jails and prisons

Week 7

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Check Point:

Jails and Prisons Response


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Jails and Prisons Response ·


Write a 200- to 300-word response in which you describe the distinctions between jails and prisons. Addressthe following in your comparison: 


Identify the four types of prisons.

·         Explain the concept of prison as a total institution.



·         Always refer to the grade rubric posted in the main forum so that you cover everything required.


·         Post your CheckPoint as an attachment in the Assignment Link.


Points Possible



8 .

Explain why jails play an important role in the criminal justice system8  

Points PossiblePoints Earned 



Points PossiblePoints Earned 







Due Day 5

Check Point: Jails and Prisons Response 

Explain why jails play an important role in the criminal justice system

Content and Development


Points Possible

Points Earned

Identify the four types of prisons.  

Explain the concept of prison as a total institution

Readability and Style

2 Points Possible

Sentences are complete, clear and concise



4 Points Possible

Rules of grammar, usage and punctuation are followed


Spelling is correct.

Total Points

Adjusted Points


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