MN552 Discussion Board Topic 1 and 2 : Cultural Competence & Healthy People 2020

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Will need minimum of 250 words, APA Style, double spaced, times new romans, font 12, and and  (3 references – intext citations) per discussion topic. 


There are 2 discussions: Topic 1 & Topic 2 (They both require references please)  

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Topic 1: Getting to Know You and Cultural Competence


First, provide a brief introduction of your professional background. (ME)

Next, review the Office of Minority Health, National CLAS Standards located in the Web Resources area.  (see  link:   

· The Office of Minority Health. The National CLAS Standards. Retrieved from


  1. Discuss your ethnic/cultural background (health perception and practices).   ( I am Hispanic) 
  2. Choose a different culture or ethnic group and discuss potential cultural/linguistic needs. Consider your food preferences, rituals, health beliefs, and any religious orientations that may influence patient care.
  3. Apply at least one CLAS Standard that supports the identified need and discuss the role of the advanced practice nurse in promoting culturally sensitive care.
  4. Please list references in APA format.

Topic 2:  Healthy People 2020


Healthy People 2020’s commitment to promote health and prevent disease encourages individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices for themselves and their families. Conceptual models and theories play a major role in health promotion and disease prevention. In addition, epidemiological data, such as morbidity and mortality statistics, helps identify health problems common to a particular population.

Select one of the Healthy People 2020 initiatives and discuss available preventative health services (immunizations, health screenings, etc.) relevant to the initiative, as well as health promotion strategies to be implemented by the advanced practice nurse for a selected population/age/ethnic group (neonates, children, adults, pregnant female, older adult). Please consider theoretical concepts and epidemiological data while discussing health promotion strategies.

No Plegarism please,
Will need minimum of 250 words, APA Style, double spaced, times new romans, font 12, and and  (3 references – intext citations) per discussion topic. 

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