
Qns: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a multi-perspective approach to understanding organisations

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In answering the question you will need to engage   with the nature of the various perspectives and how they enable and limit our understanding of 



What are the advantages and disadvantages of a multi-perspective approach to understanding organisations?

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This means the following:


1. The essay is NOT about a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of EACH individual perspective.

 2. In answering the question, you address the multiple perspectives as a whole. Therefore, your arguments will go something like this: “The advantage of using a multiple perspective is…” AND NOT “the advantage of modernism is…” or “the advantage of symbolic interpretivism is…”. 3. Lastly, the evidences used to support your arguments need not include all four perspectives. What I mean by this is for example, you may argue that one of the advantage of using a multiple perspective approach is a wider understanding of organization culture, you may support this argument by drawing on the different theories of culture from 2 or 3 different perspectives. However, if you want to use the theories of culture from all four perspectives, you are free to do so as well. This is a decision that you make on your own depending on your strategy for your essay and the organization of its structure. 

In answering the question you will need to engage with the nature of the various perspectives and how they enable and limit our understanding of organisations.

This means the following: 

1. The nature of the various perspectives refers to the meta-theoretical (ontology, epistemology), the theoretical (theories), and methodology (methods).


2. Indiscussing the advantages and disadvantages of the multiple perspective approach, you need to show how the various perspectives (on the whole) enable and limit our understanding of organizations.


For example, if you argue that one of the advantages of a multiple perspective approach is a comprehensive understanding of different viewpoints, you could support this argument by discussing how the modernist, symbolic interpretivist, and critical theorists’ theoretical ideas allow a comprehensive understanding of organizational structure. If you show then that each of these perspectives you have chosen allow us to understand aspects of organizational structure that the others do not, you have then shown how the various perspectives enable and limit our understanding of organizations. As I have mentioned above, the choice of how many perspectives to include in supporting your argument is your own words.


THe mutliple perspectives is – modernism, postmodernism, symbolic intepretive and critical theory.


Words : 2000 words. min 8 refs.


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