Mass media is redefining itself at a speed and depth unmatched in human history. Basic definitions of various long-established mass media are rapidly evolving to include digital formats that would have seemed the stuff of science fiction a few years ago. Furthermore, as mass media becomes more pervasive and powerful, its impact on individuals and the larger society have increasingly become topics of scholarly research. Your paper will be written about one of the mass media topics listed below. Choose a topic that interests you and for which you can find a variety of high-quality sources. (Media Revolution) 1. Decline of the Mass Media Gatekeepers: Should We Cheer or Boo? 1.1 According to your research, who are gatekeepers in the mass media? Are they more powerful in traditional mass media or social media? 1.2 According to your research, what are the advantages and disadvantages of news, information and entertainment presented through mass media outlets with strong gatekeepers? 1.3 According to your research, what are the advantages and disadvantages of news, information and entertainment presented through media outlets with weak or nonexistent gatekeepers? 1.4 According to your research and analysis, when is it better to consume news, information or entertainment that has passed through strong gatekeepers? When is it better to consume news, information or entertainment that has been subject to little if any gatekeeping? 2. Social Media Use and Mental Health 2.1 What does scholarly research have to say about the effects of social media use on mental health? 2.2 What sorts of people are most susceptible to having their mental health compromised by social media? What types of mental health problems are these at-risk people experiencing? 2.3 Have changes in lifestyle caused by Covid accelerated these mental health problems? If so, how? 2.4 According to the research, what are warning signs that you can look for if you believe that someone has had their mental health damaged through social media use? What can family members, friends and others do to help those who have had their mental health damaged by social media? 3. Battling Misinformation Through Lateral Reading 3.1 According to the scholarly research, what is Lateral Reading? How does a person engage in lateral reading? 3.2 According to the research, why is lateral reading a particularly relevant skill in the internet age? How does it decrease the destructive power of misinformation? 3.3 What are some examples of lateral reading being successfully taught in schools? 3.4 Find an internet site devoted to a current political or social issue. Engage in lateral reading to determine the truthfulness and general fairness of the site. Describe what you did and what you found.