industrial safety hw

6proplems hw see attached file

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Problem 1.
ABC Airlines Company reported
5 deaths per 10,000,000 passenger miles. If the average speed of the airplane is 200 miles per hour,
please calculate the FAR and
rate. Assume average miles
per trip is
300 miles. Please compare
results with the Table 1-4.
you be worried to happy to
fly with
ABC airlines? In Table 1-4,
fatality rate of car is similar
to air
b. A leak of 2,000 kg of octane results in an explosion with a financial loss of $900,000. The last
incident of this type occurred 9 years ago. Use the risk matrix to determine the Severity
Category, the Safety Severity Level and the Risk Level.
Risk Matrix
1. Select the severity from the highest box in either of columns 1, 2 or 3. Read the
Category and Safety Severity Level from the same row.
2. Select the likelihood from columns 4 thru 7.
3. Read the Risk Level from the intersection of the severity row and the likelihood
> 1000 years
Risk Level
Risk Level
Risk Level
Risk Level C
Risk Level
Risk Level
Risk Level
Risk Level D
Risk Level
Risk Level
Risk Level
Risk Level
Risk Level
Greater than
$10 MM
≥ 20x TQ
$1 MM to < $10 MM From 9x to < 20x TQ $25K to < $100K From 3x to < 9x TQ From 1x to < 3x TQ Safety Severity Level Expected to happen Not expected to possibly once in the happen anywhere in division over the life the division of the plant. over the life of the plant ≥ 100 years 3 Chemical Impact Recordable Injuryb 7 IMPROBABLE. BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE 10 to 99 years 2 Fire, Explosion Direct Cost in $ $100K to < $1 MM 6 IMPROBABLE 0 to 9 years 1 Human Health Impact Lost time injury (LTI) likely1 5 UNLIKELY Expected to happen Expected to possibly happen several times once over over the life of the the life of the plant. plant. TMEF: Target mitigated event frequency TQ: Threshold Quantity Public fatality possible, employee fatalities likely Employee fatality possible. Major injury likely 4 LIKELY 4 TMEF = 1×10-3 Risk Level A: Unacceptable risk, additional safeguards must be implemented immediately. Risk Level B: Undesirable risk, additional safeguards must be implemented within 3 months. Risk Level C: Acceptable risk, but only if existing safeguards reduces the risk to As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) levels. Risk Level D: Acceptable risk, no additional safeguards required. Table 1-16 Threshold quantities (TQ) for a variety of chemicals. Source: AICHE/CCPS 2,000 kg = 4,400 lbm Amyl nitrate Acrylamide Bromobenzene Ammonium nitrate fertilizer Calcium oxide Carbon dioxide Amyl acetate Carbon, activated Chloroform Copper chloride 1 Lost time injury (LTI): The injured worker is unable to perform regular job duties, takes time off for recovery, or is assigned modified work duties while recovering. bRecordable injury: Death, days away from work (DAW), restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness. 1 Kerosene Maleic anhydride nDecane Nitroethane Nitrogen, compressed Nitrous oxide Nonanes Oxygen, compressed Paraldehyde Phosphoric acid Potassium fluoride Potassium nitrate Sulfur Tetrachloroethylene Undecane 1,000 kg = 2,200 lbm Acetic anhydride Acetone Acetonitrile Aldol Ammonium perchlorate Aniline Arsenic Barium Benzene Benzidine Butyraldehyde Carbon tetrachloride Coper chlorate Copper cyanide Cycloheptane Cycloheptene Cyclohexene Dioxane Epichlorohydrin Ethyl acetate Ethyl benzene Ethylenediamine Formic acid Heptane Hexane Methacrylic acid Methyl acetate nHeptene Nitrobenzene Nitromethane Octanes Phenol, molten or solid Propylamine Pyridine Silver nitrate Sodium permanganate Tetrahydrofuran Toluene Triethylamine Vinyl acetate Zinc peroxide 500 kg = 1,100 lbm Acetaldehyde Acrylonitrile Calcium cyanide Carbon disulfide Cyclobutane Diethyl ether or Ethyl ether Ethane Ethylamine Ethylene Furan Hydrazine, anhydrous Hydrogen, compressed Lithium Methylamine, anhydrous Potassium Potassium cyanide Propylene oxide Silane Sodium Sodium cyanide Sodium peroxide Trichlorosilane Hydrogen chloride, anhydrous Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous Methyl bromide Methyl mercaptan Sulfur dioxide 25 kg = 55 lbm Chlorine Cyanogen Germane Hydrogen sulfide Nitric acid, red fuming Sulfuric acid, fuming 5 kg = 11 lbm Acrolein Arsine Diborane Dinitrogen tetroxide Methyl isocyanate Nitric oxide, compresse d Nitrogen trioxide Phosgene Phosphine Stibine 200 kg = 440 lbm Ammonia, anhydrous Carbon monoxide 100 kg = 220 lbm Hydrogen bromide, anhydrous Problem 2. a. Please define TLV-TWA, OSHA PEL, and LC50. b. Please find the LC50 of the data provided below: Dose of drug (mg/l) Number of insects Number affected (deaths) 0 50 8 3 46 20 5 48 28 (5) (10) 2 8 49 45 11 50 50 Please shows your work and upload the excel file with the exam. 3 Problem 3. a. Gasoline GHS label usually come with these symbols below. What do they mean? (5) b. NFPA diamond for gasoline is shown below. What do the color and numbers mean? (5) c. Let’s calculate how safe it is in the gas station when you are filling the gas in the car. A Subaru Outback has a gasoline tank of 14 gal volume and it usually takes 3 min to fill the gas. Estimate the concentration of gasoline vapor (in ppm) at the gas station? Please assume molecular weight of gasoline is 94 lbm/lb-mole, vapor pressure of gasoline is 4.6 psi at 77 F, and ventilation at the gas station is 3000 ft3/min. Assume, specific gravity of gasoline is 0.713. Assume, k = 0.1. Ideal gas constant, Rg = 0.7302 ft3-atm/lb-mole-R. Conversion of Rankine, R = 460 + F, 1 gal = 0.1337 ft3, 1ft3 of water = 62.43 lbm of water (10) Problem 4. a. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a toxic byproduct of municipal wastewater treatment plant. H2S has a TLV-TWA of 10 ppm. Please convert the TLV-TWA to lbm/s. Molecular weight of H2S is 34 lbm/lb-mole. If the local ventilation rate is 2000 ft3/min. Assume 80 F is the temperature and 1 atm pressure. Ideal gas constant, Rg = 0.7302 ft3-atm/lb-mole-R. Conversion of Rankine, R = 460 + F. Assume, k = 0.1 (5) b. Let’s assume that local wastewater treatment plant stores H2S in a tank at 100 psig and 80 F. If the local ventilation rate is 2000 ft3/min. Please calculate the diameter of a hole in the tank that could lead a local H2S concentration equals TLV-TWA. Choked flow is applicable and assume 𝛾= 1.32 and C0 = 1. Ideal gas constant, Rg = 1545 ft-lbf/lb-mole-R, x psig = (x+14.7) psia = (x+14.7) lbf/in2 (10) 4 Problem 5. a. Please define ERPG-1, ERPG-3, EEGL-24 hour, AEGL-level 3, and LOC (level of concern) (5) 3 b. A storage tank of a toxic chemical (ERPG-1 = 0.25 mg/m ) is located 1.5 km from a residential area of Melbourne. It is always sunny in Melbourne and assume wind is blowing at 3.9 m/s. Please calculate the amount of toxic chemical instantaneously released at the ground level to produce a concentration at the boundary of the residential area equal to ERPG-1. (10) Pasquill–Gifford Stability Class Plume y (m) z (m) Rural conditions A 0.22x(1 + 0.0001x)–1/2 0.20x B 0.16x(1 + 0.0001x)–1/2 0.12x C 0.11x(1 + 0.0001x)–1/2 0.08x(1 + 0.0002x)–1/2 D 0.08x(1 + 0.0001x)–1/2 0.06x(1 + 0.0015x)–1/2 E 0.06x(1 + 0.0001x)–1/2 0.03x(1 + 0.0003x)–1 F 0.04x(1 + 0.0001x)–1/2 0.016x(1 + 0.0003x)–1 A–B 0.32x(1 + 0.0004x)–1/2 0.24x(1 + 0.001x)+1/2 C 0.22x(1 + 0.0004x)–1/2 0.20x D 0.16x(1 + 0.0004x)–1/2 0.14x(1 + 0.0003x)–1/2 E–F 0.11x(1 + 0.0004x)–1/2 0.08x(1 + 0.0015x)–1/2 Urban conditions Puff Pasquill-Gifford Stability Class z A x (m) 0.60x0.75 0.14x 0.92 0.53x0.73 C 0.10x 0.92 0.34x0.71 D 0.06x0.92 0.15x0.70 E 0.04x 0.92 0.10x0.65 F 0.02x0.89 0.05x0.61 B Problem 6. y (m) or 0.18x0.92 (m) Assume ethane combustion in air: 𝐶2𝐻6+72 𝑂2 =2𝐶𝑂2+3𝐻2𝑂 a. Find LFL, UFL, and LOC (limiting oxygen concentration) (5) b. If LOL and UOL of ethane are 3.0% fuel in oxygen and 66% fuel in oxygen, respectively, please find the stoichiometric line and draw a flammability diagram of ethane (grid lines are provided in the next page). Identify LOL, UFL, LFL, UFL, LOC line, air-line, stoichiometric line, and flammability zone. (10) 5 c. If an ethane tank needs to be out of service, please calculate out of service fuel concentration (OSFC). Please redraw the flammability diagram of ethane and identify the out-of-service lines in the flammability diagram. (5) d. After the maintenance of the ethane tank, we need to bring the tank into service. Please calculate the percentage of N2 need to be added prior to fill ethane to the tank. Please show the tank into service line in the flammability diagram. (5) 6 7 8 9

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