Kim Woods Only (600 Week 5 paper)

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The Leadership Challenge is: Leader Development.

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Leadership Challenge: Application of Theory to Leadership Practice
600 Week 5 Assignment and Rubric

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Length: Paper: 6 – 8 double-spaced pages (excluding title and references pages)
Due: Week 5 by Sunday Midnight
Value: 230 Points for 23% of the grade
Post: Week 5 Assignments

Classical and contemporary leadership theories offer leaders a “toolbox” of approaches and solutions that
can enhance their leadership effectiveness in addressing organizational issues. In this assignment, you
will analyze the value of different leadership approaches in resolving a real-world issue. In essence, your
leadership challenge is a case study in which you will assess the effectiveness and impact of applying
three different leadership theories or models.

Leadership Challenge Paper Guidelines
Prepare and submit 6 – 8 page paper that briefly describes the situation, defines and applies three
leadership theories to the situation, and reflects on insights gained. A well-constructed paper will
reference 4 or more scholarly sources including 3 journal articles such as those assigned and retrieved
from Brandman’s virtual library, and adhere to APA standards.

Situation Description
In no more than one page, describe the leadership challenge which may be an organizational problem, a
new initiative, and/or opportunity. In the description, position yourself as the leader, and identify areas of
concern, key players (names optional), and your goal(s) in addressing the challenge. The leadership
challenge described should be consistent with the one approved by the instructor in week 2, and used in
the discussion board in weeks 2 – 4.

Leadership Theories and Models
Select three (3) of the following classic leadership theories or models: Leadership Grid, Situational
Leadership, Path-Goal, and/or Leader-Member Exchange that are most relevant to your leadership
challenge. Define and describe the components of the selected theories using four (4) or more scholarly
sources including three (3) journal articles.

Application of Theories and Models
Analyze your leadership challenge through the lens of each selected leadership theory providing explicit
and direct links to the components of the theory or model as they relate to the situation. Based on your
analysis, draw valid conclusions on the impact and value of each theory in addressing your challenge.

Reflective Analysis
In 2 – 3 pages, reflect on your effectiveness as the leader in this challenge, discussing three (3) specific
insights you learned about leadership from this assignment, and identifying one specific action you will
take to enhance your leadership practice. In your reflection, describe what surprised you, the
effectiveness of the classic leadership theories in addressing your challenge, and how your thinking
and/or behavior changed.

Evaluation Criteria: Grading Rubric

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging

20 – 19
Clearly and concisely
describes the
leadership challenge.
Positions self as
leader. Identifies key

18 – 17
Clearly describes the
leadership challenge.
Positions self as
leader. Identifies most
key items of concern

16 – 15
Description of the
leadership challenge is
incomplete and/or
confusing. Positions
self as leader but may

14 – 0
Limited if any
description of the
challenge. May not
position self as

items of concern and
key players. Does not
exceed 1 page

and key players. May
slightly exceed 1 page

not identify key
concerns and/or key

leader, identify key
concerns and/or key

• Leadership

• Situational

• Path-Goal

55 – 50
In-depth and accurate
discussion of 3 major
theories utilizing
terminology associated
with theories. Fully
describes major
components of the
theories; references
scholarly sources by
the author(s) or
originators of 3

49 – 44
Accurately discusses
3 major theories but
may not consistently
use terminology
associated with one
theory. Describes
most components of
each theory;
references scholarly
sources by the
author(s) or originators
of 2 theories

43 – 38
Describes 2 – 3 major
theories but may not
use terminology
associated with 1 – 2
theories. Describes
some components of
the theories.
Acknowledges the
author(s) of theories but
relies heavily on
secondary sources
such as Northouse

37 – 0
Describes in general
terms 0 – 2 major
theories but does not
use terminology
associated with the
theories. May rely
solely on secondary
sources such as
Northouse; may not
author(s) of theories.


55 – 50
Fully applies 3 theories
to leadership
challenge. Provides
explicit and direct links
to all of the
components of the
theory as they relate to
the situation. Draws
valid conclusions of
the impact of each
theory on the situation.

49 – 44
Applies 3 theories to
leadership challenge
but may not
consistently provide
explicit links to the
components of the
theory as related to
the situation.
Draws fairly valid
conclusions of the
impact of each theory
on the situation.

43 – 38
Partially applies
theories to leadership
challenge but may not
provide links to the
components of the
theory as related to the
May not fully analyze
the impact of each
theory on the situation

37 – 0
Limited if any
application of the
theories to the
challenge. Does not
link the components
of the theory as
related to the
situation. Limited if
any analysis of the
impact of theory on
the situation.


50 – 45
Assesses leadership
effectiveness clearly
describing 3 or more
specific insights into
leadership gained and
1 specific action.
Discusses surprises,
effectiveness of classic
theories, and how
thinking and/or
behavior changed.

44– 39
Discusses leadership
describing 2 – 3
insights into
leadership gained and
1 fairly specific action.
Considers surprises,
value of classic
theories, and how
thinking and/or
behavior changed.

38 – 33
Somewhat discusses
leadership effectiveness
describing 1 – 2 general
insights into leadership
gained and 1 general
action. May include
surprises, value of
classic theories, and/or
how thinking and/or
behavior changed.

32 – 0
Limited if any
reflection on
surprises, value of
theories or changes
in thinking or
behavior; may
Identify but not
discuss 0 – 2
insights and/or

APA and

20 – 19
Cites 4 or more
scholarly sources
including 3 journal
articles. Accurately
uses headers and
adhere to APA
standards; reference
page and citations are
correct. All sources
listed in References
are cited in paper

18 -17
Cites 3 scholarly
sources including 2
journal articles. .
Uses headers and
adheres to APA
standards; reference
page and citations are
correct with minor (1-
3) errors. All sources
listed in References
are cited in paper

16 – 15
Cites 2 – 3 scholarly
sources including 1
journal article. May use
headers and somewhat
adheres to APA
standards; the work of
others is cited but with
numerous (4 – 10)
errors. Sources listed in
References and
citations may not match

14 – 0
Cites 0 – 2 scholarly
sources. Limited
adherence to APA
standards in the
paper and Reference
page; work of others
may be cited but with
multiple (11+) errors.
Sources listed in
References and
citations do not


30 – 27
The paper is logical
and well-written;
spelling, grammar and
punctuation are
accurate. Paper is the
required length of 6 – 8

26 – 23
The paper is logical
and well-written but
with minor (1 – 3)
errors in spelling,
grammar and/or
punctuation. The

22 – 19
The paper is somewhat
logical and well-written
but with several (4 – 10)
errors in spelling,
grammar and/or
punctuation. The

18 – 0
The paper lacks
clarity and may be
confusing with
numerous (11+)
errors in spelling,
grammar and/or

pages of content, and
includes correctly
prepared title page.

content may be 5%
too long or short;
includes a correctly
prepared title page.

content may be 10%
too long or short, and
may not include a
correctly prepared title

punctuation. The
content may be 15%
too long or short,
and may not include
a title page

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