MGMT 3500 CCG Business Law Question

These instructions are for the MGMT 3500 Ethics Paper. The final paper shall have a cover page including the name and number of the course, the name of the ethics case/situation/issue, the name of the instructor, the name of the student, and the date. The paper itself shall be no less than 10 and no more than 15 pages long to include footnotes/endnotes. Format of the paper shall be in accordance with (IAW) the Chicago style of writing papers. Use only 12-pitch Times New Roman or Courier New font double spaced with one-inch margins on top, bottom and both sides. Remember, if in doubt, footnote or endnote it.

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Topic: Write about an ethics case that is in the news currently or had been in the past. Address ethics overall, why the case you are writing about is an ethics issue and not a legal issue and give your personal thoughts at the end regarding the case.

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