Managing Change Ethically

Assignment 1: Managing Change Ethically

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You work for Comus 9, a clothing company that has a hugely popular ready-to-wear line. Your company is thinking about a feasibility study on outsourcing its key manufacturing operations to Bangladesh, where cheap labor cost will give Comus 9 the margin to survive in the face of increasing competition. There is a possibility of downsizing the current workforce in Comus 9 to drive down its cost component. You have been asked to prepare an introductory report on the key ethical issues involved in the change process, which Comus 9 will initiate if it decides to outsource.


Use the Internet to examine organizations that have successfully managed change events involving downsizing, offshoring, and outsourcing.

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Create a double-spaced, two-page introductory report identifying how leaders in Comus 9 need to ethically manage and administer the change events of downsizing and outsourcing. Include the following in your report:

  • Possible ethical dilemmas related to downsizing, offshoring, and outsourcing
  • Feasible solutions and strategies for the dilemmas related to downsizing, offshoring, and outsourcing

Analyze the dilemmas from a leadership perspective.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Due by 8 AM Central Time, Thursday, August 8, 2013, 


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