Milestone one …. Due 1/26/18 by noon

Submit a draft of the literature review due as part of your final research investigation using the three articles that were provided for your track and topic in Module Two. 

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In addition, for this milestone, you will need to find two additional articles to use for your final project. 

Rather than following the format of a typical lengthier APA literature review, you will instead prepare five shorter, adapted, individual literature reviews (one for each article). 

Each literature review should be 2-4 pages in length. (These literature reviews will lead up to the final literature review submission, which will consist of a total of five literature reviews, based on the three articles provided in your track and the two additional articles you find and select for this milestone.) 

Total of five literature views …… 

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PSY 215 Literature Review Template

Please note: Keep in mind that the following questions are practice and preparation for the more detailed literature review elements to come. When you complete your literature review, you will be addressing more specific elements. These questions are the first thing to think about when beginning a literature review.

What is the title of the article? Provide a citation for the article in APA format.

What is the purpose of the article?

What is the hypothesis of the study? In other words, what claims do the authors make in the article? What was the outcome(s) of the study, that is, what conclusions did the authors make as a result of the study?

What variables (factors) are being looked at as an influence on abnormal behavior?

If these variables or the relationship between these variables have been studied before, what have other studies found? This shows historical significance.

What type of research design is used in the study?

Do you think the research in this article was conducted in an ethical manner? Why or why not?

PSY 215 Literature Review Basics

In this course, you will conduct a literature review on a very basic level. You will use the Literature

Review Example and Literature Review Template to guide you in a way that makes your review fit the

needs of your final project.

Full Literature Reviews

If you were doing a full literature review, you would choose 6 to 12 research articles on your topic of

interest. Normally, you would use the articles to either examine a controversy more closely or to make a

point that is backed up by research. In this course, instead of choosing all of the studies on your own,

you are provided with several studies, and you will choose a couple on your own. You will use the

studies to identify a gap in the research that you can fill with a study you design.

The research you are being provided with in this course is somewhat broad to give you some freedom in

your topic choice. If you were conducting a traditional literature review, you would look for a narrow

scope of studies that pertained to a topic you would already have chosen. The Shapiro Library has a

number of psychology-related databases that you could use for your search.

In a typical literature review, you would start with the theme of your topic or the point that you plan to

make with the literature. These are the typical points you should include:

 Your research question and how it relates to the studies you have chosen

 A brief outline of the way in which you have organized your review

 Detailed descriptions of each study, including your evaluation of each study’s strengths and


 What the studies show and what you believe this means

Adapted Literature Reviews for This Course

You will not go to the level of depth of a full literature review in this class. Instead, you will fill out the

Literature Review Template (using the Literature Review Example as a guide), which has sections that

directly relate to the final project rubric. However, if you are pursuing a degree in psychology, you will

eventually do formal literature reviews. The exercise in this class will give you a foundation in the basics

that you can build upon in your future studies.

To fill out the template, you will read the three provided articles and the two articles you selected in the

same way that you would read articles in a traditional literature review. Here are some pointers:

Scan the article to identify the following:

 The research question/purpose and specific hypothesis

 What factors and influences were studied

 What other studies found

 What type of research design was used and whether the research was conducted ethically x x

Pay particular attention to the abstract, introduction, results, and discussion to quickly locate these


Fill out the template using information from the article and applying concepts you learned in the text to

successfully complete your literature review.

PSY 215 Final Project Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: For the final project in this course, you will examine research presented in the course for how abnormal psychology has changed, and investigate a
potential gap in the research that has not been addressed. This project will allow you to foster and improve your skills at reading, interpreting, and writing

psychological works. It will also help you to learn your place within the field and how to combine both your personal perspective and opinions with established,

empirical research to make original claims.

The final project is meant for you to propose a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting human subjects research for this project. It is

not necessary for the purposes of this assignment. All human subjects research requires written approval from the SNHU COCE Institutional Review Board in
order to protect the welfare and ensure ethical treatment of the subjects.

For this milestone, due in Module Three, you will submit a draft of the literature review due as part of your final research investigation using the three articles

that were provided for your track in Module Two. In addition, for this milestone, you will need to find two additional articles to use for your final

project. You will base this milestone on the literature review practice journal assignment that you completed in Module Two. Rather than following the format of

a typical lengthier APA literature review, you will instead prepare five shorter, adapted, individual literature reviews (one for each article). Each literature review

should be 2-4 pages in length. These literature reviews will lead up to the final literature review submission, which will consist of a total of five literature reviews,
based on the three articles provided in your track and the two additional articles you find and select for this milestone. The final version of the literature review

will be submitted in Module Seven as part of your final project.

Prompt: First, read and review the three provided articles for your track. Next, using the questions presented in the Module Two literature review practice
journal assignment as a guide, you will draft literature reviews of the articles provided in your track. You will then find two more articles to add to your literature

reviews. The questions are provided here for your convenience as you prepare to complete your literature reviews. These questions will support you in
completing the literature reviews, which will need to address all of the critical elements below. Please refer to the complete list of critical elements for the

literature review on the following page.

● What is the title of the article (in APA format)?

● What is the purpose of the article? (Addresses critical elements I-A through I-C.)

● What is the hypothesis of the study? In other words, what claims do the authors make in the article? What are the outcomes of the study, that is, the
conclusions that the authors made as a result of the study? (Addresses critical elements I-A through I-D.)

● What variables (factors) are being looked at as an influence on abnormal behavior?” (Addresses critical elements I-A through I-D.)

● If these variables or the relationship between these variables have been studied before, what have other studies found? This shows historical
significance. (Addresses critical elements I-C and I-H.)

● Describe the research design that was used in the study. (Addresses critical elements I-E and I-F.)

● Do you think the research in this article was conducted in an ethical manner? Why or why not? (Addresses critical elements I-G and I-H.)

Use the Literature Review Template to complete this task. Please refer to the Literature Review Basics document as well as the Literature Review Example to
assist you.

Refer also to the Smarthinking Online Tutoring Service tutorials to assist you in your writing to the Research & Citations page of the SNHU Online Writing Center
website for proper APA formatting of sources.

Please note that you are starting your literature review with the questions above, but you will need to expand the answers to these questions to meet the
critical elements of the literature review for your final submission. The following critical elements must be addressed, as also outlined in the literature review
section of the Final Project Part I Guidelines and Rubric document:

I. Literature Review: In this part of the project, you will analyze foundational research presented in the course for how the field of abnormal psychology has

changed over time, how researchers have designed research to study psychopathology, and how issues of ethics have been addressed historically in the

A. Summarize the claims made by the authors of the foundational research presented in the course regarding how causes and diagnoses or

assessments and treatments for psychological disorders have developed. In other words, what claims are made by the research about how

psychological disorders are diagnosed in individuals? About how individuals with psychological disorders are treated?

B. Summarize the claims made by the authors of the foundational research presented in the course regarding how biological,

psychological, or

sociocultural factors contribute to the development of psychological disorders.

C. Explain how the view of psychopathology has evolved over the history of abnormal psychology. Be sure to support your analysis with examples

from research to support your claim.

D. Explain the conclusions you can reach about research in abnormal psychology. In other words, explain what we know about psychopathology,
based on your review of the research presented in the course. Be sure to support your analysis with examples from research to support your

E. Describe the specific research designs used in the foundational research presented in the course used to address research questions. For

example, what were the specific methods used to address the research question? What type of research design was used?

F. Explain how research designs were used by authors to conduct research in abnormal psychology. In other words, how did the research designs

used by researchers help in conducting research regarding abnormal psychology?

G. Discuss how issues of ethics have been addressed in the foundational research presented in the course. For example, how did the authors

inform the participants of what the experiment would entail? How did the authors account for any potential risks to participants associated with

the study?

H. Discuss how issues of ethics in abnormal psychology have been viewed historically. In other words, how have issues of ethics in the field been

viewed over time? Has this view changed as the field has progressed? Be sure to support your response with examples from research to support
your claims. x


Guidelines for Submission: Use the Literature Review Template to complete this milestone. Use APA-style references. Each literature review should be 2-4 pages
in length.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Literature Review:

Diagnoses and


Meets “Proficient”

criteria, and analysis

demonstrates an astute

ability to interpret claims

made in psychological


Summarizes the evidence

presented in the

foundational research

presented in the course

regarding how causes and

diagnoses or assessments

and treatments for

psychological disorders have


Summarizes the evidence

presented in the foundational

research presented in the

course regarding how causes

and diagnoses or assessments

and treatments for
psychological disorders have

developed, but summary is

cursory or contains


Does not summarize the

evidence presented in the

foundational research
presented in the course
regarding how causes and
diagnoses or assessments
and treatments for
psychological disorders have



Literature Review:

Biological, Psychological,

or Sociocultural Factors

Meets “Proficient”
criteria, and analysis
demonstrates an astute
ability to interpret claims
made in psychological
Summarizes the evidence
presented in the
foundational research
presented in the course

regarding how biological,

psychological, or

sociocultural factors

contribute to the

development of

psychological disorders

Summarizes the evidence
presented in the foundational

research presented in the course

regarding how biological,

psychological, or sociocultural

factors contribute to the

development of psychological

disorders, but summary is

cursory or

contains inaccuracies

Does not summarize the
evidence presented in the
foundational research
presented in the course
regarding how biological,
psychological, or
sociocultural factors
contribute to the
development of
psychological disorders


Literature Review: History Meets “Proficient” criteria,

and explanation

demonstrates keen insight

into how the view of

psychopathology has

evolved over the history of

the field

Explains how the view of

psychopathology has evolved

over the history of the field

using examples from the

Explains how the view of
psychopathology has evolved

over the history of the field, but

explanation is cursory, or lacks


from research

Does not explain how the

view of psychopathology has

evolved over the history of
the field
12 x

Literature Review:

Abnormal Psychology

Meets “Proficient”

criteria, and response

demonstrates an astute
ability to interpret claims
made in psychological

Explains the conclusions

that can be reached about

abnormal psychology, based

on analysis of the research

presented in the course,

using examples from the

Explains the conclusions that can

be drawn about abnormal

psychology presented in the

course, but explanation is

cursory, contains inaccuracies, or

lacks examples from research

Does not explain the

conclusions that can be drawn


abnormal psychology

Literature Review:

Research Designs

Meets “Proficient”
criteria, and response
demonstrates an astute

ability to interpret

psychological research

Describes the specific

research designs used in the

foundational research
presented in the course

used to address research


Describes the research designs

used in the foundational

research presented in the

course used to address research

questions, but description is

cursory or contains inaccuracies,

or response does

not reference specific

research designs from the


Does not describe the

research designs used in the
foundational research
presented in the course
used to address research
Literature Review:

Conduct Research

Meets “Proficient”

criteria, and explanation

demonstrates keen

insight into how

researchers use research

designs to better conduct


Explains how research

designs were used by

authors in the research

presented in the course to

conduct research

Explains how research designs

were used by authors in the

research presented in the

course to conduct research, but

explanation is cursory or

contains inaccuracies

Does not explain how

research designs were used

by authors in the research

presented in the course to
conduct research


Literature Review: Issues of


Meets “Proficient”

criteria, and discussion

demonstrates keen

insight into how the

authors of the research

presented in the course

addressed issues of ethics

Discusses how issues of

ethics have been addressed

in the foundational research

presented in the course,
using examples from the

Discusses how issues of ethics

have been

addressed in the

foundational research

presented in the course but

discussion is cursory, contains

inaccuracies, or lacks examples

from research

Does not discuss how issues

of ethics have been

addressed in the
foundational research
presented in the course


Literature Review:


Meets “Proficient”
criteria, and discussion

demonstrates a nuanced

understanding of how

the views and

approaches to ethical

issues in the field have

changed over time

Discusses how issues of

ethics in abnormal

psychology have been

viewed historically, using

examples from the research

Discusses how

issues of ethics in

abnormal psychology have been

viewed historically, but

discussion is cursory, contains
inaccuracies, or lacks examples
from research

Does not discuss how

issues of ethics in
abnormal psychology

have been viewed



Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors

related to citations,

grammar, spelling, syntax,

and organization and is

presented in a professional

and easy-to read format

Submission has no major


related to references,

grammar, spelling, syntax,

or organization

Submission has major errors

related to references,

grammar, spelling, syntax, or

organization that negatively

impact readability and

articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical

errors related to references,

grammar, spelling, syntax,

or organization that prevent

understanding of ideas


Total 100%

Track and Topic Sociocultural Influences: social and cultural contributions to the development of psychological disorders

Article #1

1. What is the title of the article? Provide a reference for the article in APA format.

Mueller, D. R., Schmidt, S. J., & Roder, V. (2013). Integrated psychological therapy: effectiveness in schizophrenia inpatient settings related to patients’ age. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21(3), 231-241.

2. What is the purpose of the article?

The article investigated whether the Integrated Philological therapy is more effective in younger patients of ages 40 and above. The authors then compared the effectiveness of IPT of young patients with that of average years of 40 and above. The study also investigated whether treatment as usual or unspecified group activities produce different outcomes.

3. What is the hypothesis of the study? In other words, what claims do the authors make in the article? What are the outcomes of the study, that is, the conclusions that the authors made as a result of the study?

There are no differences in the effectiveness of Integrated Psychological therapy between a group of younger patients (age 40 and below) and that of the average years (ages 40 and above). The study also hypothesized that there no differences in the treatment outcome of the group of younger patients (age 40). The study also assessed there were differences in the treatment outcome of the group of older patients (age 40 and above) treated using specified and unspecified treatment.

4. What variables (factors) are being looking at as an influence on abnormal behavior?

The study investigated the influences of age (variable) and the use of Integrated Psychological Treatment on the treatment of schizophrenia. Another variable was the treatment options (Unspecified and Specified treatment). Other variables include the global cognitive scores, social cognition, psychopathology and social functioning.

5. If these variables or the relationship between these variables have been studied before, what have other studies found? This shows historical significance.

Past studies have shown the effect of age on Schizophrenia. Older people suffering from Schizophrenia often suffer from cognitive impairment compared to younger patients. There are fewer therapy approaches to middle and averagely mentally ill patients.

6. Describe the research design (e.g., descriptive, correlateional, experimental) that was used in the study.

Standard meta-analytical procedures. The study compared category of two age groups. Had a total of 15 IPT controlled studies with 632 schizophrenic patients.

7. Do you think the research in this article was conducted in an ethical manner? Why or why not?

Yes. The study obtained ethical approval from the relevant authorities. The study also recruited participants after getting an informed consent from each study participants.

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