McGraw-Hill &Irwin – Leadership -Enhancing The Lessons of Experience MCQs

1. Which of the following statements concerning the rational and emotional aspects of leadership is false?

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A. Leaders can use rational techniques and/or emotional appeals in order to influence followers

B. Leadership includes actions and influences based only on reason and logic

C. Aroused feelings can be used either positively or negatively

D. Good leadership involves touching others’ feelings

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2. To many, the word management suggests

A. Dynamism

B. Risk-taking

C. Efficiency

D. Creativity

3. According to the text, leadership is often more associated with

A. Consistency

B. Planning

C. Paperwork

D. Change

4. This is a conventional distinction made between managers and leaders.

A. Managers maintain while leaders develop

B. Managers innovate while leaders administer

C. Managers inspire while leaders control

D. Managers originate while leaders imitate

5. Which of the following statements about leaders versus managers is false?

A. Leadership is a value-laden, activity, management is not

B. Leaders focus on risk taking; managers perform functions such as planning and controlling

C. Leaders are thought to do things right, managers do the right things

D. Leaders develop, managers maintain

6. According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

A. Leadership and management have some unique functions with an area of overlap

B. A good leader can be a good manager, but the reverse is never true

C. Leadership and management are not related

D. Leadership and management are effectively the same for all practical purposes

7. What best describes the leader-follower relationship?

A. The relationship is a one-way street

B. Leadership and followership are the same thing

C. Leadership and followership merge and are linked concepts

D. It is based on the idea of ‘one-man leadership’

8. Ideal leaders according to a survey were commonly characterized as all of the following except

A. Honest

B. Competent

C. Forward-looking

D. Cooperative

9. According to a survey research by Judith Rosener, in terms of their leadership experiences,

A. Women tended to describe themselves in transactional terms

B. Men tended to describe themselves in somewhat transformational terms

C. Men influenced others primarily in terms of personal characteristics

D. Women helped subordinates develop commitment for broader goals than their own self-interest

10. What term did Rosener coin to describe how some women leaders encouraged participation and shared power and information, but went far beyond what is commonly thought of as participative management?

A. Autocratic leadership

B. Laissez faire leadership

C. Interactive leadership

D. Transactional leadership

11. Women leaders’ interactive leadership style developed

A. Due to their socialization experiences and career paths

B. Because of exchanges with subordinates for services rendered

C. By influencing others primarily through their organizational position and authority

D. Because of their organizational position

12. According to female executives, what is the major factor that prevents senior female executives from advancing to corporate leadership?

A. Lack of significant general management

B. Male stereotyping and preconceptions

C. Inhospitable corporate culture

D. Exclusion from informal networks

13. According to female executives. which of the following factors least prevents women from advancing to corporate leadership?

A. Women not being in the pipeline long enough

B. Exclusion from informal networks

C. Inhospitable corporate culture

D. Lack of significant line experience

14. Most male CEOs attribute the paucity of women in corporate leadership roles to which of the following?

A. Exclusion from informal networks

B. Women not in pipeline long enough

C. Male stereotyping and preconceptions

D. Inadequacies in the quality of experience for the top spots

15. According to a recent study, one of the general factors that explains the shift toward more women leaders is that women themselves have changed.

It is evident in all except:

A. A trend toward less stereotypically masculine characterizations of leadership

B. Women’s aspirations and attitudes have become less similar to those of men over time

C. A legislation prohibiting gender-based discrimination at work

D. Changes in organizational norms that put a higher priority on results than an “old boy” network

16. The symbolic message often intended by appointment of women to important leadership positions is evidence of the fact that

A. Culture has changed

B. Women themselves have changed

C. Leadership roles have changed

D. Organizational practices have changed

17. Which of the following statements concerning the reflection component of the AOR model is false?

A. Leaders are always aware of the value of reflection in leadership development

B. It is the most neglected component of the AOR model

C. It can provide leaders with a variety of insights into how to frame problems differently

D. A reason for the reflection component to be neglected often may be due to time pressure at work

18. What describes a kind of learning between the individual and the environment in which learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions?

A. Deutero-learning

B. Double loop learning

C. Triple-loop learning

D. Single-loop learning

19. Confronting one’s beliefs, inviting others to challenge you and working on personal blind spots are aspects of the process of

A. Attribution

B. Double-loop learning

C. Self-fulfilling prophecy

D. Single-loop learning

20. Mastering _____ can be thought of as learning how to learn.

A. Double-loop learning

B. Single-loop learning

C. Deutero-learning

D. Triple-loop learning

21. People who become leaders in any field tend to first stand out by virtue of their

A. Interpersonal skills

B. Technical proficiency

C. Emotional intelligence

D. Intercultural competence

22. In an organization, one can gain valuable perspectives and insights through close association with an experienced person willing to take one under his/her wing. Such an individual is often called a

A. Supervisor

B. Facilitator

C. Role model

D. Mentor

23. The process by which an older and more experienced person helps to socialize and encourage younger organizational colleagues is called

A. Evaluating

B. Consulting

C. Mentoring

D. Networking

24. How are mentorees benefited in a mentoring relationship?

A. By gaining an influential ally and by learning about the subtler aspects of organizational ethics

B. By the greater influence they accrue by having former mentorees in various positions across the organization

C. By having a younger replacement ready to fill their position if they are promoted

D. By encouraging younger colleagues in the organization

25. What is seen as an investment that can help change counterproductive behavior, often interpersonal, that threatens to derail an otherwise valued manager?

A. Mentoring

B. Executive coaching

C. Team building

D. Change management

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