introduction and reflection essay

Here is my requirement topic 

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OCE #3, Introduction/Reflection, is the last essay that you will do for the portfolio. I will present the basic requirements and general guidelines for it. However, according to evaluator policy, I can not assist you with the writing of your essay.

1)Typed, double-spaced, following the same format as the other OCE’s. Length of 400-500 words (2—4 pages).

2) One clean, complete version goes in the portfolio. This is NOT a multiple draft assignment.

3) It should follow the same format as the other OCE’s–font size, spacing, margins, etc.. The heading should have your name, your net ID#, English 3001, Fall

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2013, Introduction.

3) Although you will not have any source information for this essay, you must have a turnitin originality report of less than 5% that will go in the portfolio with this essay.

PURPOSE: this essay is to introduce the other items in your portfolio and is to argue that you should receive Basic (Clear) Competence for the University Writing Skills Requirement.

METHOD: As an argument, it must be organized with Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. The background should include some information about you as a writer of English, including your difficulties and if you are not a native English speaker.

You do not need to give any background about the UWSR since your reader has given you this assignment. You need a thesis that is general, for example, I believe I should pass the UWSR because the items in my portfolio show my ability to meet the academic standards.

Body can be organized in various ways. It should use the other essays in the portfolio as examples, evidence, of how you have met the requirement. You could write all about the in-class essays together, then the out-of-class essays. Or, you could write about the skills you have improved and use examples from the essays to explain those skills. Be careful that you do not get too specific in the body.

Remember that it can only be 2–4 pages, and that the evaluator has the essays to refer to.

Conclusion needs to emphasize your opinion and make a final statement that looks to the future, looks to the past, or makes a general statement about writing.

Suggested Outline 1 based on writings Suggested Outline 2 based on skills

THESIS: Receive CC for UWSR because of the work inside. Receive CC for UWSR based on argument,

organization, source usage, and technical command.

(Evaluation Criteria Sills Categories)

BODY: * Weakness and improvements of In Class essays * Argument improvement with examples from essays

* Weaknesses and improvements of Out of Class essays *Organization improvement with examples

* Effort both in and out of class to improve. *Sources used appropriately with examples

*Grammar, word choices, sentences improvement

with examples

CONCLUSION: Emphasis on ability for CC score with a final statement

STYLE: This is a semi-informal argument. You should use first person, I, me, my, etc.. You should also address the reader, you. You may use less formal vocabulary and sentence structure. This essay is your way to communicate to the evaluator. It is your chance to present who you are as a writer.

TITLE: you should have an interesting title for this essay. something that reflects your view and attracts the reader. Past titles have included “Let Me Go” “Please, No More” “I Can Do This.”

Additional information

My in class essay # 1 topic “Television is not a valuable Activity” (diagnostic essay)


the transition and paragraph organization is unclear

Details and analysis is in developing level

syntax problems is some

response to prompt

My in class essay # 2 topic: “Guns in public school”


Thesis is clear

Transition is clear

Paragraph organization is almost clear

Overall organization is clear

Development detail and analysis clear

logic is clear

Syntax problems is very small

grammar errors is very few.

Out of class essay # 1

Topic “The Death Penalty Should Be Banned “

Teacher criticize:

For your next draft, you need to limit the amount of research you have.  the maximun is 3 sources with only 6 pieces of information, including 2 direct quotations.  You have over-developed the section about money.  Try to limit some of the information you have in that part.  Your counter argument section has explain the weakness of the opposing view without using information previously written.  your counter argument mostly repeats reasons you have used in other parts of your essay.  the conclusion could be shorter by making it more general.

Out of class essay # 2

Topic “The Solution in Academic Writing”

Teacher criticize:

for future drafts, you need to limit the amount of your research.  You should only have 3 soursce and/or 6 pieces of information.  You have 5 sources, which is too many.  Also, when you identify the research sources in your essay, do it immediately after you give the information, not at the end of the paragraph where the information is used. Your steps for improving writing are good, but the organization is not clear.  Try to make the body stronger by clearly letting the reader know that you are organizing from least important to most important.  In addition, you do not need to have a title page for the essay.

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