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of Management

Assessment Project

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Assessment Project

Instructions to the Student:

This Assessment Project is to be completed in addition to the learning and assessment tutorial activities you complete in class during the course.

This Project evaluates a number of elements of competency that will assess your knowledge and skills in developing workplace policy and procedures for sustainability.

This Project can be completed in one of several ways. Assessment candidates may develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability:

· Within their own work environment or organisation,


· With reference to a scenario provided by the trainer/assessor


Harbourside Business College )

You must successfully complete all 4 parts of this project. If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.

Overview of Assessment Project

This project is made up of 4 parts:

Week 3

Week 5


Due Date

a) Develop workplace sustainability policy

Week 3

b) Communicate workplace sustainability policy

c) Implement workplace sustainability policy

Week 5

d) Review workplace sustainability policy implementation

On the following pages you will find the various types of information. The symbols below will be used throughout this project to represent the different types of information.




A description of the task to be completed

A document or piece of additional information that will assist you complete the task

Questions that require an answer.

Some Background information about a simulation using Harbourside Business College

For this assessment project we will be using a simulation, based on a vocational college, called Harbourside Business College. This simulation is close to your own experiences at Sydney College of Business and Information Technology. We are using it because many students cannot use their own workplace as a model. So, Harbourside Business College has been set up to give you a realistic simulation.

A variety of realistic documents are available, so that the simulation is life-like. Only some of the documents are needed for each task. Use only the relevant documents which are described for each task.

In this project you will be required to develop a workplace sustainability policy, communicate the policy to key stakeholders, implement the policy and review the effectiveness of the policy.

Part 1. Develop workplace sustainability policy

Task Description

(Task 1

a) Conduct a review of the organisation’s current position in terms of sustainability practices. This could include a review of:

· Management commitment

· Planning & communication processes

· Waste management (water & solid)

· Air emission management

· Hazardous materials management

· Environmental emergencies and response

· Site security

· Visual impact (greening of site, maintenance)

· Cultural & biological impacts

· Energy use

b) Define scope of the sustainability policy. You may wish to refer to:

· information gathered from Task 1a above

· relevant laws, standards and guidelines for your industry

· Government initiatives

· ISO 14001:1996

· Strategic & business plans

c) Decide whether you require further information to assist with planning and developing your sustainability policy. Gather information from a range of sources such as regulatory bodies, relevant staff within the organisation, organisation documentation.

d) Consult with stakeholders who have an interest in the organisation’s conduct, actions, products and services. Summarise the information gathered that will be used to support the policy development process. (If completing this activity in the classroom, your fellow learners and trainer can represent stakeholders).

e) Draft a policy that reflects the organisation’s commitment to sustainability. Ensure your policy includes:

· appropriate strategies for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use, and employing life cycle management approaches

· recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost. (You may wish to refer to page 6 for some suggested policy options that could be implemented in a classroom environment.)

· links with business planning process

· explanation of relevant business opportunities linked with sustainability practices

(Task 2

a) Prepare and deliver a presentation to the class or in the workplace. Include the following information:

· Brief overview of the process you followed to draft the policy

· Recommendations for policy options

· Compliance with relevant legislative requirements

· The process you will use to implement the policy.

· The benchmark indicators you propose to use to measure improvement

b) Gain agreement to policy options and implementation plan from relevant senior managers. (If completing this task in the classroom, your trainer and fellow learners can represent senior managers)

Benchmark Criteria:

Student responses should include:

A report to management that includes all requests in Task 1. This should include a review of the situation, a scope of work to be undertaken, other information needed and consultation with all stakeholders.

Students should also give a report on their presentation to the workforce and an outline on the implementation of the procedures.

Part 1. Checklist

Before you hand in these assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the tasks and have included all relevant information.

· Conducted a review of existing sustainability practices

· Defined the scope of the policy

· Gathered additional information from a range of sources

· Consulted with stakeholders and summarised information to support the policy development process

· Developed sustainability policy

· Ensured policy includes appropriate strategies

· Included policy recommendations in policy

· Included links with business planning processes in the policy

· Explained business opportunities of sustainable practices

· Prepared and delivered presentation that outlined policy options, compliance with relevant legislative requirements & proposed benchmark indicators

· Described implementation process and gained signoff for implementation plan

( Additional Information

Suggested Policy Options for Implementation in a Classroom Environment

· Reduce energy and waste by using own coffee mug instead of buying coffee in disposable mugs

· Use pens made from recycled plastic, paper or timber or biodegradable bioplastic or use refillable pens

· All handouts to be printed double sided

· Use recycled paper products

· Have a recycling box in the classroom

· Include indoor plants in the classroom to absorb airborne pollutants

· Appoint people within the classroom to monitor environmental performance

· Use public transport

· Car pool to share travelling costs and reduce carbon emissions

· Turn off lights when leaving classroom

· Use rechargeable batteries

· Turn off computers or electrical equipment when not in use

· Use non toxic cleaning products in the classroom

· Join an industry group

· Invite stakeholders from your RTO to hear your environmental reporting

Part 2. Communicate workplace sustainability policy.

Task Description

In this activity you will be required to promote your workplace sustainability policy and prepare for implementation.

(Task 1

a) Develop a communication plan to promote your workplace sustainability policy to key stakeholders. Include the following information:

· Communication strategies and channels to be used, (eg. posters, flyers, memos, articles, competitions)

· how you will measure the impact of the communication plan,

b) Implement one strategy from your communication plan.

(Task 2

a) Meet with people responsible for implementing the workplace sustainability policy to discuss:

· Implementation process

· Expected outcomes

· Assigned responsibilities

· Specific actions of the implementation process & assigned responsibilities

· Timeframes

· Benchmark indicators that will be used to measure improvement

(If completing this activity in the classroom, your trainer and fellow learners could represent implementation team)

Benchmark Criteria:
Student responses should include:

A Report to management the communication plan and strategy that is to used in promoting the policy.

A report to management on the meeting that was held with the people responsible for the implementation of the sustainability policy.

Part 2. Checklist

Before you hand in these assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the tasks and have included all relevant information.

· Developed communication plan to promote policy

· Implemented one strategy from the communication plan

· Conducted a meeting with implementation team to outline implementation process, expected outcomes and assigned responsibilities

Part 3. Implement workplace sustainability policy

Task Description
(Task 1

a) Develop a set of procedures to be used in the workplace to assist with implementation of the workplace sustainability policy.

b) Communicate these procedures to key stakeholders as part of the implementation process. Describe the process you used to communicate to key stakeholders.

(Task 2

a) Select one of the strategies from your policy that addresses continuous improvement in resource efficiency. Explain the strategy and describe the measures you will use to determine improvements.

b) Implement the selected strategy. Describe:

· the process of implementation

· how barriers or disputes faced during the implementation process were managed

(Task 3

a) Describe the recording systems you will using to track continuous improvement in your sustainability approaches. Include an explanation of the process of gathering data and an indication of who is responsible for each part of the process.

Benchmark Criteria:

Responses should include:

A Report to management on the policy and strategies are to be developed and implemented.

A Report on how to implement continuous improvement and what mechanisms/recording systems will be used to track the results.

Part 3. Checklist

Before you hand in these assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the tasks and have included all relevant information.

· Developed procedures for implementation of the workplace sustainability policy.

· Communicated procedures to stakeholders

· Implemented continuous improvement strategy

· Described barriers faced or disputes resolved throughout implementation

· Explained the recording systems that will track continuous improvement

· Included an explanation of the process and assigned responsibilities

Part 4. Review workplace sustainability policy implementation

Task Description
(Task 1

a) Gather and analyse information in relation to environmental performance This may involve gathering data such as:

· Management commitment
· Planning & communication processes

· Waste management (water & solid)

· Air emission management
· Hazardous materials management
· Visual impact (greening of site, maintenance)

· Cultural & biological impacts

· Energy use

· Energy sources

· Waste generation & disposal

· Public transport use

· Extent of car pooling

b) Prepare a report outlining the following:

· Successes of the policy

· Areas for further improvement

· Trends that indicate remedial action

· Performance that could be used to promote continuous improvement

· Key issues still to be addressed by the workplace

Include charts, graphs and other visual data and information in your report.

c) Communicate with key personnel and stakeholders to discuss key findings of the report and gather their feedback.

d) Incorporate required changes into the policy to ensure key issues are addressed and continuous improvement is supported by the policy.

Benchmark Criteria:
Responses should include:

A Report to senior management that outlines the documentation of the policy implementation including an analysis of the information gathered in relation to their environmental performance.

A Report that outlines feedback, change and policy revisions.

Part 4. Checklist

Before you hand in these assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the tasks and have included all relevant information.

· Analysed workplace sustainability data

· Prepared a report documenting outcomes of policy implementation

· Provided feedback to key personnel and stakeholders & gathered their input & feedback

· Identified changes required to the policy

· Revised policy


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Unit of Competence



Date Submitted

Assessment Task

Element and Performan ce Criteria

Instructions to the Students:

Students must keep a copy of this assignment.

Plagiarism/Cheating is a serious offence. Students will incur a severe penalty if found indulging in the

same. The penalty can be as severe as suspension/cancellat ion of student’s enrolment.

I declare that this assessment is my own work. The material in this assignment has not been submitted in

any other formal course of study.

Student Signature: Date:

Students to retain this section as proof of Assessm ent:

Student Name

Student Number

Unit of Competence (name and number)

Assessment Task

Student Signature

Trainer/Assessor Signature



V2.1 Sep 2011
Review Dec 2011

V2.1 Sep 2011
Review Dec 2011

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