Management of Info Technology Organizational Strategy and Business Processes

You must have access to the article  Strategic IT Transformation at Accenture via Harvard Business in order to complete this assignment.

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Two pages are required. Paying $5 per page. Please provide at least three references.

IT 550 Final Project Milestone One:
Organizational Profile Guidelines and Rubric

Remember: Your final project is the creation of an information technology strategic plan (ITSP). This plan is broken up into three milestone assignments that you
will be working on throughout the course: an organizational profile (the focus of this assignment), an IT department SWOT analysis, and a document of strategic
IT initiatives based on a case study that you will select below. These assignments should be tackled from the perspective that you are your department’s IT

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To begin this assignment, you must first choose and purchase one of the following case studies from

 Strategic IT Transformation at Accenture

 Peak Experiences and Strategic IT Alignment at Vermont Teddy Bear

 Richter: Information Technology at Hungary’s Largest Pharma

The case study you select here will be the focus of your final project throughout the course.

For this milestone, you will submit an organizational profile on your chosen organization. This organizational profile should give a brief overview of the company
you choose from an enterprise level and then start to focus on the IT department of that company. Below, you will see an outline of critical elements that must
be addressed.

The critical elements highlighted in yellow represent the critical elements that you should answer from the perspective of the company as a whole, from the
enterprise level. The critical elements highlighted in blue, and all of the subsequent milestone assignments, will focus on the IT department at your company of

Make sure that you craft a vision and mission statement for your IT department that is different from your company’s enterprise-level vision and mission
statements but that aligns with the greater company as a whole.

Feedback should be incorporated into the final project as warranted before final submission.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Organization
A. Structure and Organization: Describe the current organizational structure and background information. How does the organization organize its

internal and external communication? What is the age of the organization? What is the organizational structure? Include the following:
1. What is the number of employees?
2. What is the organizational decision-making structure?

3. What kinds of technology are used in the organization?
B. Customer Profile: Analyze the customer profile of the company to determine possible competitive issues that could be IT-related. What is the

size and type of community? Who is the primary customer? What is the size of the customer/end-user base? What is the demographic profile of
the customer or end user?

C. IT Values: What are the IT values of the organization? Analyze the organizational values as indicated by policies, public releases, or noted actions
of the company. Some things to consider include:

1. How does the organization deal with intellectual property rights?
2. What is the privacy policy of the organization?
3. What is the technology usage policy?
4. How does the organization ensure the accuracy of the data it stores?
5. How does the organization ensure data accessibility, while ensuring data security?
6. What, if any, governance policies are implemented within the organization?

D. Internal Standards: What are the existing internal rules and standards for information technology governance? Describe the existing policies and
standards within the organization to establish a baseline for appropriate practice.

II. IT Vision and Mission
A. IT Vision: What is the ideal vision of how your IT department fits into the overall organization? What is the role that IT plays in the organization?

Articulate your clear and reasonable ideal vision for the roles and responsibilities of the IT department (or IT subgroup) within the organization.
B. IT Mission: What is the IT mission of the organization? Craft an IT mission statement that represents your vision, represents the values of the

organization, and speaks to the impact of IT on business opportunity and competitive advantage.

You are encouraged to use this prompt section as a guide for how you should structure your response.

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should follow these formatting guidelines: 2-3 pages in length, with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and
one-inch margins. Submit your organizational profile to your instructor for approval and to move forward. Please see the feedback provided by your instructor
and resubmit as needed.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Structure and

Accurately describes the structure and
organization of the selected company

Describes the structure and organization
of the company, but with gaps in
accuracy or detail

Does not describe the structure and
organization of the company


Customer Profile Critically analyzes the customer profile of
the organization to determine
competitive issues or threats that could
be related to IT

Analyzes the customer profile of the
organization to determine competitive
issues or threats that could be related to
IT, but with gaps in logic, detail, or

Does not analyze the customer profile of
the organization to determine
competitive issues or threats that could
be related to IT


IT Values Analyzes in detail the values of the
organization related to IT, based on
available information and inferences
from company actions

Analyzes the values of the organization
related to IT, but not based on available
information and inferences from
company actions or lacks detail

Does not analyze the values of the
organization related to IT


Internal Standards Describes in detail the existing policies
and standards within the organization to
establish a baseline for appropriate IT

Describes the existing policies and
standards within the organization to
establish a baseline for appropriate IT
practice, but lacks detail

Does not describe the existing policies
and standards within the organization to
establish a baseline for appropriate IT


IT Vision Articulates a clear and reasonable ideal
vision for the role and responsibilities of
the IT department within the

Articulates a vision for the role and
responsibilities of the IT department
within the organization, but with gaps in
clarity or reasonable representation of
what would be ideal

Does not articulate a vision for the role
and responsibilities of the IT department
within the organization


IT Mission Crafts a mission statement that clearly
represents the IT vision and the values of
the organization and speaks to the
impact of IT on business opportunity and
competitive advantage

Crafts a mission statement, but does not
clearly represent the IT vision or the
values of the organization or does not
clearly speak to the impact of IT on
business opportunity and competitive

Does not craft a mission statement, or
crafts a mission statement that does not
represent the IT vision or the values of
the organization nor speaks to the
impact of IT on business opportunity and
competitive advantage


Articulation of

Submission has no major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or

Submission has errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has significant and
distracting errors related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas


Earned Total 100%

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