MKTG610 – Marketing Strategies **For ASMA only**

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MKTG610 – Marketing Strategies

Syllabus – Class Content – Faculty Policies

Spring2013 SE2 Session

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Course Begins: July 3, 2013

Last Day of Activity is: August 19, 2013


Welcome to Marketing Strategies. Please take time to go over all the material in the syllabus, as well as the ancillary materials in this section of the class, as well as the Weekly Assignments section. It would be a good idea to pay special attention to the grading rubrics and the case study expectations.

Required Text


Marketing Strategy

Ferrell, O. C.

5TH 11 / South-Western Publishing Co.

Textbook and Technology Policy

It is the responsibility of students to be prepared for class which means they should have all required course materials and texts at the start of class as well as reliable access to required technology tools and the internet for the duration of the course.

In extreme situations, where there is delay in the shipping or procurement of materials, faculty will make reasonable accommodations during the first week of class only. (See course syllabus for details.) All students must have textbooks by Week 1 Day 7. No exceptions and no accommodations will be made by faculty after this date. The only exception to this policy is the backorder of texts from the University supplier MBS as notified directly from MBS to Davenport University.

Due to copyright laws sections of the text, other than materials authorized by the publisher such as power points, problem solutions, etc, cannot be scanned and posted to the classroom or emailed by either the faculty or students.

Similarly, DU does not accept individual technology issues or internet access as a reason for late work in online classes. Be sure to have a back-up plan in case of unexpected glitches, viruses or inaccessibility. Libraries, college campuses, Kinkos, friends and family are frequently used alternatives. Additionally, work must be submitted on time and as directed in the course instructions using Microsoft Office software version 2000 or higher. Work submitted in other formats such as Word Perfect or Open Office will not be accepted

Grades and Grading Policies

Graduate work is more difficult than undergraduate work. Not only are the classes more difficult, they ask for a different set of skills to be developed. Getting a top-level grade in a graduate course requires not only mastery of the material, but the ability to demonstrate your ability to think critically about that material. Further, it requires that you be critical about the sources you use to develop comments and build arguments.

Before starting any assignment, review the grading rubric to identify the key components of assessment.

No extra credit or “make-up” work is offered in this class.

Grading Scale

A   940-1000 points

A-   900-939

B+   870-899

B   830-869

B-   800-829

C+ 770-799

C   725-769

F 724 and below

Late Policy

Work is due by midnight (eastern time) on the date assigned. If it has not posted by midnight, it will receive a 10% reduction, regardless of the reason it is late. This includes internet connection problems, technical glitches and work/life situations. Be on time, allow extra time for problems, but accept the penalty if you miss it– this is the real world.

Each additional 24-hour period that an assignment is late, accumulates a further 10% penalty. NO CREDIT will be given for assignments turned in more than 3 days late.

This late policy applies only to written assignments such as case studies or papers – NOT to Forum/discussion board postings or participation. Late Forum/discussion board postings or participation will not be accepted.

NOTE: Because final grades need to be posted, no late final assignments will be accepted after the final date of class activity.

University Policy for Deadline Extension

“It is the responsibility of students to complete all course assignments on time in accordance with the Course Calendar and Late Assignment Policies outlined in faculty’s syllabus. In extreme situations where there is a scheduled professional or educational conflict that inhibits the student’s ability to complete an assignment by the deadline, only written contact with the faculty one (1) week prior to the assignment deadline will be considered appropriate for deadline extension. No extension will be granted for Forum/ Discussion Board participation or for the final assignment/exam.”

Academic Honesty

Don’t cheat. By this time in your academic career you know what this means. However, occasionally I get someone who says, “I didn’t know I couldn’t cut and paste someone else’s work, and call it my own”, so for those rare individuals who don’t know what plagiarism is, I include the following:

University Academic Integrity Statement + Course Policy

Davenport University recognizes the principles of honesty and truth as fundamental to ethical business dealings and to a community of instructors and students, which I support. The University and I expect students to respect these principles.

As a point of academic integrity, students are required to submit original material of their own creation for this class. This includes materials that were originally created by you and used in a previous class (whether that class was passed or failed); these are not valid for assignments in our class.

The plagiarism/cheating policy for this course is as follows:  First offense: earning a zero (0) on the assignment. This zero is for total points for the entire assignment—so, if you cheat on one component of any project or paper, you get a zero for all points associated with that assignment. Second offense: earning a failing grade (F) in the class. Please note that this policy adheres to DU’s policy, which is as follows:


You will receive a zero on any assignment that has been plagiarized; 

· Two plagiarized assignments will result in failure for the course;

· A third infraction could be cause for dismissal from the university;


· DU online keeps accurate records of plagiarism in students’ files.

University Academic Discussion Policy

In this course, we will use the Forum Discussion Boards to help us share ideas and deepen our understanding of the material. Each week, you are required to post your responses to the questions/ assignments as detailed in the learning plans. It is highly recommended that you participate in the virtual classroom often.

Be Timely– As detailed on the course calendar, your responses/ assignments should be posted early in the week to allow peers time to review and think about your ideas.  You are expected to engage in the discussion and post your research and thoughts to others as early in the week as possible. Waiting until the very last hours of the week will not necessarily be considered “engagement and interaction.”

Argument and Insight– Your posts should go beyond summarizing to explain what you think and why.  A summary doesn’t demonstrate critical thinking.  Go deeper.

Details & Research– Do you talk in specifics, offering quotes, examples, references, and the like?  Generalizations and unsubstantiated opinions are not helpful.  Be sure to fully explain your views, giving support from research as much as possible. 

Organization and Mechanics– Do you have a clear main point?  Is your post easy to follow?  Your posts should be mini-essays– demonstrations of your abilities to synthesize information from several sources using standard conventions.  Proper grammar and citation of your research is required.

Class Communications

Please try to use “Symposium” in the discussion board for most class-related questions since if you have a question chances are others do, too. This is the first thing I check each time I log on for the class. Please use email for private matters such as grades.

Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. Therefore, free discussion, inquiry, and expression are encouraged. Behavior that interferes with the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or the ability of students to benefit from that instruction is not acceptable. Just as in a course that meets face-to-face, we expect only professional communication and discussion. Respect for other learners and faculty is expected and unprofessional communication can be grounds for removal from a course.

Assignment Plans



Weekly Forum Responses and Engagement – 50 pts per week Includes:
Researched Answers to Topic #1 and Topic#2 each week
Responses & Contributions to Discussion


Weekly Blog Postings – 30 pts per week (1-6) 20 pts week 7


Midcourse and Final Reflection – Due WK 3 & WK 7 – 15 pts each


Week 1 – SWOT Analysis – Due Day 7


Week 2 – Marketing Plan Part 1 – Due Day 7


Week 3 – Case Analysis – Due Day 7


Week 4 – Marketing Plan Part 2 – Due Day 7


Week 5 – Case Analysis – Due Day 7


Week 6 – Marketing Plan – Part 3 – Due Day 7


Week 7 – Power Point Presentation of Course Project




Overview of Assignments:

Topic Forums (50 points per week– 7 Weeks)

Each week 2 Topic Forums will be posted for you to respond.

You are expected to research and respond to Topic 1 by Day 2 of the week and Topic 2 by Day 4 at the latest. You are welcome to respond to both by Day 2 (you are not required to login on separate days). Initial responses are to be a minimum of 450-500 words, references, using proper grammar and spelling and should meet professional standards in content and writing style.

You are expected to interact and engage with your peer with at least 3 substantial posts of 200-250 words each. These responses should move the discussion forward and help engage the learning at all levels. You are expected to engage in the discussion and post your research and thoughts to others as early in the week as possible. Waiting until the very last hours of the week will not necessarily be considered “engagement and interaction.”
Here are some things to keep in mind in order to receive full credit: They must be posted by the due date, they should not be only opinion statements and they should include a reference in at least one of your peer replies.

· They relate directly to the weekly discussion question.

· They develop the point with examples and appropriately documented research. Exhibit sound research skills employing various tools such as surveys, Internet, databases, and library resources. Wikipedia is not a valid source.

· They do not simply copy another posting or material from another source.

· They show an understanding of the concepts from the textbook.

· They are written clearly and correctly.

Hints for Creating Substantive Participation Responses:

· Explain why you agree or disagree, and add some examples to support your belief.

· Relate your personal or work experiences to the topic at hand.

· Ask additional questions of your classmates.

· Make connections between the topics being discussed and the readings in the text.

· Add ways you can apply the lessons from the class in your work and educational life.

· Short comments, such as “Good idea” or “I agree,” do not constitute substantive posts on their own. Neither do comments that are unrelated to the topics at hand (for example, “I saw that movie, too!”). If you say you agree about something, please explain why you agree, and add an additional insight or question about the topic.

Participation & engagement must be completed by Day 7 of each week (Day 5 during Week 7). You are expected to engage in the discussion and post your research and thoughts to others as early in the week as possible. Waiting until the very last hours of the week will not necessarily be considered “engagement and interaction.”

Weekly Blogs – 30 pts each week (20 points for Week 7)

Each student will create a Blog to which they will post their observations of marketing strategies and tactics. These can be current marketing events they have read about or observed in their professional or personal lives. The objective of the assignment is to stretch and solidify knowledge of the marketing concepts through direct application and commentary. At least one substantial blog of 200 – 300 words in is required each week.

Marketing Plan Project – Week 2, 4, 6 & 7

To demonstrate knowledge of strategic formulation and implementation, you will complete an analysis and develop a strategic marketing plan due in 3 parts due week 2, week 4 and week 6. During week 7 you will present your findings and plan proposal in a Powerpoint or Prezi presentation. Suggested companies are given to you in Week 1.

Case Studies

Descriptions and specific requirements for these written assignments may be found in the “Learning Outcomes & Assignments” summary within each Weekly Materials folder.

Papers should be submitted using the “Assignment Submission” links on the navigation bar. When your paper is successfully submitted for grading by the instructor, an exclamation mark (“!”) will appear in the Gradebook. After your paper is graded, the number of points earned will appear in the Gradebook, and you may click on that number to view instructor comments about your paper.

Reflection Assignments – 15 points each

Midcourse Reflection: Due Week 3

An important activity of learning is taking the time to reflect upon what has been gained to anchor the knowledge and how it has been learned to replicate the process.

Write a brief self-reflection (2-3 paragraphs) on what has been most integral to your learning so far in the course. What concepts have really come to light, what ones are still a little cloudy. Include what you can now see in the way of application of the course concepts. Identify the ways in which you learn best in this course and what enhances the process of learning for you.

Final Course Reflection: Due Week 7

Looking back over Weeks 4-7, Write a brief (2-3 paragraphs) self-reflection on what has been most integral to your learning so far in the course. What concepts have really come to light, what ones are still a little cloudy. Include what you can now see in the way of application of the course concepts and how you might use them in your professional or personal life. Identify the ways in which you learned best in this course and what enhances the process of learning for you.

Reservation Statement

The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments to this syllabus as needed.



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Full Title of Your Paper Here

James Lemke

Davenport University


Abstract goes here.

Your Full Title of Paper Put Here


Lemke, J. (2013). Title of the source you used in your paper. The Journal of Education, 22(3), 12-24.

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