MGMT404 – Project Management Week 2 Assignments ( iLab + Discussions + Course Project)

Review Questions

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Answer the following questions:


What is a resource? 

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Why aren’t resources assigned to summary tasks?


What is the difference between Start, Prorated and End in association with costs?



Give a real-world example of the difference between a fixed cost and a cost per use?


 Why is a fixed cost entered with the task and not the resource?


Why is the resource cost for the Wiring Contractor $0.00?


Which resource is Overallocated and why?

Review Questions  Answer the following questions:1)       What is a resource?  2)       Why aren’t resources assigned to summary tasks? 3)       What is the difference between Start, Prorated and End in association with costs?  4)       Give a real-world example of the difference between a fixed cost and a cost per use? 5)        Why is a fixed cost entered with the task and not the resource? 6)       Why is the resource cost for the Wiring Contractor $0.00? 7)       Which resource is Overallocated and why? 

Lab 2 Reports

1. Task Table: Entry

2. Task Table: Cost

3. Project Summary Report

4. Project Budget Report

5. Who Does What

6. Overallocated Resources


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