machine problem..A palindrome is a number, word, or phrase that is exactly the same forward as it is backwards.


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Due:  By 11pm October 16, 2013.



A palindrome is a number, word, or phrase that is exactly the same forward as it is backwards.  Examples of palindromes are:

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A single digit number or letter will NOT be identified as a palindrome.  You are to write a recursion based program that will take in a number and identify whether or not the number is a palindrome.  The number may be very long and data that I will use to test the program may be of any length, up to a double in size.  You may do any type of recursion you like to identify the palindrome, but you MUST use recursion as the main component.  Remember to make this a function based program.



What was the algorithm you used to implement recursion? 

How did you know when to stop the recursion?


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