in the society. This is a significant reason why most of the women are not in power despite the campaigns by feminist movements.

The article by Gloria attempts to manipulate the cultural values of its audience. Gloria’s apparent knowledge of her audience’s culture helps her in managing their values to help them understand the message. She uses some examples to communicate to her audience. For instance, girls have been coming into the city to seek job opportunities (Johnson, 1976). She uses this popular trend to help her audience understand that women also want power. She uses the example of Negroes coming to the city to escape their problems. Similarly, women come to the town for the same reasons as the Negroes.

This week’s assignment asks you to analyze one of the required readings from this week, and explain the cultural relevance of the article. In addition, your paper should work to explain how this particular magazine article reflected and/or attempted to manipulate the cultural values of its audience.

Assignment Rubric:

Thesis explains the cultural relevance of the article. 42 /50% (Explain the cultural relevance of the article. How does this article fit with the time? –How is it a Historical artifact of the time? What is the main point of the article? What is the writer’s message to his/ her readers?)

–More needs to be done with this… put the article into context of time and place historically.

Defines how this particular magazine article reflects and/ or attempts to manipulate the cultural values of its audience. 4/10% (Who funded this magazine? What are their political biases? What might be the writer’s interest or newspaper’s motive in writing or publishing the story?)

–Funding and bias questions need to be answered. More could be done with manipulate questions, please see my note in the essay about this.

Demonstrates knowledge of the writer’s message to his/ her readers. 20/20%

–This is done in your essay.

Research, documentation of research, and grammar. 10 /20%

–Paper is missing in-text citations and more research needed. Remember, our course rule of at least 3 sources for an academic paper of this size. I have also noted some grammar things in the main body of the essay. Please let me know if you have any questions about these edits.


Gloria, S. (1968). Women and Power. Retrieved from

Johnson, P. (1976). Women and power: Toward a theory of effectiveness. Journal of Social Issues, 32(3), 99-110.




Name: Rodney Wheeler

Institution: Rasmussen College

Course: G380/AMH3304 Section 01 Visions of America Since 1945

Date: 02/02/18

What is globalization, and in what ways has the Internet served as a vehicle for it?

Globalization can be defined as the way through which firms or other organizations develop international ties and begin to function on an international level as opposed to simply operating within the national level. It means that firms begin targeting even customers from other countries across the globe, hiring employees from other countries and, open branches in other countries.

The internet has been very useful in fostering globalization. Through the internet, there is easier communication among people across the globe as emails, social media and other forms of formal communication can be used. The internet has also made it easy to market as websites are used to foster international marketing through use of websites, emails and through the social media. Therefore, the internet has been a key driver towards encouraging and promoting globalization through easier communication, increased socialization and through increased marketing efforts.

What cultural values do the site you chose reflect?

The site explains that one common culture, that is the global culture, will be one culture to be used worldwide, and this is because of globalization. There is the likelihood of losing individual beliefs of every country and instead, having one broad culture that accommodates everyone. The main challenge with this is that the cultural swift is towards the western way of thinking and of doing things and therefore, various communities are likely to lose their solidarity and the world will become one in terms of global culture. The internet, cable televisions and generally the international entertainment are nowadays geared towards supporting the western thoughts of capitalism and this is likely to create one common culture comprising mostly of western ideas. For instance, with time, English will dominate all other languages.

What political values are reflected?

There is a change in the political systems. For instance, in the past, every country used to conduct its own political affairs without concern about those of others. The main issues involved protection of human rights, caring for the economy and provision of security to the citizens. However, with the changes in ecological systems such as global warming, globalization has forced nations to be more united to act together as one through global politics. Since there are issues such as global warming, political issues and decisions of every country count towards promoting or not supporting global warming and thus the need for a single integrated global economy. Through the European Union, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization and the World Bank, international politics are shaped towards the same direction. Generally, through such bodies and NGOs, world politics are shaped.

Is the site culturally or politically biased in some way? Explain.

The site can be described as unbiased as it explains issues as they are without supporting a specific point of view. It pinpoints that most of the global ideas are leaning towards western capitalism, which is a fact, not bias.

How are these values that are reflected by the website distinctly American?

The values are not distinctly American. This is because the website explains globalization on an international level without promoting or leaning towards strictly American culture.


Kearney, M. M. (1995). THE LOCAL AND THE GLOBAL: The Anthropology of Globalization and Transnationalism. Annual Review of Anthropology, 24(1), 547-565.

Moss, G. D. (2013-02-01). Moving On: The American People Since 1945, 5th Edition. [Bookshelf Ambassadored]. Retrieved from

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