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Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 6: SAM Project 1a

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Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 6: SAM Project 1a

Aspen Centers

Perform a Mail Merge


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Open the file SC_WD16_6a_FirstLastName_1 x, available for download from the SAM website.

Save the file as SC_WD16_6a_FirstLastName_2 x by changing the “1” to a “2”.

If you do not see the x file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

With the file SC_WD16_6a_FirstLastName_2 x still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer.

If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


You are the volunteer fundraising coordinator for the Aspen Centers, and you are writing a form letter to encourage past donors to support the centers again. To use the standard format for letters, change the page orientation to Portrait.

To increase the amount of space at the top of the first page, specify the Absolute Vertical position of the shape containing the letterhead as 1″ below the Page.

At the bottom of page 1 and continuing on page 2, convert the 11 paragraphs of text starting with “Name…” and ending with “…

South Bend

” to a table with three columns to make the information easier to read.

To improve the appearance of the new table, format it as follows:

Apply the Grid Table 4 – Accent 5 style to the table.

Use the AutoFit Contents feature to resize the entire table to fit its contents.

Because the table exceeds the length of page 1, repeat the table header rows across pages.

To clarify the contents of the table, sort the table contents in ascending order, first by Type of Contribution and then by Center Location.

To set up the document as a form letter, start the Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard, accept Letters as the document type, and then choose to use the current document as the starting document. Choose to create a new recipient list, and then customize the columns in the recipient list as follows:

Customize the columns by deleting the Company Name, Country or Region, Work Phone, and E-mail Address fields.

Rename the Home Phone field using Mobile Phone as the new field name.

Add a new field to the end of the address list using Amount as the field name.

Enter the address information for the two recipients shown in bold in Table 1 below, and then save the data source using a name of your choice.

Table 1: Recipient Addresses


Record 1

Record 2




First Name



Last Name



Address 1

1351 E. Payne St.

45 N. Center Dr.

Address 2

Apt. 901



South Bend




ZIP Code



Mobile Phone

(812) 555-3375

(574) 555-1289




Continue to Step 4 in the Mail Merge wizard, and then use the Date content control with the “CLICK HERE TO SELECT A DATE” placeholder text to select the date April 6, 2020.

Insert the inside address as follows:

Select the placeholder text “INSERT INSIDE ADDRESS”, and then insert an AddressBlock merge field using the Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. format.

Delete the placeholder text.

Insert the greeting line as follows:

Select the placeholder text “INSERT GREETING LINE”, and then insert a GreetingLine merge field using the Dear Joshua: format.

Delete the placeholder text.

In the paragraph above the table, select the “[AMOUNT]” placeholder text, and then insert a merge field for Amount to include the previous donation amount for each recipient.

To include a personalized postscript, add an IF field as follows:

In the blank paragraph at the bottom of page 2, insert an If…Then…Else… rule.

Compare whether the City field is equal to Bloomington.

Use the following as the true text:

P.S. I hope to see you at the talent show next Friday.

Use the following as the false text:

P.S. The next time you are in Bloomington, stop by the Aspen Center on Third Street.

Continue to Step 5 of the Mail Merge wizard, and then edit the recipient list to sort the data records in ascending order by ZIP code in preparation for bulk mailing.

Complete the mail merge as follows in the lettered steps below. You will merge to a new document and then copy the contents of the merged file to the end of your original document, so that all of your assignment appears in the same file.

Continue to Step 6 of the Mail Merge wizard, and then merge all records to a new document.

In the new document containing the merged form letters, press CTRL+A to select all contents in the document, and then copy the selected text to the Office Clipboard.

In the document SC_WD16_6a_FirstLastName_2 x, move the insertion point to the blank paragraph at the top of page 3, and then paste the merged form letter into the main document.

Verify that the pasted merged form letters appear only on pages 3–6 of the document SC_WD16_6a_FirstLastName_2 x.

Delete the page break and the Next Page section break at the bottom of page 6 to make the document six pages long.

Turn off the preview of the mail merge results.

Close the new, merged document without saving it.

Your document SC_WD16_6a_FirstLastName_2 x should look like the

Final Figure

on the following pages. Save your changes, close the document, and then exit Word. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

Note: When opening your file or the Graded Summary report for this Project, you may be prompted to Select From “Office Address List”. Select
in the dialog box to view your report.

Final Figure


Erica Blakely

25 Harmony Avenue

Bloomington, IN 47403

(812) 555-6338

Click Here to Select A Date



The Aspen Centers of Indiana coordinate locally funded programs for students ages 6–18. The programs focus on after-school activities in academics, athletics, artistic expression, and community service. I have been volunteering at the Aspen Center of Bloomington for the past year, which has been a rich and rewarding part of my week. Through my experience, I see that the Aspen Centers are making a difference in the lives of kids, their families, and our community.

As a past donor, you know that the Aspen Centers want to keep their doors open for any student who would like to attend their programs, even if his or her family cannot afford the fees. I am writing to encourage you to renew your donation to this extraordinary and worthwhile program.

You can provide financial support in a few ways. The spring fundraiser is the Aspen Centers golf tournament on May 22. This popular event pairs professional golfers and notable amateurs with donors and features Aspen students showcasing their talents and achievements. If you like to golf or walk the course, or you simply enjoy being outdoors, please register for the event at All proceeds from the tournament are used to fund student sponsorships.

You can also make a direct contribution to the Aspen Centers. The following list gives you an idea of what your donation can fund for Aspen Centers students:


$10.00 funds school and art supplies.


$25.00 buys a scientific calculator or sports equipment.


$50.00 covers the cost of educational software and tutoring.


$150.00 pays for a mobile computer.

Last year, you donated [AMOUNT] to your local Aspen Center. Can I count on you making a similar donation this year—or better yet, increasing your contribution? I have already received the following pledges from your friends and neighbors:

Name Type of Contribution Center Location

Bill & Jody Hendricks Fall fundraiser Indianapolis

Maribel Montez Direct donation Bloomington

Josh Buckley Spring fundraiser Indianapolis

Adam & Amy Clark Direct donation South Bend

Michael Shapiro Direct donation Bloomington

Tanesha Lamont Fall fundraiser Bloomington

John & Gina Laing Direct donation Indianapolis

Aaron Woodman Spring fundraiser Bloomington

Heather Nash Direct donation Bloomington

Alex & Nicole Rollins Direct donation South Bend

To add your name to this list of featured donors, please complete the enclosed card and return it to me. On behalf of the Aspen Centers of Indiana and the wonderful students and families they serve, thank you for your generous and ongoing support.


Erica Blakely

Volunteer fundraising coordinator

This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica

This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica

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