MBA 6631-11F-3, Intercultural Management final exam

Imagine that you are an American businessperson who has recently returned from doing business in another country. You are asked to write a report regarding the details of your trip. The following questions can be used as guidelines for your report, but it is not required that all these questions are answered. Be creative. 

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What country did you visit?

·         How long were you there?

·         What language do they speak?

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·         Did you use a translator?

·         How was the culture different from your own?

·         How was the culture similar to your own?

·         What did you do to try to adapt to the local culture and customs?

·         What types of business practices did you observe that are different from those in the U.S.?

·         What was the most significant difference in business practices between this country and the U.S.?

·         How has this trip helped you to understand diversity in the workplace? • Did you experience culture shock?

·         What did you learn that you can apply to your U.S. workplace?


Write a 300-400 word report on your business trip.

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