Marketing Report

Select any topic within the marketing of your interest and write a marketing report that compromises what you have found and what is the lastest development in that area. The paper should be 3-4 pages, single spaced that include any reference, citation, etc. 

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For report format, write in the form of a “marketing white paper”. Below is a website that talks about what a white paper is and how to write a good white paper.

Below are some link to resources that might help you identify some topics/trends that might be interesting.

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32 Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2025

The paper will be graded on 

Topic and relevance to marketing – 20%

Discussion of the topic and its impact on consumers/marketing – 50%

Depth of coverage – 20%

Reference/citation – 10%

Complete by the end of 12/11/2024

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