Irvine Valley College Data Collection Privacy Essay

Though there are word limits to this assignment, that means you have to think carefully about what you include. Make sure every word you include contributes to and displays a deep thought on this assignment.

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1.Directions Followed?
To include, but not limited to….Word document uploaded (not PDF), Professionally formatted, Word limits adhered to.

2.Framework AppliedWas the Framework correctly and thoroughly applied?

3. Courses of ActionAre there three different COAs?

Clear, well thought out application of Framework. Answered questions thoroughly, with demonstration of clear thought for second and third order considerations – not just the simple first thoughts. Well written and addressed all given concerns within framework. Provides insightful direction on addressing the ethical concern.

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Background Situation
Some have said that data has become the most valuable commodity in the world. As new tech
and app companies create products for customers with increasingly different aims, one of the
things they often ask for in return is access to your data. The smart phone you use has a
variety of different sensors to track you, as well as the data you store from other apps.
Consider entering in your health information into the Apple iPhone app including a variety of
sensitive medical information which some might hesitate to share with their significant other.
One of the sensors which is increasingly becoming ubiquitous is the Bluetooth radio.
Consider how many things your smart phone could connect to, or offers you connection to
through your Bluetooth radio. Then consider that even if you don’t connect, it still senses the
other Bluetooth devices, and sometimes those Bluetooth devices can connect to your phone
without your knowledge. There is a lot of information about you, your information as well as
others you may come into contact with who also have Bluetooth radios.
Currently, the military researching a technology which will run in the background of existing
apps like a virus to smart phones to turn the smart phones into Bluetooth “sniffers” which
report back other Bluetooth radios they come into contact with. Using other data sources,
those reports could be used to track people beyond the person with apps.
News Story: “The Next Step in Government Data Tracking Is the Internet of Things”
Scenario to Consider
You are starting your own company in the USA which centers around an app developed to
help keep track of inebriated individuals. After living through your college years, you realize
that more bad things happen to college age individuals who are out on the town drinking.
Your partner and you have developed an app which individuals who know they are out
drinking, can click a button and a message and a location tracking map is sent to a trusted
individual designated by the customer. If the tracking does not show movement within a
modifiable amount of time, a message is sent to the trusted individual with the last location
and a notice that the phone has not moved in XX amount of time. Additionally, there are two
buttons which take up the face of the smart phone of the customer, one which would send a
message that they individual is inebriated and might need help or to be picked up, the other is
an emergency button which immediately sends out a digital call for help to the local police.
While your app is gaining popularity in the college crowd, it takes a lot of resources to keep
the app up to date, keep track of the customers and continue to market the app. You have
recently been approached by a company SureFire, who offers a nice monthly stipend to allow
them to add some lines of code into your app which would transmit some data back to
SureFire. Partnering with them would also grant you the ability to use some of their existing
technology on some new apps you are considering which should make your business much
more profitable. After doing due diligence on the company, you determine that some of their
founding capital came from a military’s research lab and they maintain connections with that
Your business partner suggests the following compromise: During website checkout offer a
50% off discount to monthly payments if the user agrees to “help research” with their results.
This discount could be attractive to college age customers. If they select the box and receive
the discount, the person’s app gets the additional code from SureFire and your company
profits. If they don’t accept the discount, they do not. Your company’s stipend would depend
on how many customers agree. If a customer is curious about what “help research” really
means, they can call the company and ask questions, and you will explain the situation, but
your partner admits that most people won’t call. He goes on to point out that access to
SureFire’s technology can bring life to some of the projects we’ve been working on! This is
going to be win-win-win, he says.
You feel this opportunity and his suggestion need more thought. Consider his suggestion by
filling out the stakeholder analysis and the EDAM framework.
Stakeholder Analysis
To aid in consistent grading, I have selected your stakeholders and simplified rows. Take
your time to write thoughtful, but succinct answers and concentrate on the most impactful
points. Precision and clarity counts, as well as being thorough. Your answer should fit on this
page (without changing font). You do not have to fill in all cells. Limit to 1-2 sentences in
each block if there is content in the block.
Your Customer
All Benefits
(Intended &
All Consequences
(Intended &
EDAM Framework
Non-customers with
Bluetooth radio devices
Government (Law
Enforcement and
Intelligence Community)
Max word limit: Clarity and precision counts. Each lens cell should not exceed 150 words.
Each COA should not exceed 150 words, but make sure there is clear differentiation
between the COAs. Recommendation is limited to 250 words.
State the Problem/Concern (the ethical quandary) in your own words:
Utilitarian Lens
Deontological Lens
Virtue Lens
Develop at least 3 Courses of Action (COAs)
What is your recommendation and ideas on ways to implement the COA? Explain why you
chose your COA?
Background Situation
Some have said that data has become the most valuable commodity in the worl
d. As new tech and app companies create products for customers with increas
ingly different aims, one of the things they often ask for in return is acc
ess to your data. The smart phone you use has a variety of different senso
rs to track you, as well as the data you store from other apps. Consider e
ntering in your health information into the Apple iPhone app including a va
riety of sensitive medical information which some might hesitate to share w
ith their significant other. One of the sensors which is increasingly beco
ming ubiquitous is the Bluetooth radio.
Consider how many things your smart phone could connect to, or offers you c
onnection to through your Bluetooth radio. Then consider that even if you
don’t connect, it still senses the other Bluetooth devices, and sometimes
those Bluetooth devices can connect to your phone without your knowledge. T
here is a lot of information about you, your information as well as others
you may come into contact with who also have Bluetooth radios.
Currently, the military researching a technology which will run in the back
ground of existing apps like a virus to smart phones to turn the smart phon
es into Bluetooth “sniffers” which report back other Bluetooth radios the
y come into contact with. Using other data sources, those reports could be
used to track people beyond the person with apps.
News Story: “The Next Step in Government Data Tracking Is the Internet of
Scenario to Consider
You are starting your own company in the USA which centers around an app de
veloped to help keep track of inebriated individuals. After living through
your college years, you realize that more bad things happen to college age
individuals who are out on the town drinking. Your partner and you have dev
eloped an app which individuals who know they are out drinking, can click a
button and a message and a location tracking map is sent to a trusted indiv
idual designated by the customer. If the tracking does not show movement w
ithin a modifiable amount of time, a message is sent to the trusted individ
ual with the last location and a notice that the phone has not moved in XX
amount of time. Additionally, there are two buttons which take up the face
of the smart phone of the customer, one which would send a message that the
y individual is inebriated and might need help or to be picked up, the othe
r is an emergency button which immediately sends out a digital call for hel
p to the local police.
While your app is gaining popularity in the college crowd, it takes a lot o
f resources to keep the app up to date, keep track of the customers and con
tinue to market the app. You have recently been approached by a company Su
reFire, who offers a nice monthly stipend to allow them to add some lines o
f code into your app which would transmit some data back to SureFire. Part
nering with them would also grant you the ability to use some of their exis
ting technology on some new apps you are considering which should make your
business much more profitable. After doing due diligence on the company, y
ou determine that some of their founding capital came from a military’s re
search lab and they maintain connections with that lab.
Your business partner suggests the following compromise: During website che
ckout offer a 50% off discount to monthly payments if the user agrees to
“help research” with their results. This discount could be attractive to
college age customers. If they select the box and receive the discount, the
person’s app gets the additional code from SureFire and your company profi
ts. If they don’t accept the discount, they do not. Your company’s stipen
d would depend on how many customers agree. If a customer is curious about
what “help research” really means, they can call the company and ask ques
tions, and you will explain the situation, but your partner admits that mos
t people won’t call. He goes on to point out that access to SureFire’s te
chnology can bring life to some of the projects we’ve been working on! Thi
s is going to be win-win-win, he says.
You feel this opportunity and his suggestion need more thought. Consider hi
s suggestion by filling out the stakeholder analysis and the EDAM framewor
Stakeholder Analysis
To aid in consistent grading, I have selected your stakeholders and simplif
ied rows. Take your time to write thoughtful, but succinct answers and conc
entrate on the most impactful points. Precision and clarity counts, as well
as being thorough. Your answer should fit on this page (without changing fo
nt). You do not have to fill in all cells.
block if there is content in the block.
Your Customer
Limit to 1-2 sentences in each
Non-customers with Government (Law Enf
Bluetooth radio de orcement and Intell
igence Community)
All Benefits
(Intended & Po
All Consequenc
es (Intended &
EDAM Framework
Max word limit: Clarity and precision counts. Each lens cell should not exc
eed 150 words. Each COA should not exceed 150 words, but make sure there i
s clear differentiation between the COAs. Recommendation is limited to 250
State the Problem/Concern (the ethical quandary) in your own words:
Utilitarian Lens
Deontological Lens
Virtue Lens
Develop at least 3 Courses of Action (COAs)
What is your recommendation and ideas on ways to implement the COA?
lain why you chose your COA?

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