ITS 3110 South University Savannah Applied System Alnalysis Identifying Requirements Paper

Mobile technologies represent a significant part of today’s software market. Their pervasive nature enables experienced, as well as inexperienced, users to interact with them for accomplishing a particular task. In addition, the diffusion of the computing systems on which they run, such as smartphones or tablets, coupled with an intertwined retail method (application stores present on all devices), allows for a capillary distribution of such applications.

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For this project, assume you are a programmer analyst. You are required to identify an organization, and then utilize the knowledge acquired in the course to simulate the creation of a mobile application that your company will be able to sell to the organization. Based on the description of the organization (you may get this from their website or directly from the personnel), you should identify a possible application that may be of interest to them. The application should contain different features, including data-driven material that should be available within the application itself, without having to rely on external data sources.

For example, you select a large sports goods company and decide to create a customer-guidance application for the company. The application should offer an interface where customers could type in what they are looking for to be guided through the store leading them to the right department or section. The application should also enable the customers to watch video demonstrations of the products available in the store, after they scan the product barcode by using a camera. Moreover, the application should be able to suggest places in the store vicinity where customers may try certain items; for example, the application may guide the customers to archery ranges if they are interested in bows and arrows. Perhaps, you could add a feature that suggests apparel to the customers based on their lifestyle and something they can easily purchase through the device, without needing to go to the store.

You could use Microsoft PowerPoint or Visio for creating these diagrams. You should assume that the project could be handled in-house, therefore, no outsourcing should be considered through the project.

This week, complete the following tasks in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document:

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Provide an in-depth description of the company..

Provide a list of all the potential stakeholders of this project. Justify your selection of stakeholders.

Provide a complete statement of work.

  • Provide a feasibility study on the following:
  • Economic feasibility
  • Organizational feasibility
  • Technical feasibility
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