Course Topics & Objectives 

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Week One


Approaches to Quality Management


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Define total quality and its elements.

·         Explain the effects of quality management on domestic and global competition.


Week Two


Strategic Planning and Customer Satisfaction


·         Determine the role of continuous improvement in strategic planning.

·         Explain how to use customer satisfaction measurements to enhance quality planning.


Week Three


Process Analysis


·         Analyze processes for quality improvement.

·         Utilize quality management tools to present data.


Week Four


Process Improvement Models and Methodologies


·         Explain how to reduce variation in total quality management.

·         Determine models and methodologies to use for organizational process improvement.


Week Five


Total Quality Implementation


·         Summarize the requirements of quality management systems in organizations.

·         Analyze the practical applications of a quality management system in organizations.

  Course Materials 

Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2010). Quality management for organizational excellence: Introduction to total quality (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


All electronic materials are available on your student website.

 Weekly Point Values   

Week One 




Total Quality Pioneers Paper

10 Week Two 

Individual Assignment:

Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition Paper

15 Week Three  Learning



Strategic Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction Paper

15 Week Four 

Individual Assignment:

Quality Textiles International Scenario

10 Week Five  Individual Assignment:

Final Exam



Learning Team

Assignment: Quality Improvement Implementation Paper


All Weeks




Discussion Questions

(4 points per week)20

Assignment Totals

  Individual70 Learning Team30

Point Total


      Week One Approaches to Quality Management ·         Define total quality and its elements.·         Explain the effects of quality management on domestic and global competition. Course Assignments 

1.     Readings


·         Read Ch. 1 & 2 of Quality Management for Organizational Excellence.



Individual Assignment: Total Quality Pioneers Paper


·         Resource: Quality Management for Organizational Excellence

·         Write a 350- to 700-word paper about one of the total quality pioneers mentioned in Ch. 1 of your textbook. Address the following in the paper:



Define quality and its elements.


Describe how the quality pioneer’s use of the total quality elements made the pioneer successful.

o        Explain why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment.

o        What do you foresee about the future of quality?


·         Include at least one additional online resource or article from the University Library to support your paper.

·         Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines


Weekly Reminders

Weekly Summaries

Weekly summaries will be required in this course and counted as class participation.

Discussion Questions

Discussion question responses will

not count towards the class participation requirement and will be evaluated separately.

Only posts in the

Main classroom forum will count towards your class participation score.


All Week: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.

Summary of Week 1 Deliverables


Total Quality Pioneers PaperIndividual


IndividualDay 7


Individual or Learning Team


Day 7

Weekly Summary

Week Two Strategic Planning and Customer Satisfaction ·         Determine the role of continuous improvement in strategic planning.·         Explain how to use customer satisfaction measurements to enhance quality planning. Course Assignments 

3.     Readings


·         Read Ch. 3, 6, & 7 of Quality Management for Organizational Excellence


4.     Individual Assignment: Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition Paper


·         Write a 700- to 1,250-word paper in which you compare and contrast quality management at two organizations in the same industry.


o    One organization must compete in the domestic market and one in the global market, such as Southwest Airlines and Lufthansa.


·         Consider researching the airline industry, the auto industry, the electronics industry, or the pharmaceutical industry.

·         Complete the following in your paper:


o    Describe or diagram a process or procedure that is similar between the organizations. Explain the process or procedure from beginning to end.

o    Explain why the process or procedure produces a competitive product or service in the domestic and global markets.

o    Explain how quality management affects the position of the companies in the domestic and global market.


·         Include a minimum of two resources in addition to Quality Management for Organizational Excellence.

·         Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Weekly RemindersWeekly Summaries Weekly summaries will be required in this course and counted as class participation.Discussion Questions Discussion question responses will not count towards the class participation requirement and will be evaluated separately.Only posts in the Main classroom forum will count towards your class participation score. Participation All Week: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.

Summary of Week 2 Deliverables

AssignmentIndividual or Learning TeamDue

IndividualDay 7


Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition Paper 

 Weekly Summary


 Day 7

Week Three Process Analysis ·         Analyze processes for quality improvement.·         Utilize quality management tools to present data. Course Assignments 1.     Readings 

·         Read Ch. 14, 15, & 21 of Quality Management for Organizational Excellence



Learning Team Assignment: Strategic Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction Paper


·Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you discuss the strategic position, quality management approach, and customer satisfaction measurements within a company. Complete the following:


o    Choose a company that a team member is familiar with.

o    Conduct a SWOT analysis for the company.

o    Develop a vision and mission statement for this company along with guiding principles that incorporate quality principles.

o    Create the organization’s strategic plan and strategic objectives that explains and defines quality as the organization’s core principles.

o    Include, in the strategic objectives, the tools used by the company to measure customer satisfaction. Discuss how these measurements could be used to enhance quality planning.

·         Format your paper consistent with APA guidelinesWeekly RemindersWeekly Summaries Weekly summaries will be required in this course and counted as class participation.Discussion Questions Discussion question responses will not count towards the class participation requirement and will be evaluated separately.Only posts in the Main classroom forum will count towards your class participation score. Participation All Week: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.

Summary of Week 3 Deliverables

AssignmentIndividual or Learning TeamDue


Weekly SummaryIndividualDay 7   

Strategic Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction Paper  

Week 7

        Week Four Process Improvement Models and Methodologies ·         Explain how to reduce variation in total quality management.·         Determine models and methodologies to use for organizational process improvement. Course Assignments 1.     Readings 

·         Read Ch. 16, 18, & 19 of Quality Management for Organizational Excellence


2.     Individual Assignment: Quality Textiles International Scenario


·         Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Quality Textiles International

·         Review the University of Phoenix Material: Quality Textiles International document, located on your student website.

·         Obtain the mean and standard deviation of the provided data.

·         Create a histogram for data frequencies using the Microsoft® Excel® program. The bin range can be left blank.


o    You may need to download the add-in program Analysis ToolPak in Microsoft® Excel®. This add-in is required for generating the histogram data. Information on adding and using the Analysis ToolPak can be found using the Help feature in Microsoft® Excel®.


·         Use the histogram to determine how many points are out of control according to the upper control limit and lower control limit.

Weekly RemindersWeekly Summaries Weekly summaries will be required in this course and counted as class participation.Discussion Questions Discussion question responses will not count towards the class participation requirement and will be evaluated separately.Only posts in the Main classroom forum will count towards your class participation score. Participation All Week: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.

Summary of Week 4 Deliverables

AssignmentIndividual or Learning TeamDue

IndividualDay 7

Weekly SummaryIndividualDay 7   

Quality Textiles International Scenario 

                                 Week Five Total Quality Implementation ·         Summarize the requirements of quality management systems in organizations.·         Analyze the practical applications of a quality management system in organizations. Course Assignments 1.     Readings 

·         Read Ch. 22 of Quality Management for Organizational Excellence.



Individual Assignment: Final Examination


·         Click the link to the Final Examination on your student website, available from the end of Week Four through the end of Week Five.


·         Complete the Final Examination. You are allowed one attempt to complete the exam, which is timed and must be completed in 3 hours. Results are auto graded and sent to your instructor.


Note.Final Examination questions are adapted from Quality Management for Organizational Excellence.


3.     Learning Team Assignment: Quality Improvement Implementation Paper


·         Resource: Hartman Industries, LLC web page


·         Review the Hartman Industries, LLC web page by following the link on your student website. For the purposes of this assignment, assume your team has been selected to draft a proposal with recommendations to improve the company’s manufacturing processes.


·         Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word proposal suggesting a quality system to the management team of Hartman Industries, LLC. Work together to complete the following in your proposal:


o    Identify a quality management system for process or organizational improvement.

o    Summarize the requirements of the chosen system.

o    Explain how your quality management system will benefit the organization.

o    Define the variation you have identified in the as-is flow chart.

o    Detail the implementation plan for your chosen quality improvement process.

o    Provide examples of the quality tools you plan to use for identifying and reducing process variability.

 ·         Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Weekly RemindersWeekly Summaries Weekly summaries will be required in this course and counted as class participation.

Summary of Week 5 Deliverables


AssignmentIndividual or Learning TeamDue

Final ExamIndividualDay 7

TeamDay 7


 Quality Improvement Implementation Paper

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