marketing project

1-Product Description:

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Section should describe the product, and include its features and benefits to the customers. Should also discuss who your target market is and why they would place value on the product.

2-Rationale for Country Selection:

Section should discuss why you have chosen your particular country. Reasons should include (but not limited to) identified and measured market opportunity, economic political and social trends, target market in country and benefit of product to that country and target market.

3-Market Entry Strategy:

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Grade reflects if a suitable market entry strategy is chosen. Should discuss if you intend to undertake direct or indirect exporting, licensing, franchising, partnership, alliance or joint venture. Your reason for selecting should reflect the advantages of the entry strategy and why it is best for your product and chosen country. Reasons why it is best may include (but not limited to) need to control quality, need to learn new market, company’s competencies, sharing of capabilities and risks, etc..

4-Pricing and Promotional Mechanisms:

Grade for this component is split between the two concepts. Should identify one of the pricing strategies discussed in course. Solid reason for this strategy should be chosen. You should be able to identify competitive pricing in the market, the price you would charge, the basis of the price (costs, competitive pricing) and why customers and the market will accept this price. Other factors that influence pricing should be discussed. Method(s) of promotion should also be selected, including advertising methods and possible direct selling or other methids (i.e trade shows). For advertising you should identify the media used, and why it is selected (i.e cost effectiveness, ability to reach target market in your country)


Grade reflects how you intend to distribute the product, including various intermediaries in the supply channel (ie types of retail outlets, distributors, wholesalers, etc.). The rationale for the distribution strategy may reflect why it is the best way to reach your target market in an efficient and effective manner, among other things.


Conclusion should focus on discussion on why you believe this plan is effective. Your discussion should focus on risks to the plan, how risks would affect the plan, and how you would address the plan.

7-Overall Project:

Marks assessment of grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and overall clarity. A 1/2 mark deducted for each error identified. Mark also reflect title page and table of contents, as well as appendixes which must be included. Appendixes should include supporting tables, charts, pictures, etc. These should not be in the main body of the text. Marks will also reflect visual quality of the report – text properly aligned, appearance of cover page, arrangement of appendixes, etc.


Its all natural peanut butter we are just using peaunts

The concept is one of the most

important sections of the

business plan as it is the one that determines the attitude

of the reader to the rest

of the business plan. It should be no more than one page long and include the following:

a brief description of the company and what attributes

it has to bring the opportunity being profiled to a

successful conclusion;

a brief description of the product or service being

offered and why it will be successful in the chosen


a brief description of the target market chosen and why it is an appropriate ma

rket for both the company

and the product or service being profiled;

a quantitative, not qua

litative, evaluation of

the opportunity and how it meets

the evaluation criteria of the


a recommendation on future actions to be taken where appropriate.

Price 2$ per 500g

My company name is AMV Export which is part of AMV peanut butter manufacturer. The AMV has been producing all natural peanut butter without any artificial flavors or sugar since 2011 within the Canadian market. In the first 2 years the company gained 3% of the market shares and sales were constantly growing, but it’s really becoming tough to sell in Canada because of aggressive competitors. The AMV Export was established when the company realized that they should expand to the Russian market.

The product is peanut butter which is full of vitamins and healthy qualities. The Russian market is still young and doesn’t have all of the same products as in the US or Canada. On the other hand, Russian customers are aware of them and they want them close enough to buy. Customers are aware because the literacy level is high. They read, travel and watch a lot of media. It will be successful to sell in a Russian market because people are already familiar with the product through social media. There is just 1 competitor

Koeze Co

, West Michigan manufacturer which built a plant in Vladivostok and distributes now in some cities, in other cities there are no competitors at all. Also, Russia is a developing country and has a young growing economy. Moreover, there is a good forecast about investment in Russian economy.

The target market is young families and individuals in a group age from 25-50 with average income $25000 per individual. The religion is Christianity. The level of literacy in Russia is 99.5% where male and female levels are equal. Customers in the Russian market accept Western culture and like Western products, as I already mentioned. Russian consumers love Nutella which consists of chocolate and nuts. So, AMV “Yummy” peanut butter will be sold successfully in Russia, because the Russian market is so big and peanut butter is a product which wasn’t presented much virtually in the country. I believe that the potential is strong.

AMV Export will start with an Exporting Strategy. At the beginning my company will chose indirect exporting. The partnership with retailers will help to eliminate some risk and buyers also can take care about exporting details. My company can export through intermediaries such as export trading companies, export management companies, and international trade consultants. They can give to Spriware access to well-established expertise and trade contacts. This will let AMV keep significant control over the process. It will also leave time to learn some of the other benefits of exporting, such as learning more about foreign competitors, new technology, and other market aspects and opportunities. There is the list of largest cities in Russia where AMV is going to sell “Yummy” in the future.

The list of largest cities in Russia.

The potential amount of customers in Russia by age 25-50.

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