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1.  What are your thoughts about SoBeIt?


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            A.  What is the positioning – package of benefits?


            B.  What is the message?


  1. How is the web and tools used by SoBeIt uniquely suited to the message?


    E.  How does the web and these tolls make it work – feelings – image – consumer relationship to the world?           


    F.  We live in a new world of communications – do we not?


    2.  Have you seen any thing like SoBeIt’scampaign that you are impressed by?


    3.  What are the pieces of the Integrated Marketing Communications mix?


    4.  What is the message for marketing in “The Old Versus the New” about the ad agency “Saatchi & Saatchi”?


    5.  Please define & provide and example of each of the pieces (feel free to use yourself in applying these ideas) of the “Steps in Developing Effective Marketing Communications”:



  1. ID the target audience


  2. Determine the communications objectives


  3. Define the message


  4. Choose the media


  5. Define the message source


  6. Collecting feedback


    6.  What is a “push strategy”?


    7.  What is a “pull strategy”?


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