ISTA 116 University of Arizona Linear Regression Model Questions

apply, analyze, evaluate or create questions (you can do any combination)

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multiple choice questions

  • have the correct answer highlighted
  • not be on a topic that would make your teacher cringe or have to google things she’d rather not google
  • Create a total of 10  Multiple choice Questions about the following topics we took in previous labs.
  • – Binomial probability
  • – Chi Square

    – Correlation

    – Linear regression

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    – Nonlinear and multiskull regression

    – Logistic regression…

    ISTA 116
    2 points
    1 point
    1 point
    1 point
    1 point if you are the first
    to figure out someone’s
    question is wrong and
    (gently) correct them
    with the right answer
    Up to 5 points per person.
    These are too easy
    to write, sorry!
    Not a competition – everyone can win up to 5
    points credit like this.
    Must be correct, must be multiple choice, must be
    about topic, post 5 questions
    Can recall code or
    statistical test, but not
    apply it or understand
    its application
    Can explain test or code
    and its use, can explain
    or interpret outcome,
    but can’t use it
    Can use the code, run
    the test, but can’t fix it
    if something goes
    wrong or relate it to
    other things
    Can draw conclusions,
    relate known code to
    new code or tests, but
    cannot tell where
    others have gone
    Can critique other
    people’s code or tests,
    look for flaws, and
    justify choosing one test
    over the other
    Can develop and design
    statistical research or
    code from scratch to
    answer specific
    List names or code
    Summarize use of code
    or tests
    Run experiment or test
    Order and link new and
    old concepts
    Rank concepts
    Design new research or
    Describe or define items
    Interpret results like p
    values or R2
    Recognize & select
    items by definition
    Memorize and repeat
    Find information online
    or in notes and recall it
    Infer meaning from test
    Explain & discuss known
    Identify new examples
    of vocabulary terms like
    Use known code on new
    data sets
    Calculate tests and test
    Implement known code
    or tests in new
    Sketch concepts
    Explain new material
    appropriate test
    Compare code or tests
    for similarities and
    Use new code and tests
    using known principles
    Assess, judge, and
    critique material from
    others for accuracy
    Hypothesize about
    results from new data or
    Justify code or test
    Trouble-shoot problems
    in code or tests
    Construct, write, and
    devise questions for
    Invent new functions or
    Create new dataset to
    meet certain criteria

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