M3A1 Capstone

100% original, rubric, word count and required readings must be included

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Assignment 1: Discussion—Supply Chain

Understanding supply chain and how the consumer can play a critical role in the supply chain is an important part of developing and implementing a strategy. There are many products and services today where the target customer is part of the supply chain. The Web sites Wikipedia, Mary Kay Cosmetics, and Craig’s List are just a few examples.

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

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  • Give an example of a product or service where the target customer is part of the supply chain.
  • Describe the types of innovations or improvements that have come from involving the target customer in the supply chain.
  • Describe the types of information technology mechanisms that have been used to involve the customer in the supply chain.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

By Saturday, September 14, 2013, post your response to the appropriateDiscussion Area. Through Wednesday, September 18, 2013, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses.




Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points

Initial response:

Was insightful, original, accurate, and timely.Was substantive and demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts.Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions.

Discussion response and participation:

Responded to a minimum of two peers in a timely manner.Offered points of view supported by research.Asked challenging questions that promoted the discussion.Drew relationships between one or more points in the discussion.


Wrote in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner.Responses were error free.Information from sources, where applicable, was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited.

Total: 40  Required ReadingsMascarenhas, O. A., Kesavan, R., & Bernacchi, M. (2004). Customer value-chain involvement for co-creating customer delight. The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21(7), 486–496. (ProQuest Document ID: 220125989)  http://search.proquest.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/220125989?accountid=34899Osarenkhoe, A. (2008). What characterises the culture of a market-oriented organisation applying a customer-intimacy philosophy? Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 15(3), 169–190. (ProQuest Document ID: 233312287) http://search.proquest.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/233312287?accountid=34899Porter, M. (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review 74(6), 61–78. Retrieved fromhttp://libproxy.edmc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/ login.aspx?direct=true&db=bsh&AN=9611187954&site=ehost-liveRecommended ReadingsKahn, S. R. (2010). Capitalism at the crossroads: Next generation business strategies for a post-crisis world. Choice, 48(4), 738. (ProQuest Document ID: 818556268)http://search.proquest.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/818556268?accountid=34899Shore, H. (2008, March). Are you creating raving fans? Biznik. Retrieved fromhttp://biznik.com/articles/are-you-creating-raving-fans 


Required Readings

· Mascarenhas, O. A., Kesavan, R., & Bernacchi, M. (2004). Customer value-chain involvement for co-creating customer delight.


The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21(7), 486–496. (ProQuest Document ID: 220125989)  


· Osarenkhoe, A. (2008). What characterises the culture of a market-oriented organisation applying a customer-intimacy philosophy? Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 15(3), 169–190. (ProQuest Document ID: 233312287) 


· Porter, M. (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review 74(6), 61–78. Retrieved from


Recommended Readings

· Kahn, S. R. (2010). Capitalism at the crossroads: Next generation business strategies for a post-crisis world. Choice, 48(4), 738. (ProQuest Document ID: 818556268)


· Shore, H. (2008, March). Are you creating raving fans? Biznik. Retrieved from


Retaining Customers

Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles (1993) said it best in Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service: “If you really want to ‘own’ a customer, if you want a booming business, you have to go beyond satisfied customers and create Raving Fans” (p. 13) The raving fan approach in tandem with Porter’s five forces model can help business managers and leaders develop an effective approach. This element is a reminder that you can get business and that is no inexpensive endeavor. However, keeping business and growing it is just as important. In fact, new customer acquisition is often more costly than keeping and growing a current customer. 

Business Referrals

Some business experts espouse a method of gathering customer satisfaction information. Although you may ask a variety of questions to better understand what is working and what is not in terms of customer satisfaction, there is only one question that needs to be asked: “Would you refer our business to someone else?” The proposition is that if the answer is “Yes,” then it covers almost everything at a fundamental level. In addition, satisfaction with the service or product is high enough that the customer would refer your business to others. Ultimately, this is what it boils down to: satisfaction supports growth.

In this module, you will examine customer satisfaction and growth and acquire a better understanding of how supply chain management works. Walmart’s success in managing its supply chain has enabled it to dominate its competition, maintain an inventory, and meet customer demand without oversupply costs and consequences (Accounting Software Advisor [ASA] Research, n.d.). As you work through the assignments in this module, consider this and how supply chain management influences or drives business.

ASA Research. (n.d.). Supply chain. Retrieved fromhttp://www.asaresearch.com/ecommerce/supplychain.htm

Blanchard, K., & Bowles, S. (1993). Raving fans: A revolutionary approach to customer service. New York, NY: William Morrow and Company.

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Unit 3: Module 3 – Course Project Task— Preliminary Strategy Audit

Course Project Task: Preliminary Strategy Audit

You will also submit your preliminary strategy audit as part of LASA 1 by the end of this module.

Those with significant business experience understand the value of this assignment—that it is an important process related to business review and assessment and potential strategic realignment. For those with less experience, one way to approach this aspect of the course and the development of this project is to equate it to building a house. The land is always graded and essential plumbing and other internal organs that come from the outside to support the house have to be in place prior to laying the foundation and framing the house. The reason builders build in phases is exactly why successful businesses do the following:

· Create a vision

· Develop strategies around their vision

· Plan for implementation or execution

· Assess

This methodical sequencing prevents problems. Review your preliminary strategy audit and make sure you have covered all the required elements for this phase of the project. You could also use a checklist, and possibly have someone review and ask them to question what you have presented or developed thus far.

In the assignments for this module, you will also explore the supply chain. The supply chain is the links in the logistics process.

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In Module 1, you had the opportunity to review the capstone course project. To stay on track to deliver your strategy audit in Module 5, you should start framing your project including the following aspects:

· Title

· Agenda

· Summary of audit

· Recommendations

· Key measurements

· Risks and benefits

· Call to action

· Next steps

Be sure to let your instructor know if you have any questions or have met any major obstacles.

Revisit the Overview of LASAs section in Module 1 for reviewing information about the LASA.

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