M3 Working Ahead


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Course Project—M3 Working Ahead

Last module, you received your instructor’s approval of your company and actual planned investment. In this module, you need to begin working on the

Cost, Volume, Profit Analysis spreadsheet

provided for the project to outline the revenues, costs, expenses, and resulting cash flows. If you selected a manufacturing company and the project deals with a product or change in project, you will need to consider direct and indirect costs. Detail out your costs and cash flows. Make sure these are reasonable for the project you have selected.

Before the end of Module 3, you should have all of your revenues, expenses, investments, profit, and resulting cash flows on an Excel worksheet complete with all calculations performed using Excel functions.

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In the last module, you completed your estimate of cash flows for your project. In this module, you will calculate the break-even point for the project and the expected financial returns.

  • Open the Cost-Volume-Profit spreadsheet that you have been working in and calculate the break-even point.of your proposed project. (Access the CVP template if you have not yet begun this work)
  • The project must use a 6.5% cost of capital and a tax rate of 25%.
  • Complete IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and NPV (Net Present Value) for the project.
  • Make sure you show your Excel formulas or provide calculations so your instructor can review your work.
  • You should have also considered key points of any intangible benefits or costs associated with the project and begun supplementing your pro forma statement with sufficient background information to enable a prospective investor to decide if your company is worth investing in.





Sales price per unit $75.00 *
Variable Cost per unit $67.00
Fixed Cost $100,000.00
Targeted Net Income $0.00 (assume 0 if you want to calculate breakeven)
Calculated Volume 12,500 calculated
* inputted by user

Running Head: PROJECT 1


M2 Project Approval Input

Student Name



Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. is soft drink Company based in the United States, and it focuses on the production, marketing, and supply of soft drinks. The company’s beverage products are categorized in two, the non-carbonated soft drinks and the carbonated beverages that are flavored. The company operates in three segments for it to be able to meet its customers’ demands. The departments are Soft drink Concentrates, Packaging department, and the Latin American soft drinks. The first segment, the beverage concentrates is accountable for production and sale of the carbonated beverages among other branded syrups and concentrates. The second section which is the packaging segment is responsible for production and distribution of the packaged soft drinks among other products through the direct delivery system to the retail outlets. The third portion focuses on producing and supplying syrups, concentrates and finished soft drink products.

Statement of the problem

Soft drink market is very competitive and also very profitable. Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. holds a market share of 14.7% positioning it in the third place after Pepsi-Cola which has 35.3% of its market share (Hill, 2012). Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. has defined its briefcase efficiently through concentrating on their sales and marketing resources.

The company’s marketing strategy will enable the organization to focus on the various market analyses which will allow the company to identify the impact the critical brands produced and how they could improve them to gain a more significant market share (Hoskisson, 2012). The ethnic community in America is rapidly growing with an estimate of 27% of the overall population. The firm has to meet the needs of this population for the organization to be able to improve its market share efficiently.


The primary purpose for this proposal is to help the organization to come up with strategies that it will use to meet the consumer demand which will enable the firm to sustain and improve its market share (Calkins, 2012). The marketing strategy should allow the company to be able to minimize the risks of loss as well as the capital investments.

Action plan

The market analysis will enable the company to invest more funds to its considerable brands for more sustainable and profitable growth by strengthening the consumers and company’s relationship awareness (Lancaste, 2013). Also, by welcoming the third-party trademarks into their line of distribution, the firm will be more exposed to the new markets. The marketing strategy will enable Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. to focus on improving the presence of the products with a high margin return through setting up a convenience store, branding vending machines and other activities that will increase the in-store events.

Through aligning the economic interests, production and distribution services more market opportunities are provided to the company (Fifield, 2012). The marketing strategy will incorporate the information technology which will enable the company to improve its quality productivity and data integrity route. Technology also will allow the company to be in a position to deliver programs that prioritize its brands in the third party bottlers systems.

Management plan

To be able to attain the specified goals of improving the market share as well as minimize possible risks and the capital investment (Smith, 2012). Through the information gathered from the market, analysis sources show that the company expense will not be affected because the products that the targeted population need are not new products in the market. Also through the third-party distribution plan and the increase of the in-store activity contributes significantly to minimizing the cost of the advertisement.


Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. production, marketing, and distribution of its brands go through a profoundly invested marketing and promotion procedures to meet the consumers need. The marketing and distribution strategies allow the company to perform tests, observations, and analyses thus enabling it to be in a position to come up with a valid marketing plan for its products and the ability to venture into new markets. The company has been able to survive the competitive market of soft drinks due to its effort of investing in promotion and advertising. Also creating it awareness with its consumers through the collaboration with the third-party distribution and focusing on the ethnic population in America will enable the company to increase its market share in the soft drink industry.


Calkins, T. (2012). Breakthrough Marketing Plans: How to Stop Wasting Time and Start Driving Growth. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fifield, P. (2012). Marketing Strategy. Jordan Hill: Routledge.

Hill, M. E. (2012). Marketing Strategy: The Thinking Involved. London: SAGE.

Hoskisson, R. E. (2012). Strategic Management Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization. Mason: Cengage Learning.

Lancaste, G. (2013). Marketing. Jordan Hill: Taylor & Francis.

Smith, A. F. (2012). Fast Food and Junk Food: An Encyclopedia of What We Love to Eat. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.

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