IT.Web, This work is for Human Computer Interface class

IT.Web, This work is for Human Computer Interface class. I did developed the use cases for my work and I analyze these requirements for any technical Constraints (part1) . I will upload this under the name of document 1. your job is to look at document 1 and to continue analyze these requirements. for Prototype your system with low fidelity screen mockups.that’s what you have to do. I did part 1 in one hr and I’m sure that you going to finish part 2 ( for Prototype your system with low fidelity screen mockups)  in less then One hr but I’m going to give you two hrs to finish it

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Essential Use Cases:

Manage Account

User’s Purpose

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System Responsibility

1. Identify self.

2. Validate user’s identity.

Display account page.

3. Select one of the current options.

4. Currently selected option is displayed for viewing and/or modification.

5. Log off.

6. Log the user off.

Extensions (Alternative Flows)

If a user enters an incorrect username or password, the user is notified that one of the fields entered was incorrect.

Search for Book

User’s Purpose

System Responsibility

Extensions (Alternative Flows)

1. Search for book.

2. Check local database.

Display results; give options based on whether or not the book is found.

Should a user choose to do an advanced search, a window expands containing more options to include in the search (subject, language, publisher, year, etc).

Search Results

User’s Purpose

System Responsibility

Extensions (Alternative Flows)

1. View the found book.

2. Display the found book and all information pertaining to the book.

3. Obtain the book.

4. If book is a hard copy, give book location. If book is an e-book, display the e-book on the screen.

1. If book not found, other local library databases can be searched.

2. Other school libraries book databases are searched. Display either “found” if the book is found, or add searched title to a waiting list if book is not found.

Concrete Use Cases:

Manage Account

Extensions (Alternative Flows)

User Action

System Response

1. Enter username and password into corresponding text boxes and click “Login” button to log in (or press enter).

2. System validates user’s identity by checking username and password with entries in database.

System then displays the user’s account page which contains several options for the user’s account.

3. User selects one of the current options by clicking on the corresponding hyperlink.

4. Selected option is displayed for viewing and/or modification.

5. To log off, user will click the “Log Out” button in the upper right portion of the screen.

6. The user is logged off.

If a user enters an incorrect username or password, an error message is displayed on the screen letting the user know that one of the fields entered was incorrect.

Search for Book

User Action

System Response

Extensions (Alternative Flows)

Should a user choose to do an advanced search, a window expands containing more options to include in the search (subject, language, publisher, year, etc).

1. Search for book based on title, author, subject or ISBN. Search criteria will be entered into a text box, and a combo box will be used to select whether the search is based on title, author, subject or ISBN. Once the data is entered, the user either clicks “Search” or presses enter to commence the search.

2. Local database is checked.

Results are then displayed; options are given based on whether or not the book was found.

Search Results

User Action

System Response

Extensions (Alternative Flows)

1. Books found meeting the search criteria are listed and can be sorted by title, author, subject, publisher or year (by default they are sorted by year in descending order). The book is then selected by clicking on the title.

2. The system displays all information pertaining to the book, including title, author, subject, ISBN, year, publisher and location of the book.

3. The user can choose “Acquire/view the book” from the book’s information screen.

3. If the book is a hard copy, the user can then obtain the book based on location, and check out the book if it is available for check-out. If the book is an e-book, the book is then viewable to the reader on the terminal.

If no books are found, the user has the option of clicking “Search other local library databases.”

All other available school libraries’ book databases are searched.

The system then displays either “found” and allows the user to obtain the book via inter-library loan if the book is found, or adds the searched title to a waiting list. If the book later becomes available, the user will be contacted.

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