Intro to Computer


Discussion Board

COMP101-1301A-316 Introduction to Computers
Assignment Name: Unit 2

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Discussion Board
Deliverable Length: 3–4 paragraphs

The Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the active participation of students and the instructor to create robust interaction and dialogue. Every student is expected to create an original response to the open-ended DB question as well as engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the week. At the end of each unit, DB participation will be assessed based on both level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion.

At a minimum, each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question and contribute to the weekly dialogue by responding to at least two other posts from students. The first contribution must be posted before midnight (Central Time) on Wednesday of each week. Two additional responses are required after Wednesday of each week. Students are highly encouraged to engage on the Discussion Board early and often, as that is the primary way the university tracks class attendance and participation.

The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit. A. Questions for weekly discussions and conversations (not part of the required Discussion Board assignment)                These questions can serve as the starting point for your discussions during the week. They are “thought starters,” so that you can explore some ideas associated with the discussion board and unit topics. Answers are not required, and should not be submitted with your required assignment. Answers are not graded.1.       Why are clip art libraries useful, not only in Word, but also in PowerPoint?2.       What are the copyright laws that must be followed when using clip art?3.       When might it not be appropriate to use clip art? B. Required Discussion Board assignment.

In the ClipArt Directory, Microsoft provides an abundance of clip art images, icons, backgrounds, and wizards to help you create professional-looking documents. At times, there may be a need to venture to the Internet to find more resources. Many Web sites exist that provide people the ability to download free clip art and other resources.

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Search on the Internet to discover at least 2 additional sites other than Microsoft’s that offer clip art, whether free or for a price. If you have real-life or professional experience with clip art sites, include them as part of the minimum 2 sites and write about the reasons you use these sites. If you have not used clip art before, find 2 sites on the Internet, and provide at least 1 example of when each site could be used in a practical way. Include the type of clip art found at the sites, including categories or special interest areas for the site.

Remember, this assignment will help you research an interesting and potentially useful topic for ongoing work. It also emphasizes research and critical thinking about the topic.

This assignment’s grade is based on the quality of the Discussion Board posts. Be sure to read the Discussion Board assignment requirements. In most situations, you are required to post a specific number of paragraphs or words. Your postings should include proper grammar and spelling. References are required, so be sure you cite your references in correct APA style.

You are also required to respond to your classmates. Remember, a quality post is not a simple one-sentence response. Your responses to your classmates should be at least a paragraph and should be based upon your experiences, the unit readings, or the class materials. If you need more clarification about quality posts, please ask your instructor.

Grading Rubric: Click here for the grading rubric for this assignment.

This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria provided here.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Unit Materials

Points Possible:
Date Due: Sunday, Feb 24, 2013
Objective: Apply critical thinking skills to the content of the courseApply problem-solving skills to the use of a computerPrepare and save documents using word processing software
Submitted Files:
Score: N/A
Instructor Comments: No comments have been made

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