I need someone to do project 2 for me, I have included the pdf. I need it completed by sunday evening. I have included project 1 because project 2 builds on project 1.
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* Roman Numeral Application
* Computer Science 212, Spring 2013
* An input file name should be given on the command line.
* Its contents will be read, converted to Roman numerals, stored in an array,
* sorted and printed.
* Invalid Roman numerals will be printed to the console and discarded.
public class Project1 {
public static final int MAX_ROMAN_NUMERALS = 100;
public static void main (String[] args) {
String inputLine;
int arrayLength =0;
RomanNumeral myRomanNumeral;
RomanNumeral[] romanNumeralList = new RomanNumeral[MAX_ROMAN_NUMERALS];
// If there is no command line argument for the file name a message will be
// displayed and the program terminated.
if (args.length == 0) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,” There is no input file given on the command line.”);
// The file is opened and each line is read, converted to a Roman Numeral and
// stored in the array.
TextFileInput in = new TextFileInput(args[0]);
inputLine = in.readLine();
while (inputLine != null) {
try {
myRomanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(inputLine);
romanNumeralList[arrayLength++] = myRomanNumeral;
catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
System.out.println(“Illegal Roman numeral: “+inputLine);
} /*************************************************************************** private String rn; rn=rnString; /*************************************************************************** for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) {
int indexLowest = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j < size; ++j) {
if (numerals[j].compareTo(numerals[indexLowest]) < 0)
indexLowest = j;
RomanNumeral temp = numerals[indexLowest];
numerals[indexLowest] = numerals[i];
numerals[i] = temp;
finally {
inputLine = in.readLine();
} // while
// Print out all the valid Roman numerals in the order in which they were read.
for(int i=0;i
* A class for RomanNumerals.
* Project 1, CSCI 212
* @author K. Lord
public class RomanNumeral {
* Create a new RomanNumeral object from a String.
* @param rnString A string made up of I,V,X,L,C,D,M
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* If the string contains characters other than I,V,X,L,C,D,M
public RomanNumeral (String rnString) {
if (! isValidRomanNumeral(rnString))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(“Bad roman numeral: “+rnString);
* Returns the string version of the Roman Numeral
* @return The String value of the Roman Numeral.
public String toString() {
return rn;
* Determine if two Roman Numerals are equal (have the same string value)
* @return boolean
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
RomanNumeral other = (RomanNumeral) obj;
return (!rn.equals(other.rn));
} // equals
* Calculate the integer value of the Roman Numeral.
* @return the integer value of the Roman Numeral
public int getDecimalValue() {
int result = getCharValue(rn.charAt(rn.length()-1));
for (int i=rn.length()-2; i >=0; i–)
if (getCharValue(rn.charAt(i))
* A class to sort RomanNumerals.
* Project 1, CSCI 212
* @author K. Lord
public class RomanNumeralSort {
* Sorts an array containing Roman Numerals in ascending order
* @param numerals Partially-filled array of RomanNumerals
* @param size The size of the array that is filled.
public static void sort(RomanNumeral[] numerals, int size) {
// Selection Sort.
// Find the smallest value in the array and swap it with the
// top value. Continue this process starting at successive
// cells in the array.