Literature Review Paper
Literature review paper
One of the main learning exercises in the course is a Literature review paper. The
literature review paper’s purpose is to answer a significant clinical question. Most of your
discussions and activities in this course are created to build the skills need it to write this
paper. To do this paper you need to work each week on assignments, that will help you
build your skills for the successful completion of this assignment.
Your paper should be 5-6 pages long (double-spaced, 12 font) not including the
references and title page). You should have a reference page of at least eight
(8) academic sources, including at least five (5) primary research sources that specifically
answer the review question. Use APA format for references and citations. All papers
must be submitted to be reviewed for similarity, any paper with a score of 20% or higher
in the similarity index, will receive an automatic “0”, and will not be reviewed until the
similarity score is below 20%.
Step by step directions and a rubric is posted below. After your paper has been
corrected and graded, you have the option to revise your literature review paper in order
to improve your writing and correct your mistakes. If there is a significant improvement,
the grade will be increased. Revisions are due a week after receiving feedback.
Your paper needs to follow the following criteria:
1. Choose a problem faced by clients in your practice area that you think is
important and would like to learn more about (Use Activity 1 to identify the
2. Use your knowledge of PICO to develop a well-built narrow clinical question.
For example: In adult patients with total hip replacements (P), how effective is
pain medication (I) compared to aerobic stretching (C) in controlling postoperative pain (O)? (the development of the PICO question should not be
included in the paper) (Use discussion 2 & 3).
3. Write a five (5) to six (6) page literature review paper on the standing
knowledge of the chosen question.
4. Include a minimum of five (5) journal articles, at least three (3) from nursing
journals. However, make sure that the (5) journals are the ones analyzed and
synthesized in the results and discussion sections.
5. The body of the paper should be made of the following titled sections: Title
(introduction), Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
6. Provide a specific and concise tentative title for your literature review paper
(You may use the results or at least the variables in the title).
7. The abstract is not required
8. Include a 1-page introduction of your topic (background information), the
focus/aim of your review. The introduction should include a statement of the
problem, briefly explain the significance of your topic study, and act to
introduce the reader to your definitions and background. Must include your
main statement (i.e. the purpose of this review is…{PICO Question}).
9. The method section should include sources, databases, keywords,
inclusion/exclusion criteria, levels of evidence, and other information that
establishes credibility to your paper (Use discussion 4 & 5).
10. The results should summarize the findings of studies that have been
conducted on your topic. For each study, you should briefly explain its
purpose, procedure for data collection, and major findings. This is the section
where you will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of studies (Use
discussion 6 and activity 2).
11. Submit a table of the studies as per the matrix development (see discussion 7).
12. The discussion should be like a conclusion portion of an essay paper. It serves
as a summary of the body of your literature review and should highlight the
most important findings. Your analysis should help you to draw conclusions. In
this section, you would discuss any consensus or disagreement on the topic. It
can also include any strengths and weaknesses in general of the research area.
If you believe there is more to research, you may include that here.
13. Finally, you will need to conclude your paper. At this point, you have put
substantial effort into your paper. Close this chapter with a summary of the
paper, major findings, and any major recommendations for the profession.
14. In general, your paper should show a sense of direction and contain a definite
central idea supported with evidence. The writing should be logical, and the
ideas should be linked together in a logical sequence. The ideas need to be put
together clearly for the writer and for the reader.
15. Papers will be graded by rubric. When preparing to work on an assignment it
is a good idea to review the rubric for the assignment. The rubric identifies
the important points that will be graded as well as the description of the
information that should be provided to receive all of the points in each section
of the assignment. Reviewing the rubric before you begin a paper and then
once again as you complete the paper will give you confidence that you
included the required information and will receive maximum points for each
section. See the grading rubric for this assignment.
16. Format references and citations using APA guidelines.
17. View Calendar for the due date.
Formal Paper – Literature Review
Formal Paper – Literature Review
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeResearch
Articles (5 points)
• You must provide five
research articles that
specifically answer the
clinical question.
• You may use additional
professional resources for
the paper such as statistical
reports, and other research
articles for the introduction,
background, and the
discussion section.
• You can find more
information about the
difference between research
and review articles in lesson
• Research articles can be
randomized control trials,
cohort studies, case control
studies, cross-sectional
studies, case series or
reports, qualitative studies,
secondary research, or basic
science research, narrative
reviews, systematic
reviews, or meta-analyses.
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeTitle (5
The title is descriptive of
the question or findings
results of the review.
5 pts
Identifies and uses five or
more “directly relevant”
peer-reviewed primary
research journal articles
published in the last five
3 pts
Identifies at least five peer-reviewed,
primary research journal articles to
answer the review question. However,
uses less than four studies to answer
the review question or uses some
studies published before the fiver year
requirement without justification.
5 pts
Writes a clear and concise
paper title. The title reflects
the main topic of the
literature review
3 pts
Writes a good title that is
reasonably clear and concise.
However, it does not precisely
describe the topic or the purpose
of the paper.
0 pts
Identifies less than fiv
reviewed, primary rese
journal articles. The ar
not used to answers th
question. Articles are
or use articles that are
0 pts
Writes “Literature Review
paper title and does not in
information that guides th
the topic or purpose of the
Formal Paper – Literature Review
This criterion is linked to a
OutcomeIntroduction: 1.
Establishes the topic’s
importance/ background. (5
• Define the topic of your
study and provide any
background information
that helps your reader to
understand the topic.
5 pts
the introduction covers relevant
and current articles in detail. Only
scholarly articles are used to build
the argument for the need for the
3 pts
The introduction covers many
statements that identify the
importance of the topic. However,
very limited support for the
seriousness of the problem is
5 pts
Introduces and provides the
groundwork to the laid the
direction of the review. Presents
statistical data to establish why
the topic is important ( incidence,
prevalence, mortality, cost).
Defines key terms to help the
reader understand the topic.
3 pts
Describe the overall problem,
challenge, or topic of the
review. However, the writer
presents more than one topic
and does not present
statistical data to support its
relevance. Key terms are
defined vaguely.
• Explain your reason
(perspective or significance)
for reviewing the literature
on this topic.
0 pts
An introduction
and does not est
problem’s depth
consequences, a
• State your inquiry
question for this review.
This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome2.
Problem Statement (5
Describe your problem and
its significance in words.
Provide a background of the
0 pts
Vaguely states inconsis
direction and topic of th
Does not explain why a
review must be conduc
writer does not present
data to convey the impo
the topic. Do not define
key terms
Formal Paper – Literature Review
This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome3.
Inquiry Question (5 Points)
This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome4.
Purpose of the Paper (5
5 pts
Builds develop, and format an
inquire question paragraph
using well- build PICO (do not
use the PICO, but the proposed
question). Uses a narrow
foreground question in its
5 pts
Explicitly writes the
paper’s purpose, uses a
statement that has an
action verb (describe,
analyze, compare,
3 pts
Develops and formats an inquiry
question from a PICO question.
However, it is not written in a
paragraph format. The inquiry
question is a broad background
question and may not be feasible to
answer using a small-scale literature
3 pts
Describes the paper’s purpose
briefly uses action verbs in the
purpose statement (describe,
analyze, compare, synthesize).
However, the purpose is not
0 pts
Does not developed
question from a PIC
question. Uses a br
background questio
not be feasible for a
using a small-scale
0 pts
Writes a purpose that is neith
nor explicit makes vague ref
the topic or purpose of the re
statement, do not use action
(describe, analyze, compare,
It isn’t very clear.
Formal Paper – Literature Review
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeIdentifies
the Methodology for
Searching the Evidence (10
• A comprehensive
description of how the
review was executed
• Description of the search
strategy, the selection of
databases used with
justification, and the search
terms used.
• Specifies selection rules,
including inclusive and
exclusion criteria.
• Identifies levels of
evidence and why these
sources were used in the
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeResults
Section 1. Analysis of
Findings (10 points)
The results section
characterizes the body of
literature included in the
review and synthesizes the
10 pts
Concisely details and provides
information about the article selection,
including search engines used, search
terms (keywords), and
inclusion/exclusion criteria. In
addition, the number and type of
articles included are clearly stated.
Levels of evidence are acknowledged
and applied to the search.
5 pts
Provides details about article
selection. Unfortunately, they
were occasionally omitting
some of the article selection
procedures. Keywords are
included, but there is no
mention of the quality or the
levels of the evidence found.
0 pts
Provides a few det
article selection. T
and type of article
included. Keyword
omitted. The reade
to duplicate the art
selection. There is
of the quality or th
evidence found.
10 pts
Search and select five or more
relevant journals for review. Uses
articles that are interrelated and build
upon each other to show the reader the
state of knowledge of the topic.
5 pts
Search and select five journals
for review. However, two or
more journals are not clearly
interrelated and do not answer
the review question.
0 pts
Search and selec
Critical details n
understand how
was conducted a
Formal Paper – Literature Review
This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome2.
Synthesis of evidence (10
This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome3. Tables
(5 points)
This criterion is linked to a
OutcomeDiscussion Section
(5 points) 1. Significance
and synthesis of findings
• The discussion
summarizes the body of
your literature review and
highlights the most
important findings (in your
10 pts
Synthesize each article by its study
design. For example, sampling
strategy(inclusion/ exclusion
criteria), study setting, data
collection procedures, the approach
used for data analyses, and
5 pts
Describes the study methods for each
article superficially, but information
regarding nuances of how the study was
conducted is limited. There is some
explanation of the study method,
sampling, and collection procedures.
However, it lacks proper identification
and use of the research terminology.
0 pts
Sections s
design, pr
approach a
5 pts
The table is present and is labeled
correctly. The table is consistent and
provides details that synthesize the
review’s primary data. Therefore, the
table is presented in APA criteria.
3 pts
The table is present, correctly
labeled. However, there is
repetition and redundancy. It
follows APA but shows two or
more APA guidelines errors.
0 pts
The table does no
established criter
format. Therefor
does not present
5 pts
The table is present and is labeled
correctly. The table is consistent and
provides details that synthesize the
review’s primary data. Therefore, the
table is presented in APA criteria.
3 pts
The table is present, correctly
labeled. However, there is
repetition and redundancy. It
follows APA but shows two or
more APA guidelines errors.
0 pts
The table does no
established criter
format. Therefor
does not present
Formal Paper – Literature Review
This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome2.
This criterion is linked to a
OutcomeDiscussion Section
(5 points) 3. Nursing
Practice Relevance
This criterion is linked to a
OutcomeConclusion (5
• Summarize the main
findings from the articles
• Conclude your paper by
connecting your inquiry
question back to the context
of the problem of the
• Includes the “so-what
5 pts
Describes studies limitations
and compares results to other
research publications
3 pts
Provides a brief and general discussion
of the study’s limitations but does not
compare to other research publications.
5 pts
Nursing practice relevance of the topic area
is clearly stated. In addition, the importance
of the review itself and how its findings
may address/inform nursing is stated
5 pts
Writes most paragraphs with an
identifiable topic. Some sections
include more than one topic.
3 pts
Nursing relevance is
superficially discussed. It does
superficially mention how the
findings inform nursing.
3 pts
Writes all paragraphs
with a precise
identifiable topic.
0 pts
Does not provid
of literature rev
0 pts
Poor discussi
findings for n
0 pts
Writes many paragraphs lackin
identifiable topic sentences. Ma
contain multiple topics and are
to follow.
Formal Paper – Literature Review
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeQuality
and Organization (3 points)
1. Paragraphs (5 points)
Logical arrangement of
supporting points in
coherent paragraphs;
Effective transitions.
Format and outline are
appropriate for the
academic manuscript. All
assigned elements include a
correctly formatted APA
title page and reference
Consistent APA format and
citations throughout the
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeQuality
and Organization (3 points)
2. Organization
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeQuality
and Organization (3 points)
3. The logical flow of ideas
3 pts
Summarizes and articulates clearly
the main points of the review. It
was recognized that implications for
nursing practice are logical,
relevant, and straightforward.
Provides specific suggestions for
future research.
2 pts
Summarizing the main points,
clarity could be enhanced by
recognizing the Implications for
nursing practice. It makes good
specific suggestions for future
research but needs to provide
better justification for future
3 pts
The review was organized using
subheadings. The study was suitably
organized considering the contents of
the selected articles.
2 pts
The review was suitably
organized, considering the
contents of the selected
1 pts
The review was mi
organized, and the
difficult to follow t
2 pts
The overall arrangement is logical
but is occasionally difficult to
1 pts
The arrangement of
haphazard and diffic
3 pts
The reader is guided smoothly
through the logically arranged
1 pts
Does not summ
main points. Do
identify implica
nursing practice
no justification
suggestion for f
Formal Paper – Literature Review
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeQuality
and Organization (3 points)
4. Mechanics
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeQuality
and Organization (3 points)
2. Organization
Total Points: 100
3 pts
There were no grammatical, spelling,
or punctuation errors, and transitional
phrases were used to guide the reader
throughout the text.
3 pts
The Final paper is double spaced
in a 12- point serif font, has 1inch margins, 7th Ed. APA-style
headings and includes in-text
citations and reference list for all
citations and references.
2 pts
An occasional grammatical,
spelling, and punctuation
error did not distract the
2 pts
The Final paper lacks some of
the following features: double
spacing, 12-point serif font, 1inch margins, APA style
headings, or a nearly complete
Version 7 APA reference list.
1 pts
Many grammatical,
and punctuation erro
distracted the reader
writing content.
1 pts
The Final paper lacks
the following features
spacing, 12- point seri
inch margins, APA sty
headings, or a nearly c
Version 7 APA refere