MGT680-1302B-01 : Strategic Management

Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of the first mover and the last mover theories

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You should provide an unbiased comparison of the two theories.

Identify at least four advantages and four disadvantages for each theory and comprehensively show how each advantage or disadvantage affects the use of that theory (a minimum of 16 pros/cons in all).

Identify at least four examples of real firms who hMGT680-1302B-01 : Strategic Managementave been successful and four examples of real firms who have been failures using each theory (a minimum of 16 real firms in all).

Provide a definitive and unbiased recommendation of which theory to use. You should provide the specific attributes which constitute the most advantageous context in which the chosen theory operates and justify your recommendation with researched support, logic and examples.  

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Deliverable Length: The deliverable length shall be of five to seven pages (cover page and reference page not included)

ApA format


detail read carefully

Only one format of submission is accepted. The following is a format in which the paper you present each part of the paper in a separated paragraph.

Part One: Advantages and Disadvantages of the first mover and the last mover theory ( a minimum of 16 examples- 33% of the grade)

First Mover Theory



   First Mover Advantages (FMA).

1.      Advantage and why this is an advantage

2.      Advantage and why this is an advantage

3.      Advantage and why this is an advantage

4.      Advantage and why this is an advantage

First Mover Disadvantages (FMD).

1.      Disadvantage and why it is disadvantage

2.       Disadvantage and why it is disadvantage

3.      Disadvantage and why it is disadvantage

4.      Disadvantage and why it is disadvantage

(two spaces between the paragraphs)

                      Late Mover Theory

        Late Mover Advantages (LMA).

1.      Advantage and why this is an advantage2.      Advantage and why this is an advantage3.      Advantage and why this is an advantage4.      Advantage and why this is an advantage

        Late Mover Disadvantages (LMD).

1.      Disadvantage and why it is disadvantage2.       Disadvantage and why it is disadvantage3.      Disadvantage and why it is disadvantage4.      Disadvantage and why it is disadvantage

                    (two spaces between  the paragraphs)


Part Two: Identify at least four examples of real firms who have been successful and four examples of real firms who have been failures using each theory (a minimum of 16 real firms in all-33% of the grade)

First Movers

First Mover Theory Successful Firms (FMSF)

1.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the first mover theory

2.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the first mover theory

3.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the first mover theory

4.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the first mover theory

(one space)

First Mover Theory Unsuccessful Firms (FMUF)

1.      Firm and why this firm was unsuccessful using the first mover theory

2.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the first mover theory3.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the first mover theory4.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the first mover theory

(two spaces between paragraphs)


Late Movers

Late Mover Theory Successful Firms (LMSF)

1.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the late mover theory

2.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the late mover theory

3.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the late mover theory

4.      Firm and why this firm was successful using the late mover theory


Late Mover Theory Unsuccessful Firms (LUSF)

1.      Firm and why this firm was unsuccessful using the late mover theory

2.      Firm and why this firm was unsuccessful using the late mover theory

3.      Firm and why this firm was unsuccessful using the late mover theory

4.      Firm and why this firm was unsuccessful using the late mover theory


Two spaces between the paragraphs


Part Three: Provide a definitive and unbiased recommendation of which theory to use. You should provide the specific attributes, which constitute the most advantageous context in which the chosen theory operates and justify your recommendation with researched support, logic and examples


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