MGMT 501 Content Analysis

Review the Week Seven Course Material in the Lessons section so that you are familiar with content analysis. Select either conceptual analysis or relational analysis as your approach to present your content analysis paper. Select

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scholarly journal articles (you can use any of the scholarly journal articles that were used in your annotated bibliography) and conduct either a conceptual analysis or a relational analysis. [Note that an excellent site that explains this type of analysis is produced by Colorado State:]NOTE: SELECT ARTICLES THAT WERE PUBLISHED WITHIN THE LAST TEN YEARS.

After examining each of the articles individually and presenting those findings using the approach mentioned above, add a final section to your paper that combines your findings and compares and contrast the words and concepts that are associated with the overall topic of the articles. Tell how the material in these articles contributes to your understanding of your selected topic for the course used in this assignment? To further clarify: Make sure that the final section of your paper demonstrates critical thinking in the triangulation of the sources you selected with regard to your topic of interest. Make sure that your takeaways from this assignment are clear contributions to your knowledge base and appraisal of your overall topic.

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This assignment should be created as an MSWord document using APA formatting including a title page and a reference page. This paper is your final paper for the course and is worth much more than all the others. The main body of text should be 1500-2500 words (not counting Title Page and References). An abstract is not required. Submit the assignment in the assignment section of the classroom as an uploaded document. Note that the examples in the Lessons are shortened to give a brief idea; do not use them to estimate the length of your paper.

NOTE: Do not use macros or automatic referencing in your papers for this course. The auto features usually cause unforeseen problems in format. Plus, part of this course involves the student’s acquisition of the essentials of the APA style format

 Follow the Submissions Guidelines as listed in the Syllabus:

The various assignments for this course should be

submitted as Word attachments in the Assignment section

of our virtual classroom. Each file should be named in the following manner: Last name–truncated Week Number-Assignment name (abbreviated if necessary)


For example: Smith-Wk07-Content Analysis


The accompanying articles (3) upon which your work is based should be saved to your computer as a pdf file and then uploaded along with your assignment, named as suits you, EXCEPT put your last name first in the following manner: Last name–the name of your article (abbreviate as needed)


For example: Smith-YadaYada Research

 Please note that this week you should upload four items into the same assignment area: your paper plus the three articles (each in ) upon which your paper is based.



American Military University

Servant Leadership Annotated Bibliography

John D Garcia

MGMT 501

Dr. J. Louis Spencer

March 3, 2013

Scholarly Journal Articles

Khalesi, N Salehi, M. Moradi, F. Ahadinezhad, B. Mohammadi, R. Rohani, B. Journal of Health

Administration; 2012, Vol. 15 Issue 47, p23-32, The Relationship between Servant

Leadership and Job Involvement of staff in Teaching Hospitals Affiliated to Kurdistan

University of Medical Sciences: 2011.

Servant leadership, a newly developed concept of leadership, emphasizes on increased services to others, as well as a holistic attitudes toward people, individual development and shared decision making. The servant-leadership philosophy focuses on: servant leader, training staff and developing services in the society. This research aimed to study the relationship between servant leadership and its four dimensions

Mittal, Rakesh, Dorfman, Peter W. Journal of World Business; Oct2012, Vol. 47 Issue 4, p555-

570, 16p Servant leadership across cultures.

Servant leadership is anchored in the human drive to bond with others and contribute to the betterment of the society. An emphasis on service motivation, as demonstrated by empowering and developing people with empathy and humility, differentiates servant leadership from other leadership frameworks. In this study, we analyzed the degree to which five aspects of servant leadership, Egalitarianism, Moral Integrity, Empowering, Empathy and Humility were endorsed as important for effective leadership across cultures. While each of these dimensions was found to be associated with effective leadership, there was considerable variation in degree of endorsement of components of servant leadership across different GLOBE culture clusters.

Non-scholarly Journal Articles

Parolini Jeanine L. Investigating Transformational and Servant Leader Distinctions

Retrieved from

Transformational leadership and servant leadership have been in existence since the late 1970s (Burns, 1978; Greenleaf, 1977) and theoretical assumptions about the differences between the two leaders began as early as the 1990s (Graham,1991), this study is the first empirical investigation of the distinctions between transformational and servant leaders

Vargas, Pamela A, MBA; Hanlon, Jim. Journal of Research Administration38 (2007): 45-

49,11,13. Celebrating a Profession: The Servant Leadership Perspective

Retrieved from

Research administration as a field was developed out of the researcher’s need for service. Historically, we have provided that service, but as requirements have changed, we have also taken on leadership responsibilities. Providing both service and leadership may appear contradictory, but, when viewed in terms of Robert Greenleaf’s concept of servant leadership, being a good servant can actually build trust and provide the foundation for earned leadership, which is much more effective than leadership based on hierarchy. This article reflects upon the profession of research administration and follows up on some thoughts originally presented in, The Research Administrator as Servant Leader.

Website Sources

McCrimmon, Mitch Ph.D. Servant Leadership Retrieved from

The objective of servant leadership if you can’t lead others BY serving them, you can only lead by example or by advocating a new direction. You can APPLY such leadership to the value of serving others or a higher cause. But this is an application of the same model of leadership, not a distinct leadership model in its own right. These criticisms are thus not meant as an attack on the VALUES that servant leadership advocates hold dear. The only point is that we need to be clear what leadership actually means. Another advantage of defining leadership in a way that makes it independent of being in charge of people is that it is very empowering: all employees with a good idea who suceed in convincing others to adopt it either by setting an example or through persuasion can show leadership without taking charge of others, even informally

Vanderpyl TH Servant leadership: a case study of a Canadian health care innovator Published

Date February 2012 Volume 2012:4 Pages 9 – 16

Retrieved from

Both servant leadership and innovation are easier to theorize than to actually implement in practice. This article presents a case study of a Canadian health care executive who led a remarkable turnaround of St Michael’s Health Centre, a floundering and almost bankrupt nursing home. In less than 7 years, Kevin Cowan turned around the finances and changed numerous broken relationships into strategic alliances. Under his leadership, St Michael’s Health Centre went from being one of the most underperforming health care organizations in Canada, to one of the most innovative


Robert K. Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness

25th Anniversary Edition

Throughout the book, Greenleaf made a compelling case that “primus inter pares” exists in important places with conspicuous success. With my leadership experience rooted in the traditional military hierarchical structure, at times it was difficult to understand Greenleaf’s perspectives on the first or second read.

Greenleaf’s insights into the servant as leader (one who makes sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served) in the first chapter lays the foundation for his subsequent chapters: the institution as servant, trustees as servants, servant leadership in business, servant leadership in education, servant leadership in foundations, servant leadership in churches, servant leaders, servant responsibility in a bureaucratic society, and America and world leadership

Autry James The Servant Leader: How to Build a Creative Team, Develop Great Morale,

and Improve Bottom-Line Performance

His main contribution to servant-leadership is threefold: (a) he rightly points out the famous proverb about managers doing things right and leaders doing the right things is not a prescription that recommends leaders to think only of the forest and not the trees; “instead, it is meant to define what a manager must move beyond (focusing on how to do) in order to become a leader (focusing on what to do and how to be” (pp. 37-38); (b) as an organizational leader with deep experience, he does not shy away from discussing the harder aspects of organizational life–he is an effective counterweight for some of the Pollyannaish literature; and (c) as an experienced organizational leader, he provides some management and leadership technologies and understandings that the theorist alone cannot.


Autry James The Servant Leader: How to Build a Creative Team, Develop Great Morale,
and Improve Bottom-Line Performance
Khalesi, N Salehi, M. Moradi, F. Ahadinezhad, B. Mohammadi, R. Rohani, B. Journal of Health
Administration; 2012, Vol. 15 Issue 47, p23-32, The Relationship between Servant
Leadership and Job Involvement of staff in Teaching Hospitals Affiliated to Kurdistan
University of Medical Sciences: 2011.

McCrimmon, Mitch Ph.D. Servant Leadership Retrieved from
Mittal, Rakesh, Dorfman, Peter W. Journal of World Business; Oct2012, Vol. 47 Issue 4, p555-
570, 16p Servant leadership across cultures.
Parolini Jeanine L. Investigating Transformational and Servant Leader Distinctions

Retrieved from

Robert K. Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness
25th Anniversary Edition
Vanderpyl TH Servant leadership: a case study of a Canadian health care innovator Published

Date February 2012 Volume 2012:4 Pages 9 – 16 leadership-a-case-study-of-a-canadian-health-care-innovator-peer-reviewed-article-JHL

Vargas, Pamela A, MBA; Hanlon, Jim. Journal of Research Administration38 (2007): 45-

49,11,13. Celebrating a Profession: The Servant Leadership Perspective

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