Management Capstone


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This course is comprised of a series of Individual Project assignments that will contribute to a Key Assignment submission at the end of the course. Each week, you will complete a part of a document that is designed to solve a management problem.

You will select a project as the topic for the analysis, which you will execute and document in this course. The project should represent a management problem that you will solve through research and application of knowledge and skills that you have gained in the courses taken in your program of study. This is the course’s Key Assignment that you will make contributions to each week and is intended to enable you to demonstrate your ability to locate, translate, and apply research to a real-world problem. This process is known as action research and is used regularly in business.

The idea is to find a real problem in your world, either at work or in another community you belong to. It could be a church, an association, or your neighborhood. However, a work problem is preferred. If you have a unique idea other than business, talk to your instructor, and make sure that it fits within the parameters of the course outline and objectives.


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You have been assigned to develop a comprehensive research project designed to address a specific problem for a specific organization. The research will result in a list of actionable recommendations that can be used to address the issue. You will identify a problem and the person or persons who will be able to take action on your final set of recommendations. For this project, you will not have to do actual data collection. This project requires the completion of this assignment using secondary data only.

Your first tasks in this process will be to select a project to use as the basis of your research and identify the audience (i.e., who has the authority to take action on the recommendations). You will also create the shell document for the final project deliverable that you will be working on during each unit. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project deliverable. Appropriate research should be conducted to support the development of your document, and assumptions may be made when necessary.

Use the following sentence to formulate your topic and provide the foundation for the Introduction section of your paper. The instructor must approve the topic before beginning.

I propose to develop recommendations to help (audience? Who can take action on recommendations?) at(company or organization) solve the problem of (What is the issue?) because (What are the potential impacts if issue isn’t resolved?).

The project deliverables are as follows:

Management Problem Analysis Document

Use Word (do not use a template)

Title Page

Course number and name

Working title (the final title will be determined in Unit 5)

Student name


Table of Contents (TOC)

Use auto-generated TOC (leave this page blank until U5)

Separate page

Section Headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content, except for sections listed under New Content below)

Introduction (Week 1)

Literature Review (Week 2)

Discussion (Week 3)

  • Conclusion and Recommendations (Week 4)
  • Letter of Transmittal (Week 5)

  • New Content (Week 1): The following items are separate sections under the Introduction:
  • Identify the problem, the context, and the audience.
  • Prepare a statement of the issue to be resolved.

  • Identify how the organization will be impacted if the issue is not resolved.
  • Identify the consequences if the problem is not resolved.
  • Research
  • All research for this course is secondary; therefore, please select a minimum of eight published articles from the CTU Library to begin your research.
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